Carrot salads - simple recipes for sunny snacks! Simple carrot salads with meat, apples, nuts, vegetables


Carrots are a versatile root vegetable from which you can cook a wide variety of salty, sweet and spicy salads.

And most of them are prepared in minutes, and consists of the most primitive products.

In the world of cooking there are thousands of carrot recipes, but we will not cook everything. And only the most simple and fast.

Simple carrot salads - general cooking principles

Quick and snacks are made from raw carrots, as any heat treatment is an extra time cost. Most often, root vegetables are tinder, less often they are cut with a knife. Carrots do not allow a lot of juice, so the vegetable can be salted immediately. Sometimes it is purposefully frayed for moisture.

What salads are prepared with:

• with other vegetables, herbs;

• fruit and dried fruit;

• cheese, eggs, dairy products;

• fish, seafood;

• sausages, meat, poultry;

• canned food.

Carrot dishes are filled with sour cream, mayonnaise, butter and sauces based on these products. For the brightness of taste, lemon juice or vinegar is added. Sweet salads can be filled with sour cream, yogurt, honey or syrups. Absolutely all kinds of snacks go well with nuts.

Carrot Salad - Simple Recipe with Cheese and Garlic

For this simple carrot salad you can use any cheese, even melted cheese. Delicious is a snack with granular cottage cheese, but in this case you need to add a little more sour cream.


• 300 grams of carrots;

• 120 grams of cheese;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• salt, greens.

• 70 grams of sour cream (mayonnaise).


1. Three peeled carrots. Grater take any, arbitrary size of chips. You can make a snack as from heavily chopped root vegetables, and cut into pieces.

2. Add grated or diced cheese.

3. Add the garlic, which is also to be finely grated or crumbled.

4. Put sour cream (mayonnaise), salt, mix and cook! The same salad can be made in layers, alternating cheese with carrots and sandwich with sour cream and garlic sauce.

Carrot Salad - Simple Recipe with an Apple

A very simple recipe for carrot salad with a salty-sour taste. In addition to the apple, you will need lemon juice for cooking. But if you wish, you can replace it with fruit vinegar, such as apple or wine.


• 3-4 carrots;

• 2 apples;

• 0.5 lemon;

• salt;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• sprigs of parsley.


1. Clean the apples. It is better to use sour varieties with green skin and dense pulp. Cut or three.

2. To prevent the apples from getting dark, immediately sprinkle with lemon juice.

3. We clean the carrots, rub large and send to the apples.

4. Salad we salt, we fill with oil, we put greens and it is ready! He can not stand for a long time, you need to use immediately after preparation.

Carrot Salad - Simple Recipe with Beets

And this simple carrot salad is called "Lose Weight". And all thanks to the beet that is part of, which gently cleanses the intestines. For refilling, it is better to use high-quality unrefined oil, preferably olive or flaxseed.


• 2 carrots;

• 1 beet;

• 1 spoon of lemon juice;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• salt;

• garlic optional.


1. Clean the vegetables, grate large and put in a bowl. Especially beautiful is the appetizer, if you use a grater for Korean carrot.

2. Add a little salt and finely grind the vegetables so that they become wet.

3. Fill with oil, lemon juice, to taste we put any spices, garlic, greens.

Carrot Salad - A simple recipe with honey and nuts.

Very useful sweet carrot salad that can be used as a dessert or snack. Although, for breakfast such a dish is great and will fill the mood for the whole day.


• 200 grams of carrots;

• 1 spoon of honey;

• 2 tablespoons of nuts (walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts);

• some cinnamon;

• ½ lemon;

• 1 apple.


1. If honey is candied, then it needs to be melted. Just put the container in hot water and the product will melt quickly. It is not recommended to warm honey or boil strongly, so that vitamins do not evaporate.

2. We clean the carrots with apples, all together with three large chips.

3. Fry the nuts for a couple of minutes in a skillet, send to the salad. At the request of the kernel, you can grind and even grind into flour.

4. Mix the honey with lemon juice, fill the dessert and you're done! You can add some sugar to taste.

Carrot Salad - Simple Recipe with Cabbage and Vinegar

According to the recipe used white cabbage. But you can always experiment! You can cook this salad with Peking or red cabbage.


• 300 grams of cabbage;

• 200 grams of carrots;

• 0.5 tsp. salts;

• 1 spoon of sugar;

• vinegar;

• black pepper;

• any greens;

• 30 grams of oil.

The same salad can be filled with mayonnaise, sour cream, but in this case you do not need to add a lot of vinegar, as the products themselves contain acid.


1. Shred cabbage, three carrots.

2. Add vinegar, salt and sugar to vegetables. We rub hands. If the cabbage is young and summer, then just enough to mash it. If the vegetable is wintery and tough enough, then we grind it well until softness and release of juice.

3. Add chopped greens, black pepper.

4. Fill with oil or any sauce and you're done! Serve better immediately.

Sweet carrot salad - simple recipe with raisins

Another version of sweet carrot salad with nuts. A simple recipe with the addition of raisins. But you can also put dried apricots, prunes and even dates, but do not forget to remove the bones.


• 200 grams of carrots;

• 30 grams of raisins;

• 30 grams of nuts;

• pinch of cinnamon;

• 1 spoonful of sugar;

• 3-3 tablespoons sour cream or thick cream.


1. Immediately pour the washed raisins with warm water and leave to swell. If other dried fruits are used, they can also be steamed.

2. Rub the carrot, not finely.

3. Fry the nuts or just dry. We roll with a rolling pin so that the pieces are smaller, it is not necessary to grind to dust.

4. Raise the raisins, mix with carrots, nuts.

5. Sour cream combined with sugar and cinnamon, mash the sauce to dissolve the grains.

6. Dress up the salad and delicious, and most importantly, healthy dessert is ready!

Carrot Salad - Simple Ham Recipe

A fraction of this simple salad will need already cooked Korean carrots. You can take a snack without additives or with mushrooms, eggplant, asparagus. It does not play a special role. Despite the simplicity, the dish is very tasty, aromatic, suitable for a festive feast.


• 200 grams of Korean carrot;

• 150 grams of ham;

• 4 tablespoons of corn;

• 1 spoon of mayonnaise;

• 1 clove garlic;

• a little dill.


1. Cut the ham into a neat, thin straw.

2. Connect with carrots.

3. Add chopped herbs and garlic.

4. Put the corn, mayonnaise. Stir. A hearty and very aromatic snack is ready!

Carrot Salad - Simple Recipe with Hunting Sausages

Another option is a bright and simple carrot salad. Ideally, hunting sausages are added, but if not, then you can take a simple smoked sausage.


• 2 carrots;

• 2 sausages;

• 1 cucumber;

• 1 Bulgarian pepper;

• 0.5 tsp. mustard;

• 1 tablespoon soy sauce;

• pepper;

• 2 spoons of butter.


1. Peeled carrot three straws, add soy sauce and pepper. If you like, you can pour Korean spices or add Italian herbs for flavor. We rub hands.

2. Add chopped fresh cucumber, you can put more.

3. Cut the pepper into strips and also send them to the appetizer.

4. Put the sliced ​​hunting sausages.

5. Mix mustard with butter, add a little pepper, mix the sauce.

6. Dress up salad and you can serve!

Carrot Salad - Simple Recipe with Meat and Onions

A rich version of the salad with the addition of beef. But you can use any other meat.


• 300 grams of carrots;

• 150 grams of onions;

• 150 grams of beef;

• vinegar;

• butter;

• parsley;

• pepper.


1. Cut the peeled onion into half rings.

2. Mix a glass of water with 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar, pour onions and leave for 30 minutes.

3. At this time, we cut the meat into strips, fry in butter, spice up the spices.

4. Three carrots, combine with meat (you can not cool, put directly hot) and onions pressed from the vinegar.

5. Salt, pepper, put parsley and ready! This snack is better to let stand a couple of hours in the refrigerator, it will be even more tasty.

Carrot Salad - A Simple Recipe With Squids

The recipe for this salad uses fresh carrots, but you can also take a cooked Korean snack. And then cooking will take even less time.


• 2 carrots;

• 1 squid;

• 1 onion;

• butter;

• spices.


1. We mix the carrot with grated salt and pepper, put our hands and leave. You can add a couple of drops of vinegar.

2. Cut the onion into small rings, fry in a frying pan for a minute.

3. Cut sticks of peeled squid, send to onions, fry together for 3-4 minutes.

4. Mix carrots with squid and done! To taste you can put greens.

Carrot Salad - Simple Recipe with Eggs and Onions

Another quick version of raw carrot salad. For this dish you need a decent bunch of green onions, as well as boiled hard boiled eggs.


• 2 carrots;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 bunch of onions;

• salt;

• sour cream.


1. Three carrots, better small chips.

2. Add diced boiled eggs.

3. Put the green onions. It can be cut very easily and quickly with large scissors. Just take and cut!

4. Add sour cream, salt and ready! Very fast, but nourishing snack.

Carrot Salads - Tips and Tricks

• Any greens in the salad must be added before serving. Otherwise, the leaves will wither and will not be so beautiful.

• Lemon juice is not only an aromatic additive. This ingredient will protect against darkening apples, which are very often added to carrot salads.

• Use homemade carrots? Then the root can not clean! In a thin skin there are a lot of beta-carotene and other substances that are useful for eyes, hair, and skin. Just wash the vegetable with a brush and you can cook.

• Garlic for salad is better to grind in a mortar or pass through a press. In this case, essential oils are extracted from the cloves, making the dish more aromatic.

• Korean spices are an ideal seasoning for various carrot salads (except sweet desserts, of course). It is enough to add a pinch of the mixture in the appetizer, and it will play a bright taste.

• No nuts for salad? They can easily be replaced by sunflower, pumpkin seeds, which also need to be slightly fried. It goes well with carrot sesame. A special benefit for the body will give flax seeds.


Watch the video: Orange Filling. RECIPES TO LEARN. EASY RECIPES (July 2024).