Al Pacino - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news, photos


Al Pacino (Alfredo James "Al" Pacino) - the famous American theater and film actor of Italian origin. During his career he starred in forty films and actively participated in theatrical productions. Al Pacino is the owner of the three most prestigious awards for acting: “Tony”, “Oscar”, “Golden Globe”.

Al Pacino was born in New York on April 25, 1940. Al's parents, Sicilian by birth, broke up when the boy was two years old. Mother was forced to move to the poorest area of ​​New York to her parents. Times were difficult, little Alya was overly patronized by her grandmother, not even allowing her to play with children on the street. However, the future actor at the age of 9 began to smoke, and already at 13 he tried alcohol. The only joy for Alfredo was going to the cinema. The boy imitated scenes from films and masterfully played them in front of his relatives.

At school, Pacino did not differ in exemplary behavior, he was more interested in staging a drama circle. The boy turned out to be so talented that the head of the circle advised his mother to enroll him in performing arts courses. Unfortunately, very soon Pacino abandoned his studies and began to earn a living. He was a ticket carrier, a postman, a courier, a seller ... Later, having saved some money, Alfredo entered the studio of Herbert Berghof, setting himself the goal of mastering acting.

Al Pacino - the beginning of a stellar career

Al Pacino played many roles in the theater and his success was noted by critics. He became the best theater actor of 1967-68. And for his role in the Broadway production of “Does the Tiger Wear a Necktie?” Pacino was awarded the Tony Theater Award. The debut of Al Pacino on the big screen was the film "I, Natalie." Two years later, the young actor perfectly played in the movie "Panic in Needle Park" (1971). His excellent game did not go unnoticed. Director Francis Copola invites him to play Michael Corleone in the movie The Godfather.

Al Pacino - gaining popularity

After the premiere of The Godfather, Al Pacino literally woke up popular. The success of the film was simply overwhelming. For his skill, the actor was nominated for an Oscar as the best supporting actor, but he did not get the coveted statuette. It turned out that Al was not quite ready for sudden glory. He began to abuse alcohol and did not act in film for four years, preferring to work on his own projects.

Al Pacino - The Most Notable Roles

In the filmography of the actor, disastrous roles also happened. For example, “Revolution” (1985) and “Bobby Deerfield”. The triumphant return of Al Pacino to the screens in the film “The Smell of a Woman” by Martin Brest brought the actor the long-awaited Oscar. After this picture, Pacino starred in several dozen films, in each of which he was magnificent. These are Carlito’s Way, Devil’s Advocate (1997), Ocean’s 13 Friends, and many others.

Al Pacino - personal life

The actor is known for his many novels, however, despite his middle age, he was never married. He has three illegitimate children: daughter Julie Marie from Jen Terrant and twins Olivia Rose and Anthon James from Beverly D'Angelo, whom the actor met for almost seven years. Today in Hollywood there are rumors about the romance of 71-year-old Pacino with model Lucila Polack, who dreams of giving birth to her beloved baby. Pacino himself does not give the press any comments, carefully protecting his personal life.

Al Pacino - interesting facts

  • Al Pacino lost his mother at the age of 22, she died of leukemia.
  • Relatives of the actor come from the province of Corleone (!), Sicily.
  • In 1961, Al Pacino was arrested for possession of a firearm.
  • He studied acting at the school, where he later studied Robert De Niro, Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando.
  • The British Empire magazine has included a remarkable actor on the list of one hundred great movie stars of all time. As Pacino himself says, “The key to success is desire, which is always with me.”

Al Pacino - today

Despite his age, the legendary actor takes part in many projects. In 2013, fans of Al Pacino will see him on the screens in the paintings “Mary, Mother of Christ” and “Dali and Me: A Surreal Story”.


Victoria 04/03/2016
The great actor of all time)))


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