Voluminous flowers from paper with your own hands - handmade beauty! Master class with a photo: flowers and do-it-yourself paper bouquets


Paper bouquets can be an original gift, a decoration for gift wrapping, or a basket with sweets.

You need to make a little imagination, spend a little time and a minimum of materials.

How diverse the world of flowers is, so wide is the choice of their paper counterparts.

We offer you several options.

Rose 1


The original bouquet of roses in the Art Nouveau style is easy to make yourself. It's simple. Let's make some roses (odd amount). To do this, take a smooth thick paper of suitable colors. If the bouquet is monochrome, you can choose red, hot pink or deep blue. Flowers of the same color in different shades and tones are well combined. For the stem you need wire and green paper. Leaves will not do.

Step 1. We cut a square 10 * 10 cm from the paper, inside it we draw a spiral with a distance between the turns of 1 cm. We cut the paper along this line. It turns out the tape. If you hold it at one end, you get a spiral.

Step 2. We turn the strip, starting from the outer end, slightly dissolving it. It turns out a flower. We fix the inner and outer end with glue.

Step 3. We smear the wire with glue and wrap it with green paper. We attach the resulting stem to the flower. You just need to pierce the middle of the flower with the end of the wire and bend the upper end with a small loop. There are several such colors to make.

Step 4. Combine the flowers in a bouquet and tie with a silk ribbon. Depending on the size of the flowers and the number of them in a bunch, you can decorate the gift box with such a bouquet or insert it into a gift vase. Laconic elegant roses look very stylish.

Rose 2

Another easy way to make volume flowers from paper with your own hands in the form of roses. These flowers can decorate the festive table by placing them between the plates or make a three-dimensional panel on the wall. Stems are not needed here.

We will need smooth, thin paper in a suitable color. Rosettes will be small. We take 4 squares 8 * 8 cm, fold them four times, and then from corner to corner.

We cut off the corner by 0.5 cm. This will be the central hole of each part. The upper part is cut in a semicircle. Expand the resulting tiers.

To make a voluminous rose, we cut each tier as shown in the picture. And the fourth part is cut into 2 identical parts.

Now we wrap the edges of each petal by screwing it on a pencil. Of the 4 layers, each top will be 1 petal smaller than the bottom.

Thus, we begin to fold the flower by gluing the tier to the tier. In the center we fix the rolled up "pestle".

Now we make the base and leaves. From green paper, cut a small circle and glue it to the bottom base of the rose. From the same paper we cut out 3 oval sheets with pointed ends. To give them volume, put them in a flat "pleated". We connect the leaves together with glue as in the picture and glue to the base. Smart decoration is ready.

Sweet basket

As you know, women of all ages love sweets. But giving a banal box of chocolates is not original. But to hide a treat in bulk flowers made of paper with your own hands is beautiful. Such a gift testifies to the attention to the person to whom it is intended.

We make a basket with yellow tulips.


• Several round candies in a beautiful package;

• Yellow corrugated paper

• Smooth glossy green paper for leaflets;

• Teip - green tape;

• Wire with thread winding;

• Threads, scissors, ruler

• Thermo gun or thin tape.

Step 1. For each tulip, we cut 6 oval petals 5 cm long and 4 cm wide (in the middle of the petal). Each petal is stretched in the middle, making it convex and round. Twist the lower end of the petal, sharpening.

Step 2. We form a flower. Put candy in the middle and surround it with six petals as in the picture. We connect the lower ends, in the middle leading the end of the wire. To keep the structure well, wrap it with a thread. So do a few flowers.

There is another way to fix the stem for bulk paper flowers made by yourself. We unfold one end of the candy wrapper and wind it onto the end of the wire coated with glue. And then later on top you can stick the petals.

Step 3. From smooth green paper, cut out 2 elongated leaves for each tulip. First, we wrap the stem - wire along the entire length with a green tape - tape. Then, using a glue gun, attach the leaves to the stem so that the bud is between them.

Step 4. We put tulips in a basket or a small vase, we tie them with a satin ribbon. The gift is ready!

Chrysanthemums - do-it-yourself volumetric flowers from paper

You can choose the most bizarre colors for fluffy chrysanthemums. The bouquet combines lilac - pink flowers, pistachio - cream. The choice is for your taste. It will take quite a bit of time and skill to make a bouquet of such flowers.

For 1 chrysanthemum, you need a strip of thin paper of the main color with a width of 5-6 cm, paper for leaflets, green wire, scissors, glue, adhesive tape.

First, cut out a strip 20-25 cm long (the longer the strip, the more fluffy and voluminous the flower will be). We cut one side with a thin fringe through 1-2 mm. The depth of the slots is 3.5-4 cm. Then, we attach an adhesive tape to the lower edge, attach the end of the wire to it and wind the cut strip onto the stem. Fringe gathers in a fluffy corolla of chrysanthemum.

We cut out rounded leaves from green paper, wide folds will give them volume. We attach them with tape or glue to the stem. We knit the bouquet with a beautiful ribbon or put it in a vase.


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