Face mask with honey recipes


Honey is known for its beneficial properties for a long time. Which of it can do face masks? Let's find out.

Since long, honey is used for different purposes. For centuries it has been famous for its beneficial properties, and modern research only confirms this. With the help of honey, many diseases are treated and it is widely used in cosmetology.

It is a biologically active product that contains amino acids, trace elements, vitamins and proteins. The value of honey is that it retains its wealth and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Honey is used to make many homemade cosmetics. In particular, this product makes an excellent face mask with honey (for the face). Honey also fights for a beautiful body - reviews show that massage with honey is considered the most effective remedy against cellulite.

Honey face mask at home

Recognized as the best facial mask with honey. Anything can be added to it: St. John's wort, yarrow, glycerin, vaseline, castor oil, mint, iodine, parsley, and so on. Also useful mask with ginger, with the addition of wheat germ, rice, salt, cottage cheese, kefir, rolled oats, with turmeric, starch, gelatin, with mummy, ginger, and so on.

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of honey. Therefore, it should be bought only from reliable vendors or even directly from beekeepers. This product is rich in fakes. Very often, a simple syrup with sugar and additives is given for honey.

To melt the candied product, you need to make a water bath with a temperature of not more than 70 degrees. The thing is that during heating, all the useful properties evaporate. You should not prepare a mixture for masks in advance, as the product is valuable for its freshness.

Before applying the mask, the face must be thoroughly cleaned. It is better to apply a mask after a shower, when the skin is still steaming, as in this case it will have pores open. It is necessary to wash off the mask with cool water, and then apply the cream. To maximize the benefits of masks, it is recommended to apply them before bedtime. Let's talk about the most effective face masks with honey.

Recipes for rejuvenation

Honey and cinnamon

Honey combined with cinnamon stimulate the skin. This mask activates blood circulation and supplies the skin with oxygen. It is applied to any skin, especially if there are early signs of aging.
To make the mix, mix the honey and cinnamon in a teaspoon. If your skin is very dry, add more olive oil. Apply the mixture onto the face and neck in the direction of the massage lines.

Honey and sour cream

Sour cream and honey together provide nutrition and rejuvenation. Organic acids smooth fine wrinkles and make smooth skin from loose skin. At the same time, if you regularly use a mask, it will improve the respiration of the cells and the face will be fresh and even.
For cooking you need to add the same amount of sour cream and honey. The drier the skin, the fatter must be sour cream.
It is also necessary to apply along the massage lines. In addition, you can put the same mask on your hands, because they also need rejuvenation. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Honey and oatmeal

This mask is especially effective in winter, as it gives the face a healthy shine, eliminates dryness and flaking. Honey nourishes the skin, and oatmeal exfoliates and softens, which ultimately gives a delicate and radiant skin.
For cooking, mix the flakes and liquid honey until a sticky mass is obtained. To the consistency was correct it is better to use small flakes.

Honey and Yolk

Mask with egg cares for mature skin that needs nourishment and hydration. With the help of a course of such masks, the skin will become well-groomed and younger.
To get this mask, mix a little yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Mix thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous.
It should be applied to the neck, face and décolleté. It should be applied evenly and leave for 20 minutes.

Milk and honey

This is the best mask to create the perfect skin. These ingredients cleanse the skin and return it a healthy glow.
Add honey and milk in a ratio of one to two until smooth. The mixture will be liquid, so you will need a cotton swab to apply.
Application should be a thin layer. The mask dries quickly, so it must be periodically re-applied. After 20 minutes you can wash.

Honey and Egg White

If you have a combination and fat-prone skin, then this mask is for you. Protein will narrow pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. After you apply this mask, your face will become dull and your pores will narrow and clean.
To prepare, take the egg white and whisk a little. Add honey. The important point is that the protein should not be whipped up to the meringue state, but only to a homogeneous mass.
Spread the mask on the face along the massage lines. Do not touch the skin around the eyes. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

Honey and coffee

This is more a scrub than a mask. It helps to polish and cleanse the skin. After applying it, you will get a smooth, even and clean skin. In addition, the mask with coffee gives a micro massage to the skin, which contributes to the flow of blood and oxygen.
To scrub, mix a tablespoon of coffee grounds and liquid honey.
Apply gently to the face and neck. After 15 minutes, the mask can be washed off.
After the procedure, be sure to apply the cream.

Nourishing Mask of Wrinkles

Mask with banana and honey helps to get rid of wrinkles. Banana is enriched with beneficial vitamins. Due to the softness of the banana, the mask will turn out to be gentle, which is great for thin and tired skin. The mask will help improve the complexion, get rid of pigmentation and redness, as well as smooth out wrinkles.

To prepare, take one banana and a spoonful of honey. Make a puree with a mixer or blender. The mass will turn out gentle, elastic with a pleasant taste and smell.
Spread the finished mask on the massage lines in a thick layer. Wait 20 minutes and rinse.

How to get rid of acne

Mask with soda will be a real salvation for those who have long wanted to get rid of black dots. Soda cleans the skin well, kills germs that lead to inflammation. The mask dries existing pimples and prevents the appearance of new ones. Honey gives the person nutrition and hydration.

A tablespoon of soda is added to 100 grams of warm water, and liquid honey is added to the mixture.
Mask should be applied carefully so as not to cause skin damage. Soda can slightly traumatize the skin if the procedure is done carelessly. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes. After that, wash and smear your face with cream.

Moisturizing for dry skin

The mask with honey and lemon is extremely useful and gives the skin freshness. Lemon has an excellent whitening effect. If you regularly use the mixture, you will get rid of pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and your face will shine. For very dry skin, the mask is not suitable, as honey dries a little.
To prepare, squeeze some lemon juice and mix it with liquid honey. Juice replace the pulp if desired.
Distribute the mask on the massage lines, but avoid the area around the eyes. Leave on for half an hour, and then rinse with cool water.

These are the basic recipes for face masks with honey. There are also masks with aspirin, gelatin, aloe, clay, yeast, apple, brandy, cucumber, acetylsalicylic acid, and so on. Thanks to their use, you will always have a fresh and healthy skin.


Watch the video: DIY: Honey Lemon Face Mask (June 2024).