How to treat thrush at home - effective ways. How to protect yourself and your partner from thrush: doctor's advice


What every thrush knows almost every woman, with 30% suffering from chronic, periodically appearing candidiasis.

There are many reasons for the development of this disease.

Before you figure out how to treat thrush at home, you need to find out the causes and symptoms of the disease.

This is where we will begin.

We treat thrush: symptoms and causes

What exactly provokes its appearance? The thing is that the bacteria that cause it must be normal in the body. But there are situations when various factors provoke an imbalance of microflora, this leads to an increase in yeast-like fungi.

The main predisposing factors include the following:

1. Reception of antibiotics, cytostatics, for a long time.

2. Violation of the activity of the endocrine glands. For example, diabetes mellitus or ovarian hypofunction.

3. The onset of pregnancy.

4. A woman uses contraceptives.

5. Diseases associated with oncology, inflammation, infection of the genital organs. They are usually caused by microorganisms such as chlamydia, Trichomonas.

6. Tuberculosis.

7. Improper nutrition, disruption in digestion.

8. Transmission of the disease through sexual contact.

You can determine the presence of thrush yourself, but for this you need to know the first symptoms and signs of its appearance:

1. From the vagina there are discharge in the form of curd masses.

2. In the genital area, something constantly itches and burns.

3. When urinating, severe pain occurs.

4. During intercourse, discomfort and pain occurs.

5. Non-observance of personal hygiene.

6. Clothing is too narrow, namely jeans, tights, trousers.

7. On mucous membranes injuries or burns.

Thrush in men - symptoms:

1. Hypermia of the foreskin, as well as the glans penis.

2. In the area of ​​the foreskin and on the head, severe itching is felt.

3. During intercourse, severe pain.

4. The appearance of whitish plaque on the head.

5. When urinating, a man may observe a whitish discharge.

6. It hurts to go to the toilet.

How to treat thrush at home: medication

If you notice that you have the first symptoms, do not think about how to treat thrush at home, but go to your doctor as soon as possible. Having started treatment on time, you can overcome the ailment at home, using those medicines that your doctor prescribed. But for this you need to pass a number of tests, find out what caused the development of candidiasis. After all, it is possible that this is just the result of a disease. Therefore, the main treatment should be directed precisely at eliminating the cause of development, and only then at the thrush itself.

At the initial stage, you can get rid of the disease with topical drugs. Ointments and creams can be attributed to them, treatment involves applying them to the places where Candida is present. Women are recommended to drink antifungal suppositories, as well as antravaginal tablets. Today, the following drugs are used to treat thrush:

• Econazole, clotrimazole;

• Miramistin, Cyclopirox;

• Livarol, Terzhinan.

This is a fairly effective means, after the treatment of which, thrush passes quickly enough.

Every woman should know how to treat thrush at home with systemic medicines, namely tablets and oral solutions. Many of these drugs are toxic, so caution is important. In no case do not buy medicine yourself, without a doctor’s prescription.. The body of each person is individual, and it is possible that you may be allergic to certain medications. I would like to once again note the fact that you can treat the disease only with the means and drugs that your doctor has prescribed for you.

How to treat thrush at home: folk remedies

Folk remedies are quite popular for use, and this, perhaps, can be explained by the fact that they are really effective. But they can only be used in conjunction with drug treatment. Below we will talk about recipes against candidiasis. In order to treat thrush at home, specialists can prescribe the use of decoctions and baths. They are used to wash the foci of infection. Below are the most effective recipes:

1. Carrot juice. Surely many people know that carrots contain beta-carotene. It is very useful for all organisms, including the mucous membrane. You can eat carrots inside, but before that squeeze the juice out of it. Each time a new dose of fresh juice is needed, drink 200 ml each morning and evening. You can also use the product as a wash, for this, dilute the juice in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

2. Oak bark. Tincture on oak bark has proven itself, especially since it is one of the most inexpensive means that can be used at home. Take 1 tablespoon of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. Prepare a steam bath, put a saucepan with ingredients on it. Boil the product for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave for one hour. Tincture can be used as a douching or washing. Many doctors advise making a swab of gauze. Before going to bed, soak it in tincture, and then enter it into the vagina. Do not remove until morning. Men can treat the foci of infection on the penis just by wiping.

3. Soda. Almost every home has soda. Surely you thought about how else you can treat thrush, but you could not even think of using soda for this. But, as you know, it is an alkali. Not a single fungus can be in an alkaline environment, which is why they die almost instantly under its influence. To prepare the product, follow the instructions: take boiled water, a tolerable temperature and put there 1 tablespoon of soda. You can also add 1 teaspoon of iodine, so the bath will be more effective. After that, sit in a basin and take a bath for 20 minutes. The total duration of such treatment is one week.

On methods of treating thrush with traditional medicine. You can talk endlessly, because in fact there are many ways and recipes for this. I would like to briefly list a few more recipes that experts prescribed to their patients.

Every house always has onion and garlic, they contain volatile, which can destroy candida. That is why feel free to eat them.

Can be used St. John's wort brothIt contains useful vitamins for the body and essential oils. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Take 2 teaspoons of the herb and pour a glass of boiling water. For 15 minutes, put all this in a water bath, then strain and cool. Wipe and wash affected areas. Again, you can make tampons at night, moistening them in tincture.

How to treat thrush at home: sex is prohibited?

Sexual relationships are an integral part of the life of all men and women. Many continue to deal with them even with thrush, using condoms for protection. They believe that this is the most reliable means of protection against all infections. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple.

After all, most fungal infections are transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through caresses, for example during oral sex, with kisses. The fungus in the oral cavity will feel good enough, and may be there for a long time.

Therefore, even a condom can not 100% protect you from thrush. If you have identified this disease in your home, be sure to tell your sexual partner about it and send it to the venereologist. It is not always that an infected person suspects that something is wrong with him.

What you need to remember for sexual partners with candidiasis

In the presence of thrush, you need to follow a number of rules that will not aggravate the disease. If you do not follow them, a repeat relapse simply cannot be avoided, which means that you will again have to endure severe pain and other discomfort.

The first thing you definitely need to do when you find thrush - completely abandon intimacy. If a person who is a sex partner loves you, he will understand everything. Even if you cannot completely avoid intimate relationships, protect yourself with condoms and refrain from other caresses.

If thrush was detected in one of the partners, you need to be treated together. After all, your second partner automatically became a carrier of the disease. Men, unfortunately, are not always willing to go to the doctor for tests. But for the sake of a loved one, you can make any sacrifice. Moreover, this concerns the health of both of the partners.

Our intimate life is considered full if there are no sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections. Do not come into close contact with strangers or people you do not know well.. Thanks to this, you will protect against infections not only yourself, but also your constant partner.

Another important rule in the treatment of thrush is the doctor’s manual. Even when self-medication did not bring good results, and the problem only worsened.

And of course, in order to avoid the re-development of the disease in the future, preventative measures can be taken, which include the following:

• eat only healthy foods. Try to give up flour and alcohol;

• Be sure to observe personal hygiene. take a shower regularly. you must have a personal towel and the right washing product;

• if you often get thrush, try temporarily abandoning sanitary napkins. After all, when wet, they create a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria;

• wear the right underwear.

And of course - love yourself!
