Diet for 3 days - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews about a diet for 3 days and examples of recipes.


Diet for 3 days - general principles

In life, there are situations when it is necessary to lose a few extra pounds in the shortest possible time - for example, after holidays with protracted feasts, or, conversely, before any important event. In this case, the express diets will best help out - a strict diet in which you can get rid of two to five kilograms in 3 days. There are many of them, with a different set of products. Therefore, it is quite easy to choose the most suitable diet for yourself and proceed directly to the action. True, apart from desire, it is also necessary to have enough will, since short-term diets are quite hard and not easy to follow. If this circumstance does not frighten, it is possible to start acquaintance.

Diet for 3 days on ryazhenka (4-6% fat)

During the diet between meals you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid - non-carbonated water, unsweetened black or green tea. Completely exclude alcohol, sugar.

The first day

Breakfast: 100ml ryazhenka, a slice of melon (100g).
Lunch: fruit salad, seasoned with 100-150ml ryazhenka. The composition of the salad includes kiwi, orange, any berries. The total weight of fresh fruit is no more than 100g.
Dinner: ½ grapefruit, 100g of boiled chicken breast (turkey), vegetable salad (100g).
At night: 100ml Ryazhenka.

Second day

Breakfast: 100ml ryazhenka, 200g muesli (oatmeal), filled with water.
Lunch: a slice of pineapple (100g).
Dinner: 1 mandarin or ½ orange, 200g boiled chicken breast, lettuce leaves.
At night: 100ml Ryazhenka.

Third day

Breakfast: 250ml ryazhenka, a slice of melon or watermelon (150g).
Lunch: 150g of any berries, 1 banana, a glass of apple juice.
Dinner: 200g of boiled lean fish, 100g of fresh white cabbage.
For the night: a drink of ryazhenka and berries (200ml).

Jockey diet for 3 days

Riders before jumps often use this diet to lose a few pounds, which is why she got the name jockey. This protein diet is based on the consumption of meat, which is probably why she fell in love with men. It is necessary to drink daily 1.5-2.5 liters of water (depending on the season and the mass of a person). During the observance of this diet, it is additionally recommended to visit the sauna and massage room.

The first day

Bake in the oven chicken, peel, split the carcass into three parts and eat during the day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It must be remembered that a chicken is not a chicken and its total weight should not exceed 800g, maximum 1 kg.

Second day

Fry on charcoal or bake in the oven without fat and butter 300g of veal. Divide also into three parts and eat during the day.

Third day

The most severe day. Allowed for all the time to drink three to five cups of coffee (without sugar).

Unloading diet for 3 days

The diet is very rigid, but, in addition to the fact that you get rid of extra pounds, along the way there will be a cleansing of the intestines from toxins, and blood - from toxins. Three days of this diet consist of three stages - the preparatory, the fasting itself and the final day - the exit from the diet. You should not expect that three days fly by as one. Time will drag on very slowly, and this needs to be experienced. But the fourth day will bring you many pleasant surprises in the form of a built figure, a natural blush and will delight you with a delicious breakfast. The fourth day is better to start with a vegetable salad, boiled eggs or porridge, you should avoid coarse food.

The first day

Breakfast consists of a glass of fruit juice, green or herbal tea. For lunch and dinner, you can eat nuts, vegetables in a raw or stewed (boiled) form, fruits, herbs, vegetable oil, preferably olive. Lunch should be around 12.00 - 13.00, and dinner at 18.00. After 19-00 it is allowed to drink only water and unsweetened tea. All cereals, legumes, animal protein and fats are banned. Diet - three times.

Second day

It is allowed to drink only water - boiled, spring, best thawed. It is necessary to drink for the whole day about 3.5-4 liters of water. If you want, you can more. It is recommended to drink water throughout the day every 30-40 minutes. During lunch and dinner, in order to dull hunger and fill the stomach, you should drink two glasses of water.

Third day

The set of products is the same as on the first day. Diet - two times. If the feeling of hunger will cause severe discomfort, you can add another trick. Considering that during the fasting of the second day the stomach has decreased, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food by two or three times. On this day, the ration must be present in the salad pancake (without oil) from hard vegetables and greens to release the intestines. It can be raw grated carrots with chopped cabbage or beetroot.

Milk-banana diet for 3 days

Quite tasty and healthy diet. After all, bananas, in addition to vitamins and microelements, are rich in fructose, glucose and natural fiber, which will help to quickly satisfy hunger and charge a good mood. Milk-banana diet gives good results - per kilogram of body weight per day. But there are also disadvantages - after a diet, you may not be able to look at bananas for a long time with appetite.

During all three days it is necessary to eat only bananas and drink low-fat or skimmed milk. In case of intolerance of milk, it can be replaced with one percent kefir. The diet for one day consists of three glasses of milk and three bananas. They can be mixed with a mixer in a cocktail or used in its natural form separately. Diet - three or four times as you prefer. During the whole day it is necessary to drink unlimited quantities of green tea (without sugar) or water.

Diet for 3 days - useful tips and reviews

Only healthy people should proceed to strict diets, which include diets for 3 days. For gastritis, diabetes and other chronic diseases, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a physician. Diets limited to 1000 calories per day and less are highly undesirable for people with pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, patients with gallstone disease and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Strongly contraindicated any express diets for pregnant and lactating. It must be remembered that healthy people should resort to such a diet only in exceptional cases, not to use it too often. It is better to use diets longer in time, but also with a more sparing diet. In order to consolidate the achieved result, one should continue to avoid excesses, not to overeat. If you further expose the body to moderate physical exertion, it will bring even more reliable and lasting results.


Marina 03/22/2016
Well, immediately noticeable professional approach. An example of several recipes, so that everyone can choose a diet to their liking. Maybe someone does not like bananas, but prefers dairy products more.

Dasha 03/22/2016
And I liked the unloading diet more. You can even try those who are not experiencing problems with being overweight, but simply want to “renew” their body. A wide range of healthy foods, which is very rare in today's diets.

Nina 03/22/2016
Yes, I also read about the jockey diet. To the horse could quickly get to the finish line, the rider takes off a couple of pounds. What do you think, in sport is also important a good and healthy figure. Good recipes.

Alya 03/22/2016
Banachas ... Strawberry ... I already want such a diet ... Only advice, bananas in our country are not so useful. They contain a lot of starch. Buy only ripe, so that the body can well master the substances contained in it.

Maria Kiev 03/22/2016
Wow, I just need to prepare for my birthday. I will give the figure in order. Of course, I understand that I will not throw off 10 kilograms, but elasticity, harmony will surely appear. Thanks for the detailed instructions.


Watch the video: Keto-Friendly Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (June 2024).