Garlic meat - a riot of taste! Various meat recipes with garlic and cheese, tomatoes, potatoes, sour cream, mayonnaise


Garlic is a mega healthy vegetable.

And he is very fragrant and any dish with him becomes incredibly tasty.

Especially if it is made from meat!

Such a duet simply cannot but please.

How can you cook meat with garlic tasty and easy?

Garlic Meat - General Cooking Principles

The most popular types of meat are pork and beef. But mutton, goat meat and horse meat are also wonderful combined with garlic. Whatever the meat, before use it must be washed, dried and cut into necessary pieces. If you have time, you can pickle.

What processing can be subjected to meat with garlic:

• frying;

• extinguishing;

• cooking;

• baking.

Most often it is fried or baked. In addition to garlic, you can add a wide variety of vegetables, aromatic spices and herbs. Often, cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream, soy sauce, ketchups are put in dishes.

Recipe 1: Meat with garlic and cheese in a skillet

For the preparation of such meat with garlic, it is better to use pork. If beef is taken, then it is better to pickle it the day before, so that the slices become softer and nourished.


• 0.7 kg of meat;

• butter;

• salt;

• pepper;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 100 grams of cheese.


1. Cut the meat into plates 1.5 cm thick. Rub with spices. If beef is taken, then remove in a sealed container and leave for pickling.

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan to a haze, lower the pieces of meat and fry well on one side, turn over.

3. Cover with a lid, remove the fire and fry on the other side.

4. Open, sprinkle the slices with chopped garlic, and grated cheese on top.

5. Cover again and let the cheese melt. Serve hot.

Recipe 2: Oven Garlic and Mayonnaise Meat

The recipe for divinely tender and flavorful meat with garlic, which is fried under boiled pork. Use pork or tender veal. You can take one large piece or 2-3 small ones.


• 1 kg of meat;

• salt pepper;

• a little paprika;

• 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 8-10 cloves of garlic;

• 1 bay leaf.

For baking, you need foil.


1. We wash the meat, dry it.

2. Peel the cloves of garlic and each cut in half lengthwise.

3. Combine mayonnaise with paprika, salt and pepper.

4. We make cuts in the meat and we stuff with garlic, but before that we dip each piece in a fragrant mayonnaise sauce.

5. With the rest of the sauce, coat the meat on all sides and transfer to a piece of foil. Is there any sauce left? Just pour on top and put a bay leaf on it.

6. Raise the edges of the foil up and twist.

7. Put the meat in the oven for 1.5 hours. We bake at 190 degrees. If you want, then in the end you can open the foil and fry.

Recipe 3: Meat with Garlic, Tomato and Cheese

Another variant of oven-baked meat with garlic, but this time in small pieces. You can take pork, veal, but if you use beef, it is better to beat it slightly with a hammer or pickle.


• 0.5 kg of meat;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 120 grams of cheese;

• spices;

• 2 onions;

• vinegar.


1. Cut the meat into cubes or whetstones, sprinkle with spices, add the chopped garlic cloves and mix.

2. Cut the onion into thin rings and place in a bowl. Vinegar is diluted with water to a sour taste and pour for 20 minutes.

3. Tomatoes cut into circles, just three cheese.

4. Put the meat in the form, onion on it, squeezed from the marinade.

5. Put the tomatoes on the onion and grease them with sour cream.

6. Sprinkle the cheese with cheese and bake in the oven for 40 minutes, if it is pork. Beef a little longer.

Recipe 4: Meat with garlic in a tomato in a pan

Pork is best for this dish. The meat is very juicy, tender and immediately with gravy. Suitable for any side dishes.


• 1 kg of pork;

• 6 tomatoes;

• 1 onion;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• 6 cloves of garlic;

• salt and sugar;

• pepper;

• greenery.


1. Rinse the tomatoes and cut each in half. Take a grater and rub the tomato, leaving the skins.

2. Add finely chopped onions and crushed garlic to the tomatoes.

3. Season the sauce with salt, pour a spoonful of sugar, black pepper. Mix everything well.

4. We wash the meat, cut into slices, as for barbecue. It is possible in small cubes. Sent in tomato sauce, stir and leave for 2 hours. Can be done at night, it will be even better.

5. Heat the oil in a frying pan or casserole, spread the meat with tomato and simmer for 70-80 minutes under the lid.

6. Open, season with greens and you're done!

Recipe 5: Meat with garlic in sour cream sauce

A wonderful dish of meat with garlic, which is especially cool combined with mashed potatoes, buckwheat and spaghetti.


• 600 grams of meat;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• butter;

• 1 spoon of flour;

• spices;

• dill;

• 2 onions.


1. Cut the meat into cubes two centimeters.

2. Heat the oil in a skillet, pour meat and fry. As soon as the juice begins to appear, cover and remove the fire. Stew until half cooked.

3. Cut the onion, size and shape to your taste. We send to the meat, in which the liquid should have evaporated. Fry.

4. In another pan we pass the spoonful of flour. As soon as it becomes rosy (and it will happen very quickly), add 100 ml of boiling water, immediately stir intensively so that there are no lumps.

5. Spread flour sauce in meat with onions, immediately add sour cream, spices, cover and simmer for 5 minutes under the lid.

6. At this time, chop the garlic and dill.

7. Open the meat, add the dill with garlic, stir and turn off immediately, Done!

Recipe 6: Meat with Garlic, Honey and Soy Sauce

Recipe for a very flavorful meat in garlic marinade with soy sauce and honey. It can be cooked in a skillet or in the oven.


• 0.8 kg of meat;

• 70 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 spoon of honey;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• pepper;

• some oil.


1. Cut the meat into pieces, as for barbecue. Maybe a little smaller.

2. Add chopped garlic to soy sauce, then melted honey and pepper. Stir.

3. Put the aromatic marinade in the meat, stir and let stand for at least an hour.

4. Now heat a little oil in a frying pan, spread the meat and simmer for about 40 minutes. If the liquid evaporates earlier, you can add a little water. Then fry without a lid until rosy color.

5. Or we shift the meat into a greased form and bake in the oven until cooked. Similarly, it can be placed in a sleeve or foil.

Recipe 7: Appetizing Meat with Garlic and Potatoes

The recipe for a wonderful potato dish with meat and garlic, which is cooked in the oven. For him, you can use not only pork with beef, but also lamb, goat, rabbit. But in this case, we make pieces as large as the bone allows.


• 1 kg of meat;

• 1 head of garlic;

• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 0.5 tablespoons of seasoning for meat;

• 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 2 onion heads;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• salt.


1. Cut the washed meat into cubes, sprinkle with spices and leave to marinate.

2. Onion shred in half rings, garlic just finely chopped.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into small slices, add half the garlic and mayonnaise, salt and mix.

4. The second part of the garlic is sent to the meat, also stirred.

5. Spread the meat to the bottom of a greased form, level it.

6. Sprinkle the onion on top and spread the potatoes.

7. Tear off a piece of foil, cover the mold and send it to the oven for an hour.

8. Then we remove the foil, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and fry for another twenty minutes.

Recipe 8: Meat with garlic, prunes and potatoes in pots

Cook the pot! This is about this dish. It is enough to put all the ingredients in pots, send in the oven and you can do your own thing. The number of ingredients per 1 pot.


• 100 grams of meat;

• 2 small potatoes;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 4 prunes;

• spices;

• 1 tsp ghee;

• 40 ml sour cream;

• 40 ml of water or broth.


1. Take a spoonful of ghee and lubricate the pot from the inside, just pour the rest to the bottom.

2. Cut the meat into cubes, add chopped garlic, spices to it, mix and put on the bottom of the pot.

3. We wash the prunes, cut each fruit into three parts and send it to the meat with garlic.

4. Cut the peeled potatoes into slices, add them to the meat.

5. Combine sour cream with broth, salt and pepper, pour into a pot.

6. Cover and put in the oven for an hour.

7. Before serving, put a couple of parsley branches on top. They put such meat on the table right in the pots.

Garlic Meat - Tips & Tricks

• No fresh garlic? Use dry! In dishes, it reveals good taste, gives a wonderful aroma and pungency. And using and storing it is even more convenient.

• Roasted meat will be more flavorful if you add chopped garlic at the very end of cooking and do not heat it.

• It is not necessary to add garlic to the dish itself. It can be added to sauces from sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup, which are planned to be served with meat.

• The meat will be softer if you rub the pieces with mustard before frying. And so that they get a golden brown crust, you can add a little honey or granulated sugar to the sauce.

• If lean meat, make it juicy and tender harder. But you can always add vegetable oil to the marinade, which penetrates well into the product and nourishes it.

• If the dish is frozen meat, it is important to be able to thaw it properly. It is best left for a day just in the refrigerator. And if you need faster, then lay the product in cold water and periodically change it.


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