Why ringing in the ears: causes and diagnosis. How to get rid of tinnitus?


The functionality of the hearing aid allows a person to distinguish between sounds of different frequencies, pitch and volume.

Such activities are absolutely not noticeable, without causing certain issues.

Only at occurrence of failures in the work of the ear, a person begins to worry and pay attention to the problem that has arisen.

Tinnitus is one of the most common alarm signals that require study and proper treatment.

Tinnitus: Causes

Almost everyone is familiar with the phenomenon of tinnitus. Who with a smile on his lips does not ask the interlocutor: "In which ear rings?"while making commonplace desires. The reason for the emergence of such a comic ritual was the fact that every person may occasionally have a brief tinnitus that disappears on its own without help or treatment.

Physiological tinnitus

Indeed, there is a physiological ringing in the ears, which should not cause any particular anxiety. This ringing is called transient and does not require special treatment. Short ringing has a neurological nature and passes on its own.

There are real reasons for the appearance of short-term ringing in the ears.

This condition may appear:

1. Under the influence of too loud sounds. After a long stay in a noisy room, the hearing aid is unable to change quickly, and a certain amount of time can be felt in the ears as well as in the head. Such problems are faced by people whose professional activity is connected with finding loud sounds near the source. Lovers of loud music are also prone to tinnitus. To eliminate the negative feelings, just relax in a quiet environment. But, with regularly repeated loud impacts on the hearing aid, more serious complications are possible.

2. In complete silence. Most often, a person hears ringing before bedtime, when the hearing aid is especially sensitive to the sounds of the environment and the work of the organs of its own organism. Such sounds are considered normal and do not require examinations, and even less treatment.

But is it always ringing in the ears so harmless?

Pathological Tinnitus

Ringing chasing patients for a long time or disturbing him with constant frequencysignificantly worsens the quality of life. Such a phenomenon is considered not only a physiological problem, but also a moral, neurological one.

Pathological ringing leads to many nervous disorders that further aggravate the pathology. The patient, when confronted with tinnitus, involuntarily focuses on the problem, constantly thinking about unpleasant sounds. This causes nervousness, depressive, stressful states, which, in turn, provokes increased ringing sounds in the ears.

In addition, tinnitus can also be accompanied by other negative symptoms that significantly impair a person’s life.

Against the background of tinnitus, there may be signs of other pathologies that help doctors determine the true cause of the disease.

Concomitant symptoms may be pathological signs in the form of:

• painful or oppressive sensations in the ear;

• headache;

• dizziness;

• fainting;

• nausea and vomiting;

• discharge from the ear;

• ear tumors;

• swelling of the tissues around the ear;

• high temperature;

• general malaise;

• lethargy.

Quite often, along with tinnitus, patients record symptoms:

• high pressure;

• stress and nervous disorders;

• pulsating sounds, synchronous with heart rate.

Why does a similar ringing in the ears occur?

This condition is not characterized as an independent disease. Pathological ringing always has a dependent nature. He may be a sign of more serious ailments and the consequence of injury.

Therefore, the mechanism of the appearance of pseudo sounds is different in each case.

Identify the main reasons that trigger this mechanism:

1. Objective reasons for which there are real sound vibrations triggered by the failure of certain organs and systems. Such fluctuations can spread throughout the body and be perceived by the auditory receptors.

2. Subjective reasons creating imaginary sounds. Such a process is associated with dysfunction of the auditory receptors, which transform mechanical vibrations into neural signals without a real sound source.

Depending on the cause of the ringing in the ears, pathological sounds can be recorded in one ear or both at the same time.

Tinnitus Disorders

Diseases, a symptom of which is ringing in the ears, can be divided into:

• internal pathologies causing real audible sounds;

• neurogenic diseases that provoke receptor-conductive functions.

However, the process of the appearance of tingling in the ears is so complex that the extent to which the pathologies are interrelated can be the culprit for ailments.

You can highlight the disease in which tinnitus to the characteristic symptoms and occurs most often.

Hypertension. With increasing pressure in the body, a number of mechanical, physiological and neurogenic changes occur, causing negative symptoms in the form of headaches, weakness, flickering flies, dizziness, nausea, ringing or noise in the ears. This condition is observed at pressures exceeding 140/90. Long-term problems with pressure in combination with atherosclerosis can cause quite strong bells and sounds that can bring the patient to nervous breakdowns.

Hypertensive crisis. In contrast to hypertension associated with a gradual increase in pressure, the crisis occurs with a sharp jump. In this case, there may be noise and ringing in the ears.

Arterial hypertension. Tinnitus can be associated with increased intracranial pressure. Usually, there is a pulsation and a severe headache.

Age changes. With age, there are natural changes in the hearing aid that can cause hearing loss, ringing, or noise.

Atherosclerosis. When atherosclerotic plaques appear in the vessels, the blood flow is disturbed, which contributes to the appearance of turbulent turbulence. Such an unusual sound produced in the body is able to pick up a sensitive hearing aid. Ringing in such cases is accompanied by a pulsation, which is heard by a stethoscope.

Weather sensitivity. For some patients, changes in the weather, especially pressure, cause vasospasms, pressure drops, and tinnitus.

Colds. When viral or bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract inflammatory diseases of the ear arise quite often as a complication. Ear pathologies cause hearing loss, pain and ringing.

Injuries. When injuring the head, ear, eardrum, the cause of ringing is a combination of mechanical, physiological and neurogenic factors.

Osteochondrosis. In degenerative diseases of the joints, vertebral discs suffer nerve endings, blood vessels. Cervical osteochondrosis is closely associated with malnutrition of the brain, which, in turn, creates a picture of a neurogenic nature with headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus.

Otosclerosis. When this disease occurs, the growth of bone tissue in the ear, which leads to failures in the mechanism responsible for the transfer of sounds.

Pathology may be associated with tinnitus:

• oncological nature;

• hormonal disorders caused by diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems;

• deeper metabolic and immune problems.

Barotrauma resulting from sharp loud noises or pressure drop is distinguished into a separate group.

A strong ringing in the ears is confronted by people who have been under the influence of the sound wave of explosions and shots. Familiar with ringing in the ears and patients who have to go deep into the water.

But congestion in the ears, contrary to the popular opinion of patients, can not cause ringing in the ears. The presence of traffic jams can exacerbate other ear problems associated with ringing.

Tinnitus: ways to diagnose possible diseases

For loud, intrusive, constant ringing in the ears, a full examination is required, which will allow to find out the true causes of the disease.

Dealing with tinnitus problems otolaryngologist. But consultations with other specialists may also be required: a neurologist, a cardiologist, a psychotherapist, an endocrinologist.

At the initial examination, the doctor will hear the patient’s complaints and examine the hearing aid. When collecting history take into account the frequency, volume, duration, intensity of the ring, as well as the accompanying symptoms.

For a more accurate diagnosis apply instrumental and laboratory studieswhich may consist of:

1. Otoscopyduring which the doctor with the help of an otoscope - a device that allows to examine the auditory canal in a multiple increase, determines the changes that have occurred.

2. Stethoscope Listening. Objective ringing is determined by listening to the area near the ear. When rhythmic sounds that coincide with heartbeats are found, they speak of vascular pathologies. If sounds are more frequent, suggest muscle spasms. In the absence of obvious sounds, they speak of a subjective ringing requiring a deeper examination.

3. Blood pressure measurement. However, one-time pressure control is uninformative. He is able to fix momentary crises or hypertension. To communicate the ringing with hypertension, long-term regular monitoring of changes in the indications is required, which doctors often recommend to hypertensive patients independently on a regular basis.

4. Audiometry, allowing the doctor to determine the range of the perceived frequency of sounds.

5. X-ray studieswhich are necessary for fixing tumors, bone changes in the spine or head.

Laboratory blood tests help identify inflammatory processes in the body, as well as the presence of deviations in cholesterol, blood.

Ultrasound studies can be used to study vascular pathologies.

If the causes of the ringing cannot be identified, the psychogenic nature of the pathology is assumed. In this case, consult a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Tinnitus: drug and folk treatment

Conservative therapy is carried out on the basis of the diagnosis. Since tinnitus does not refer to the type of a particular disease, treatment is directed to eliminating the causes that provoked unpleasant sounds.

In case of vegetative-susodica dystonia, as well as migraine, it is recommended to observe a healthy regimen Vitamin group drugs, fortifying medicines may be prescribed. It is necessary to use drugs that affect cerebral circulation and neurogenic reactions in the form of Piracetaia, cynaresin.

Inflammatory ear pathologies are treated with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibiotics such as Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, as well as medicines that promote fluid outflow can be used.

In hypertension, treatment is chosen individually, depending on age and comorbidities.

Stenosis of the cervical vessels is an indication for stenting. This minimally invasive surgery helps restore natural blood flow.

When osteochondrosis affects the cervical region, a whole range of therapeutic measures is selected, which may include physical therapy, vitamin therapy, drugs that affect the conductivity of nerve fibers, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physical therapy and special lifestyle recommendations.

Folk ways

The use of folk recipes is possible after consultation with the doctor.

Traditional medicine to eliminate ringing in the ears recommends the use of:

1. Yarrow Juicepressed with the meat grinder. Bury the resulting juice in 3 drops daily.

2. Dill brewing, for which 3 spoons of dried herbs are brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisting in a thermos for up to two hours. Drink tincture before meals for half a cup.

3. Beet and Cranberry Juicetaken in equal volume. Drink three times a day, not more than a third cup.

4. Tincturescooked from oil and propolisinfused with alcohol. Mixed vegetable oil with propolis in a ratio of 4: 1. In the ear for the night, put a tampon dipped in the mixture. Therapy spend two weeks.

5. Mixescooked from raw grated potatoes with honey. The resulting composition, placed in cheesecloth, is placed in the ear canal.

Remember that recipes for traditional medicine for ringing in the ears help to cope with negative symptoms or drown out unnatural sounds, but do not affect the true cause of the pathology.

Tinnitus: Useful Tips

There are many interesting recommendations to help cope with tinnitus. These methods appeared on the basis of many years of observations, as well as our own and medical experiments.

1. With annoying ringing, you can listen to soft music with headphones. This method helps to "score" annoying sounds.

2. Ringing may be the only sign of high blood pressure. Therefore, with the appearance of ringing sounds, it is desirable to measure the pressure. Perhaps taking the medicine normalizing pressure, you can eliminate the ringing.

3. Refuse to take aspirin, sodium medicines and products that provoke the appearance of ringing.

4. With the permission of the doctor to use hypnotic drugs that allow the body to rest from annoying ringing.

5. Learn how to combine active physical activity with a good rest. Ringing often occurs on the background of overwork.

6. Use hearing aids that can be configured to generate vibrations that suppress ringing.

7. Limit the use of caffeine and other tonic beverages.

Do not disregard the annoying, constant ringing in the ears. In this way, the body can signal changes requiring medical intervention.


Watch the video: Getting Tinnitus Relief Using Tinnitus Sound Therapy. Best Tinnitus Treatment? (July 2024).