Stew with mushrooms: the opinion of nutritionists and experienced cooks. Proper Mushroom Stew Recipe


The assortment of meat dishes with mushrooms cannot be counted and systematized, since such dishes are very popular in world culinary.

At the same time, each housewife often has its own company recipe, or an improved or adapted version of one or another meat recipe stewed with mushrooms.

Stew with mushrooms - basic technological principles

Among all products, mushrooms occupy a special place: they are not meat and not vegetables.

Dishes from mushrooms are heavy for assimilation by the body, but none of the lovers of this product thinks to refuse to use them. Therefore, the only way out of this situation is to cook them so that it is tasty, and so that there is no discomfort during the digestion of food.

The first and main requirement for the preparation of mushrooms is precaution. Everyone knows that among these ancient inhabitants of the planet there are poisonous specimens. Even the best and most edible mushrooms can be poisonous if they are collected in places that are environmentally polluted. Therefore, the requirement is the first and most important: I'm not sure - do not eat, and do not even touch an unfamiliar mushroom. Let such mushrooms remain in the forest to exclude an ambulance call and long-term treatment. Mushrooms, which are sold in supermarkets, are suitable for preparing any dishes with this ingredient, and their use is absolutely safe for health. If you still prefer mushrooms collected during the "silent hunt", then they must be boiled for at least 40 minutes, changing the water twice. Only after this can you start preparing them.

Nutritionists are unanimous in the fact that mushrooms are a healthy product that exceeds meat by three times the protein content and contains many useful vitamins and minerals valuable to humans. However, the structure of the chitin molecule in fungi does not allow the human body to absorb this substance during digestion. Too large molecules that could provide invaluable assistance to our body by eliminating cholesterol and fatty acids do not participate in digestion at all and create a feeling of quick satiety, and when overeating, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

There is good news: even after heat treatment, mushrooms, getting into the digestive system, absorb the harmful substances that are in it, and remove them, cleansing the body of everything unnecessary. For this reason, even nutritionists consider mushrooms to be healthy food, although with some limitations in their use, and additional recommendations for the preparation of mushroom dishes.

Based on this, in cooking there are some mushroom cooking rules.

The highest content of chitin in the legs of mushrooms. Therefore, they need to be crushed more carefully. Hats can even be left intact, for example, for stuffing. Given the complexity of assimilation of the product by the body, mushrooms are best used in combination with vegetables, dietary meats, cereals, sour-milk sauces, but the number of mushrooms in the dish should be significantly less than other products. But also it must be borne in mind that raw mushrooms more than 80% consist of water, which will evaporate during the heat treatment, and the mass of mushrooms in the dish will significantly decrease.

Strengthen the aroma of mushrooms and make their presence in the dish possible using some culinary tricks. For this purpose, use dried and powdered porcini mushrooms. Milk products restore mushroom smell very well. Finally, adding spices, select a priority for the flavor of the dish. Remember that there are seasonings whose aroma is too aggressive and can drown out even the smell of the main ingredient of the dish. Some of the spices and herbs, on the contrary, can serve as an excellent background for the mushroom smell, emphasizing it. These are, first of all, peppers: red, cayenne, black, burning. By stimulating the mucous membrane in the mouth, they stimulate the organs of touch and smell to perceive odors. Onions, garlic (in small quantities), tarragon, caraway seeds, basil, marjoram, wormwood, thyme, rosemary, nutmeg and parsley in a moderate amount emphasize the smell of mushrooms.

Now a few words about meat. Rather, about combining it with mushrooms in stews. Given all of the above, including the fact that mushrooms contain protein, do not overload the dish. Even if you use non-dietary varieties of meat, try to avoid its abundance. Choose lean meat, and use vegetable fats, sour cream or cream to stew it, but without fanaticism.

In stews, meat and other products are brought to readiness during slow processing with steam or water, meat or vegetable broth, in which spices and spices are added to bring to the desired taste. The oil is used for pre-frying, and dairy products containing organic acids, penetrating into the fibers of semi-finished meat products, improve its consistency, making it soft and juicy. As a result of stewing meat, juice is released that creates the taste of the broth along with other stewed ingredients.

Recipe 1. Stew with mushrooms: home-style roast




Veal (tenderloin)





Margarine (premium)


Cut peeled and washed medium-sized potatoes into slices and boil until half cooked. Do not salt. Chop the onion and grate the carrots coarsely. Slice the peeled greenhouse champignons. Cut the meat with 2x2x3 cm bars.

Passer the onions and carrots by adding a little flour and seasoning them with tomato paste. Fry mushrooms and meat separately on margarine. Season with spices separately, but very carefully so that in the total mass all ingredients are seasoned in moderation.

Transfer potatoes, fried meat, mushrooms and tomato dressing to pots. Pour the contents of the pots with boiling water (water or broth). Place the pots in a deep pan and place in the oven preheated to 220ºϹ for 25-30 minutes. Turn off the oven, add chopped greens to each pot separately, cover and let it brew a little.

Recipe 2. Stew with mushrooms and rice


Chicken drumstick - by the number of servings

Mushrooms, fried - 50 g per serving

Passioned onions - 30 g each

Long grain rice - 150 g each (stewed)

Butter (for stewing rice)

Prunes 100 g

Egg 1-2 pcs.

Onion, white (for sauce)

Grated carrots (for sauce)

Salt, ground pepper (sweet and hot red), bay leaf, turmeric

Yogurt, unsweetened


Dry the tarred and washed chicken legs with a napkin. With a sharp knife, separate the skin from the meat with bone and chop the bone at the base, leaving the skin on the bone, 2-3 cm long. Process the extracted parts of the lower leg: separate the flesh from the bone and chop the meat finely. The bones come in handy for the broth. Combine chopped flesh with finely chopped fried mushrooms and passivated onions. Season the cooked minced meat with spices, add the egg and beat thoroughly. Next, we stuff the chicken skin on the leg and fasten it at the top with a skewer or a toothpick. We lower the semi-finished products in boiling water and steam, so that the skin sticks to the meat and does not slip during further heat treatment. Then remove the legs and remove the toothpicks. From the remaining, in which the legs were cooked, prepare the sauce. Dissolve the butter in it, season with spices, introduce yogurt diluted with cold water so that it does not curdle from the temperature difference. Let the sauce boil and add finely chopped onions, prepared prunes, carrots. After boiling, reduce heat to a minimum and put washed and previously soaked rice on vegetables. On the rice "pillow" we lay the stuffed legs. If there is not enough liquid to extinguish the rice, add boiling water so that it covers rice for 3-5 cm. Stew until tender. We put rice on the dish, on top - stewed vegetables and chicken leg stuffed with mushrooms.

Recipe 3. Stew with mushrooms, pepper and eggplant

Ingredients (net weight in the same ratio):

Sweet pepper


Pork tenderloin


Eggplant, blue

Sweet Spicy Tomato Sauce

Onion (mild variety)




Cut the washed and peeled ingredients: pepper and sweet onion - into large cubes, carrots and pork - into thin cubes, eggplant - into halves of plates no more than 1 cm thick; mushrooms - in half. Fry all the ingredients separately, then layering them in layers in a heat-resistant cookware. Boil fresh chanterelles and rinse, drain the water. During the frying process, lightly spice each of the components of the dish. Use “wok” to fry vegetables, adding very little oil. Before you put the fried foods in a common bowl, be sure to drain the excess oil.

For the dish, take a sauce like "Krasnodar". If this is not available, then the sauce can be prepared from tomato paste: dilute it with boiled water to the consistency of the sauce and add sugar, salt, red hot pepper, ground coriander seeds and 1 g of ground cloves. Pour the cooked ingredients into the sauce and simmer for about fifteen minutes over low heat. Five minutes before graduation, add chopped greens and bay leaf.

Recipe 4. Braised paw stew with mushrooms

Sometimes there is a need for steamed food. This method of heat treatment of products refers to one of the extinguishing options.


Tenderloin, pork 1.2 kg (6 servings)

Champignons 700 g (fresh)

Onion 250 g (net)

Ground pepper; nutmeg; salt

Nuts (fried kernels) 150 g

Chopped parsley

Cheese (hard) 400 g


Cut the tenderloin into portions, 200 g each, across the fibers, and beat them. Prepare the mincemeat: finely chopped mushrooms and onions, pass with a small amount of butter, seasoning with spices. Add chopped greens of parsley, ground nutmeg to the prepared minced meat and mix. In the cooked, beaten pieces of pork, wrap the mushroom stuffing. Place the semi-finished products on the wire rack and cook immediately. Grind the cheese on a fine grater and chop the nuts. Combine the cheese and chopped nuts, add one clove of chopped garlic. Sprinkle the prepared mixture with zrazy before removing from the wire rack, cover the dishes with a lid and wait until the cheese melts.

Prepare sour cream sauce for zrash.

Recipe 5. Stew with mushrooms, rice and cabbage


White cabbage 350 g

Rice, round 200 g

Mushrooms 800 g (fresh champignons)

Onion 150 g

Veal fillet 0.5 kg

Ryazhenka 250 ml

Milk 300 ml

Flour (for passivation) 50 g

Spices, chopped dill, salt

Passenger Margarine 75 g


Wash and soak the rice for two hours in cold water. Chop onion and cabbage and slice fresh champignons. Cut the veal into bars and fry until half cooked on cream margarine in gooseberries or other suitable utensils, until browned, add the onion and continue to fry, with continuous stirring until the onions are transparent. Add mushrooms, reduce heat and continue to quench, stirring the stew continuously. Prepare the sauce from milk, fermented baked milk, flour. Combine and mix milk and mix, adding flour, until a homogeneous consistency. Season the sauce with spices and pour into the stew. Bring the dish to a boil and add rice, leveling it over the entire surface of the pot or gooseberry. Rice should be covered with sauce 5-6 cm above the level. Continue stewing the rice, but without stirring the ingredients, covering the pan with a lid. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, put in a pan a layer of slaw and chopped greens. Close the cover. After turning off the stove, let the stew brew for about half an hour.

Recipe 6. Stew with mushrooms: duck breast with buckwheat porridge and porcini mushrooms, in Russian


Breast (musky duck) 500 g

Buckwheat groats 180 g

Carrot 100 g

Onion 150 g

Celery (stem) 50 g

Boiled porcini mushrooms 200 g

Thyme, rosemary

Broth, meat 0.5 l


1 clove garlic

Ghee 75 ml

Red wine 250 ml

Mixture of peppers


Cut the breast into thin slices across the fibers and, laying in a closed container, fill with wine, adding garlic and pepper. Do not salt. Soak the meat for at least an hour. In the meantime, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Wash the cereal and dry it by steaming in a dry cast iron skillet. Cut the carrots, celery stalk and onions into slices or half rings. Finely chop the legs of the ceps, and the hats can be cut in half. Heat oil and fry the mushrooms, add the remaining vegetables to them and pass until soft. Add the buckwheat to the vegetables and add the broth. Put one sprig of rosemary and thyme; put out. Heat oil in a separate frying pan and fry the duck breast slices. When browned, pour the wine into the pan and wait for it to evaporate. Transfer the meat to buckwheat and simmer another 10-15 minutes, covering it with a lid.

Recipe 7. Stew with mushrooms, pumpkin and cherry


Goulash set 0.5 kg

Pumpkin 250 g (net)

Seedless Cherry 150 g

Mushrooms, salted 300 g

Orange zest, fresh 50 g

Onion, white 100 g


Muscat, red paprika, dried

Refined Oil 70 ml


In hot oil, fry slices of low-fat beef, add finely chopped onions and thin plates of pre-soaked salty loaves in water. Season the meat and mushrooms with paprika, ground nutmeg, put a couple of sprigs of rosemary and pour in the broth. Simmer over low heat. Separately, without oil, fry the pumpkin cubes with cherries in a hot pan, slightly watering them with maple or ordinary sugar syrup, for caramelization. Add the finished berries and pumpkin to the meat with mushrooms and immediately put the orange zest. Check the readiness of the meat to determine when you can turn off the stove. Soak the finished dish under a closed lid for about 20 minutes before serving. Garnish with saffron and prune rice.

Mushroom Stew - Tips & Tricks

  • Experts advise using stiffer parts of carcasses for stewing, so that the meat is not digested during stewing, which is a long heat treatment. But this question can be approached from the other side: approximately knowing the duration of cooking of one or another type of meat, you can bring it to the simultaneous readiness with other components of dishes by adjusting the bookmark time.

  • Softer and varieties of meat products are laid in a stewpan, pot or pan along with mushrooms, or vegetables and stew together.

  • Meat with a dense and rigid fiber structure can be pre-cured in a marinade, with the addition of acidic components, fried, and then stewed or laid for stewing before other components that do not require long-term heat treatment.


Watch the video: Learn To Cook: How to Properly Prepare Portobello Mushrooms (June 2024).