Pickles from cabbage marinated with beets. "Five minutes" and "Pink", sweet and spicy - cabbage, pickled with beets


The cabbage prepared by this or that way is one of the most favorite snacks on our table.

Sauces and marinades based on it are invariably tasty and healthy, besides they are inexpensive and are often recommended in moderate diets.

The custom of marinating with the addition of beets is not only, and even not so much a taste as an aesthetic tradition.

Snacks are obtained, with strict compliance with the recipes, crispy, but tender and remarkably fresh, sometimes it seems that such cabbage and grew on the garden - juicy, sour, appetizing.

Cabbage marinated with beets - the general principles of cooking

• For pickling cabbage with beets, it is not only the usual white one that is suitable, but the color one is no less tasty.

• White-leaf for pickling is best to take late autumnal varieties, it is from them that such a snack is the most juicy.

• They remove bruised, spoiled leaves from the head, wash under water and only then do the cutting.

• Cut the cabbage into small squares - "plyuskami", large chunks, or simply chopped.

• Young cauliflower with small inflorescences will be most suitable for pickling; before marinating, it will be disassembled into separate inflorescences, removing the remaining leaves, and blanched for no more than two minutes.

• When choosing beets, it is best to give preference to dark varieties. The most suitable will be "Bordeaux", "Detroit", "Cylinder" and others.

• In most cases, beets are cut into small straws or tinder on a special vegetable grater, but they can also be cut into small semi-rings. Beets are mixed with chopped cabbage or boiled in marinating solution.

• Cabbage is laid out on prepared containers and poured marinade.

• Its main components are salt, water, granulated sugar and vinegar.

• For quick marinating add refined sunflower oil; for winter conservation, no oil is required.

Cabbage marinated with beets "Skorospelka"


• two kilograms of white stalk;

• one big beet;

• two small carrots;

• five small cloves of garlic.

For the marinade:

• 300 ml of water;

• 30 gr. coarse salt;

• 70 gr. refined sugar;

• 70 ml of table vinegar, 9%;

• 80 ml of sunflower, frozen oil.

Cooking method:

1. Divide the heading into two parts and, removing the stalk from each half, chop into small strips.

2. On the carrot grater in Korean, chop peeled and washed carrots and beets. Chop the garlic finely with a knife.

3. Fill a three-liter jar with well-mixed shredded vegetables, instead of a jar, you can use an enameled pan.

4. Dissolve all bulk ingredients for the marinade and boil.

5. Pour the oil into the boiling solution and bring it to the boil again.

6. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add the whole portion of vinegar and, stirring, pour the container filled with hot vegetables.

7. Such cabbage pickled with beetroot is eaten just a couple of hours after cooking.

Cabbage marinated with beetroot "Pink splashes"


• small forks of cabbage;

• one large-sized beetroot;

• small carrot;

• half a head of garlic.

For the marinade:

• 1.5 liters. water;

• three table. spoons of plant salt;

• 130 grams of granulated white sugar;

• five leaves of laurel;

• four peas allspice;

• 100 ml of purified rast. oils.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, pour all the water into a suitable enameled pan, add all the refined sugar, salt and, stirring the bulk components, completely add the peppercorns and laurel. Put on the fire.

2. When the brine in the pan boils, remove from the stove and, adding vinegar, leave to cool.

3. From the cut into two halves of the head, remove the stalk, turn it over with a slice on a cutting board and cut each half into approximately two by two centimeters.

4. Slice the prepared root vegetables and garlic into thin thin slices.

5. Pour the vegetables into the prepared clean jar, put the vegetables in loose layers, pour the marinade over with warm water and only after that pour in the oil.

6. Close the clean plastic cover and leave overnight on the table.

7. In the morning, remove the container with the cabbage, marinated with beets, in the refrigerator.

8. Prepared in this way, it will be fully prepared after a week, but the first sample is removed after 3-4 days.

Canned cauliflower marinated with beets


• pound cauliflower;

• two small beetroot.

For the marinade based on a liter of water:

• half tsp. crushed coriander seeds in a mortar;

• 1 large spoon of garden salt;

• 1.5 Art. l sandy refined matter;

• one leaf of laurel;

• 2 tbsp. l vinegar 9%.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the cleaned beetroot thinly, neat long straw.

2. Disassemble the head in the inflorescences, too large - cut in two and lower for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

3. Transfer the inflorescences thus blanched to a colander, pour cold, preferably with icy water and leave to stand so that all the water will drain.

4. Put the beets, the cauliflower and the beets again on the bottom of the prepared sterilized jar. When you lay the inflorescences, put a laurel between them.

5. Pour salt and sugar in water, boil it.

6. When the pickle in the pan begins to boil, add the coriander, pour in the vinegar and boil for two minutes.

7. Spread the boiling marinade gently over the jars and, with the lid on, place the pasteurization for ten minutes.

8. After that, roll up the cauliflower marinated with beet with a zakatochny key and, turning it upside down, leave to cool under the blanket.

9. Remove cooled preservation to the place where the seals are stored.

Cauliflower marinated with beets, an option for very fast cooking


• two kilograms of unfrozen cauliflower;

• two large carrots;

• one sugar beet;

• one and a half heads of large garlic;

• spices "For Korean carrots";

• Lavrushka - 2 leaves;

• black pea, aromatic pepper.

For the preparation of the marinade, from one liter of water:

• one and a half large spoons of unrefined oil;

• 70 g refined sugar;

• 90 ml of 9% vinegar;

• two tables. spoons of garden salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the vegetables with tap water. Disassemble the cabbages into florets, carrots and beets, peeling, cut into beautiful straws, not thick. Chop garlic with a knife.

2. Place cabbage in rows in a deep, enameled bowl, shifting each row with garlic, carrot, beetroot and sprinkling with spices.

3. Mix together all the ingredients cooked for the marinade and boil the pot for five minutes, avoiding a strong boil.

4. Then pour hot vegetables over the solution and, with the lid on, leave the cabbage to marinate.

5. You can try in eight hours.

Cabbage marinated with beetroot - "Five minutes"


• one and a half kilograms of the autumn albumen;

• burgundy brown - 1 pc.

To fill:

• 960 ml of purified water;

• 40 ml of acetic essence 70%;

• two hundred gram glass of white sugar;

• salt to taste;

• 1.5 grams of a mixture of cloves and cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. In filtered purified water, dilute the vinegar essence, salt and refined sugar. Add the cloves with cinnamon and boil.

2. After boiling pour the strainer, put chopped cabbage into it, chopped beets into straws and boil on a small heat until the cabbage softens partially.

3. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

4. There is such a cabbage, marinated with beets can, as soon as it cools.

Spicy white cabbage marinated with canned beets


• two kilogram white forks;

• burgundy brown - 1 pc .;

• large head of garlic;

• horseradish - two roots;

• pod of bitter red pepper;

• three bay leaves;

• allspice - 8 peas;

• table 9% vinegar.

For the marinade:

• purified drinking water - 2 liters;

• 0, 5 two hundred grams cup of salt;

• 100 grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Remove damaged, sluggish leaves from the head, divide it in half, remove the stalk with a knife and cut each half into large rhombuses. The pieces of cabbage should be free to pass through the neck of the jar.

2. Garlic cloves and horseradish, rub with a fine grater, and cut the pepper into thin ringlets.

3. In the prepared jars for seaming clean the cabbage tightly, pouring chopped horseradish, pepper rings and garlic.

4. It is recommended to lay cabbage tightly, slightly tamping.

5. Now do the cooking of the pickle. Dissolve the salt, the refined sugar until complete dissolution in water, and boil it. In a boiling brine, drop the chopped beetroot, lavrushka, peas, and cook with a slight boil for five minutes.

6. Then, carefully, so as not to split the jars, pour boiling filled jars filled with boiling water only from the heat and covered with metal lids, put pasteurized for 30 minutes.

7. After, under each cover pour a tablespoon of vinegar 9% and roll up.

8. Put the rolled up banks under the blanket upside down, and after two days remove them to the storage location.

Cabbage marinated with beets - tips and tricks

• When preparing the marinade, you can vary the required amount of sugar and vinegar, adding them in small portions, but at the same time slightly increase the amount of salt, it is this that prevents the occurrence of possible bitterness.

• Marinating cauliflower, you can add white or hot peppers, cinnamon, and greens to the marinade, depending on your taste.

• Added to the cabbage marinated with beets, celery root, cut into small sticks, not only gives it a distinctive taste, but can also be used in the preparation of beetroot vinaigrettes, various salads and appetizers.

• To reduce the sharpness of red bitter pepper, add only its pulp.

• Sunflower oil can always be replaced with aromatic vegetable oils, such as peanut oil, walnut oil, pumpkin seed oil, and even sesame oil. They will complement the cabbage marinated with beets with a special taste and aroma. You can also mix the sunflower oil with fragrant.

• More crisp cabbage is obtained if vinegar is replaced with an acetic acid essence based on an incomplete tablespoon in three liters of water.

• Replacing the vinegar to apple cider vinegar, you get a more delicate sweet-sour taste.

• When pouring hot marinade over banks, add it first in small portions, and only when the bank warms up completely, pour the rest. This method of filling will prevent possible splitting of the can.


Watch the video: Pickled Red Cabbage, Video Recipe. (June 2024).