Beef liver: benefit and harm, calorie content. Scientific facts about the beneficial properties of beef liver, the rules for its use


Today, beef liver is a useful, common and popular offal, which you won’t surprise anyone.

But two hundred years ago, beef liver was considered noble delicacy.

It was entrusted to cook it only by recognized chefs who kept recipes from this dish in the strictest confidence and passed on by inheritance.


Beef or veal liver is a meat product, the freshness and usefulness of which is most easily determined by color - it should be dark red or brown, the structure of the fabric should be fine-grained, without bile veins. The fresh product has a faint sweetish smell. After cooking she retains a soft, melting taste and characteristic aroma.

This product is stored in refrigerated form for no more than two days, in frozen - for no more than 3 months.

Beef liver: composition, calorie content, application

The beneficial properties of beef liver are determined by its chemical composition:

element Property in the body Content per 100 gr.
Calcium Provides the vital activity of all body cells, is responsible for the strength of hard tissues, blood coagulation, nerve impulse 9mg
Magnesium Protects blood vessels, prevents kidney stones, breaks down sugar 18mg
Sodium Expands the walls of blood vessels, maintains water-salt balance, produces gastric juice 104mg
Potassium Normalizes the heart rhythm, provides oxygen to the brain, reduces allergic reactions 277mg
Phosphorus It is responsible for the growth and restoration of bone and dental tissue, breaks down proteins, ensures a healthy metabolism 314 mg
ChlorineIt removes fluid and salts from the body, cleanses the liver of fat deposits, produces red blood cells 100mg
Sulfur It is responsible for cell respiration, supports skin elasticity and firmness, and is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and insulin 239 mg
IronProvides the formation of blood immune cells, synthesizes thyroid hormones 6.9 mg
ZincAffects mental activity, prevents diabetes, participates in bone formation 5 mg
Iodine Stimulates oxidative processes in the brain, protects the thyroid gland 6.3mkg
Copper Synthesizes hormones of "happiness", provides the assimilation of vitamins, supports the growth and reproduction of cells 3800mkg
Manganese Regulates blood glucose, affects lipid metabolism, stimulates the growth of cartilage and connective tissue 0.315 mcg
Selenium Prevents the formation of tumors, controls reproductive function, destroys free radicals 39.7 mcg
Chromium It removes cholesterol and breaks down fats, stabilizes weight, stimulates tissue renewal 32 mkg
Fluorine Protects hard tissues, stimulates hair and nail growth, provides blood formation 230 mkg
Molybdenum Regulates the work of enzymes, prevents genital diseases, provides the synthesis of vitamins 110mkg
CobaltProvides amino acid synthesis, breaks down proteins, fats, carbohydrates 19.9 μg
Vitamin A It processes fat, restores skin and hair structure, supports eyesight, slows down aging 8.2 mg
Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12 Provide energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system, stabilize the composition of the blood, increase resistance to stress and disease 270mkg
Vitamin CHeals scurvy, improves immunity, accelerates wound healing, restores thyroid function 33mg
Vitamin D It is necessary for the hardening of neoplasms of bone and dental tissues, coordinates the production of insulin 1.2 mcg
Vitamin E Improves cell nutrition, stimulates the formation of capillaries, supports muscle tone, prevents cancer 0.9 μg
Vitamin K Regulates blood coagulability, improves calcium absorption, protects the liver from cancer 3.1 mg

Nutritional value and calorie content of beef liver:

The energy value: 127 kcal

Protein 17.9 gr.

Fat 3.7 gr.

Carbohydrates 5.3 gr.

Water 71.7 gr.

Saturated Fatty Acids 1.3 g.

Cholesterol 270 mg

In medicine, beef liver is the first product prescribed by doctors for a variety of diseases: iron deficiency anemia, cataracts of the eyes, diseases of the kidneys, nervous system, and even cirrhosis of the liver, obesity. By the way, on a diet of beef liver, you can lose 5-8 kg in just two weeks! In combination with vegetables and dairy products such diet not only removes all unnecessary from the body, but also replenish the balance of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the body.

Also, beef liver is necessarily included in the diet for osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, disorders of the glands.

The beneficial properties of beef liver have been widely used in folk medicine. Raw liver plates are applied to the face to rejuvenate and tone the skin.

I recommend boiled beef liver with weak immunity, problems of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes.

Cooking has countless beef liver recipes. A variety of meat dishes, aspic, salads, pastes, pies, side dishes are prepared from it. It is eaten boiled, fried, stewed, cooked on charcoal, steam, grill.

Beef liver: what are the benefits for the body?

By including beef liver in your diet, you will immediately feel all its benefits for the body.

Firstly she relieves swelling and removes excess fluid from the body. This means that in the morning you no longer have to jump out of the mirror in horror when you see your swollen face and bags under your eyes.

Beef liver in any form improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, destroys cholesterol plaques, increases the lumen in blood vessels, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

A useful property of the liver is the stimulation of the formation of new blood cells. Due to the high content of vitamin A and its carotenes, it is possible to cure anemia and increase hemoglobin and cleanse the composition of the blood.

With intense physical and mental stress, it is also recommended to consume this product. Phosphorus, which is part of the beef liver, will relieve anxiety and stress, and potassium will relieve muscle tension.

The use of beef liver is useful for intense eye strain, dry eyes, or vision correction.

Amino acids of the liver are able to neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol and smoking, save brain cells from free radicals, i.e. relieve headache, migraine, restore clarity of consciousness after a hangover or sleepless night.

A huge benefit of beef liver is low calorie content and low fat intake. Easily digestible components of this product improve metabolism and satisfy hunger for a long time. The increased content of B vitamins actively break down fat cells and reduce blood sugar. Hepatic protein will improve digestion and bowel function. Important: the norm of consumption of beef liver is not more than 400 gr. per day.

Beef liver: what is the harm to health?

Despite the obvious advantages of this product, beef liver still has some harm and contraindications.

You can’t overeat this dish: digestive and stool disorders are elementary possible. Liver vitamins can also play a trick: from an excess of vitamin A, nausea, dizziness, and inflammation of the cornea occur.

An overdose of B vitamins (which are a lot in beef liver) will cause food poisoning, blurred consciousness, redness and itching of the skin, insomnia or muscle cramps.

Stomach problems, ulcers and gastritis can be exacerbated by eating beef liver.

Beef liver contains cholesterol, therefore, in old age and people with high cholesterol it is recommended to limit its consumption: heart rate, heart pain, angina pectoris are possible.

The benefits of beef liver for pregnant and lactating mothers

The first question that the gynecologist will ask in the antenatal clinic: "eat beef liver?". In the first trimester of pregnancy, this offal in large quantities can not be eaten! The harm of beef liver here is in the high content of vitamin A, which is fraught with physical defects in the fetus. Also, this product can cause allergies in pregnant women, which is also not desirable.

However, from the 16th week of pregnancy, beef liver is recommended in the diet of the expectant mother.

This dish:

1. Protects the skin from stretch marks and cellulite, hair - from loss, bones and teeth - from fragility;

2. Increases hemoglobin, improves blood composition, which is useful for the circulatory and nervous systems of an unborn child.

3. Folic acid, which is part of the liver, is necessary for the baby's oxygen supply in the womb;

4. Facilitates toxicosis, because normalizes the liver and kidneys.

5. Vitamins and minerals will serve as a reliable building material for all organs and tissues of the unborn child.

Consumption rate beef liver during pregnancy from the second trimester - 100 gr. in Week.

If during pregnancy beef liver is consumed with caution, then it is vital for breastfeeding. This product is useful for mom and baby from the first days after birth.

The high protein content contributes to a strong skeleton of the baby and the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Vitamins will strengthen the baby's immunity, increase its resistance to infections. Potassium, fluoride, phosphorus will protect the baby's nervous system and contribute to the growth of brain cells.

Beef liver will fill breast milk with healthy substances and saturated fats. The child will be well-fed and calm, will take good breasts.

Beef liver for children: good or bad

Beef liver is the first meat product that should be introduced into the baby’s diet, starting from 7-8 months. It is easily absorbed and does not cause allergies (with the exception of individual intolerance).

For children of any age, this product is useful. Children are often sick, and beef liver enhances immunity, promotes rapid recovery and is a prevention of respiratory infections, all thanks to folic acid, vitamins A, B.

Trace elements of beef liver contribute to the full mental and physical development, reliable operation of the organs of the circulatory system and the visual apparatus.

Eating beef liver from an early age will be a reliable prevention of many "adult" diseases: anemia, scurvy, tumors, obesity, problems of the musculoskeletal system.


Watch the video: What are the Benefits of Beef Liver? Why You Should Take Nature's Best Superfood - Thomas DeLauer (July 2024).