Salad with mushrooms and ham - 8 best recipes. How to quickly cook a delicious salad with mushrooms and ham, arrange and serve


Salad is a unique appetizer that can consist of a wide variety of ingredients.

Salads are light and nourishing, simple and unusual, from fresh products and heat-treated products.

But salads, which include meat products and mushrooms, are especially popular.

One of the easiest to prepare and undoubtedly the most delicious, is a salad with honey agarics and ham. The main advantage of these products is their year-round availability and relatively low price.

Salad with mushrooms and ham - the general principles of cooking

Ham for cooking salad can be chicken, beef, pork - it does not matter, unless it is required by the recipe. Some special preparation of this ingredient does not require, the ham should be removed from the shell and cut into strips, cubes, cubes or just grate.

Honey agaric can be fresh, frozen, pickled. Fresh and frozen wild mushrooms need roasting. Pre-cook them do not need. To give a special flavor together with mushrooms, roast chopped onion. Pickled mushrooms enough to get out of the jar, no other preparation is required for them.

In salads with mushrooms and ham add fresh or boiled vegetables, greenery, salad leaves, mushrooms, eggs, the nuts, cheese. This type of salad can be mixed or layered. Spread it either in a common dish or in a la carte plates. Primarily filled with mayonnaise or a mixture of lemon juice with mustard, olive oil.

Recipe 1. Salad with mushrooms, ham and cucumber


• 335 g ham;

• 200 g of honey agaric (fresh or frozen);

• onion;

• two cucumbers (fresh);

• 100 g green salad;

• salt, ground pepper;

• 25-40 ml of olive oil;

• 23 ml of lemon juice;

• parsley and dill leaves;

• green onion feathers.

Cooking method:

1. Ham cut into cubes.

2. Remove the rind from the washed cucumbers, cut them into the same cubes as the ham.

3. Clean and chop the onion.

4. Mushroom rinse Allow excess water to drain - to do this, fold the mushrooms into a colander. Cut the dried mushrooms into several parts, if the mushrooms are small - you can simply split it in half.

5. Fry the onion in hot oil until soft, add the mushrooms and a little salt, fry, stirring, until the mushrooms are ready. Cool it down.

6. Mix the mushrooms in the deep plate with ham, lettuce, cucumbers, torn hands. Season with ground pepper and salt.

7. Put the salad in portioned ice-cream bowls, garnish with finely chopped green onions and chopped greens. Pour over a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.

Recipe 2. Spicy salad with mushrooms and ham


• 380 g chicken ham;

• 100 g marinated mushrooms;

• 50 g of arugula;

• two or three salad leaves;

• to taste greens and garlic;

• salt pepper;

• 10 g grated ginger;

• 30 ml of olive oil;

• 20 ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. For salad dressing, mix olive oil with chopped garlic, lemon juice, salt, ground white and black pepper, and grated ginger.

2. Cut ham into thin strips.

3. Rinse the lettuce leaves, greens and arugula, tear the hands into small pieces.

4. Mix ham with pickled mushrooms, arugula, greens, salad.

5. Season with spicy marinade.

Recipe 3. Hearty salad with mushrooms and ham


• 145 g marinated mushrooms;

• 420 g of ham;

• 350 grams of olive b / k;

• three eggs;

• salt, light mayonnaise;

• greens, green onions.

Cooking method:

1. Boil eggs and cool.

2. Remove the olives from the jar, cut into rings.

3. Ham cut into cubes.

4. Pickled mushrooms cut in half.

5. Mix coarsely grated eggs with honey agarics, ham and olives, salt and pepper.

6. Season the salad with mayonnaise, garnish with chopped green onions and greens.

Recipe 4. Salad with mushrooms, ham, cherry tomatoes and Provencal herbs


• 400 g of ham;

• 200 grams of cherry;

• 150 g of fresh raspberries;

• lettuce leaves;

• 40 ml of olive oil;

• Provencal herbs;

• salt pepper;

• to taste garlic;

• 15 g spicy mustard;

• juice of half a lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Cut ham into small pieces and quickly fry in a small amount of olive oil. Transfer to a plate lined with a napkin.

2. Fry until done.

3. Rinse the cherry and cut into four slices.

4. Mix the Provencal herbs with chopped garlic, salt and pepper.

5. Put ham, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, Provencal herbs and torn salad leaves in a salad bowl. Mix gently.

6. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with a mixture of mustard and lemon juice.

Recipe 5. Spicy Salad with Mushrooms and Ham


• 270 g of honey agaric;

• 600 g of ham;

• leaves of frieze and lettuce;

• 60 g goat cheese;

• 5-6 cherry tomatoes;

• cooking oil;

• salt, greens, liquid sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Mushrooms wash, dry, fry, without cutting, until a pleasant golden color.

2. Cut ham into thin sticks.

3. Cut the cheese into cubes and place it in the blender bowl. Add salt, herbs, sour cream. Crush.

4. Rinse the lettuce and frize, shake and place on a flat dish.

5. Lay ham and roasted mushrooms on top.

6. Pour all ingredients with sour cream dressing.

7. Decorate the salad with cherry halves.

Recipe 6. Layered salad with mushrooms and ham


• 300 g of mushrooms;

• 300 g of ham;

• onion;

• carrot;

• salt, ground pepper;

• hard cheese (100 g piece);

• mayonnaise;

• cooking oil;

• several walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and rub the carrots, fry it, add salt to the golden color in the hot oil.

2. Peel the onion, cut into cubes.

3. Honey rinse wash. Fry, pre-salt, with onions until cooked, separate from the carrots.

4. Dry the walnuts and chop them with the blunt side of the knife (but not into a fine crumb).

5. Coarsely grate cheese, ham, or cut into thin transparent straws, or grate.

6. Lay all prepared cold ingredients on a flat, large dish in layers: ham, carrots, mushrooms with onions, cheese. Grease each layer with mayonnaise.

7. Sprinkle the top of the salad with nut crumbs, put in a refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Recipe 7. Unusual salad with mushrooms and ham


• 200 g of ham;

• 200 g salami;

• two potatoes;

• 205 g of pickled mushrooms;

• large tomato;

• 165 g pickled cucumbers;

• 95 g of cheese;

• salt, garlic, dried herbs to taste;

• mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Cut ham, sausage, cucumbers into small cubes.

2. Boil the potatoes and, after it has cooled, rub on a coarse grater.

3. Rinse the tomato and cut into rings.

4. Chop the cheese.

5. At the bottom of a special form for a portion of puff salad, lay out a round tomato. Top with ham, salami, honey, cucumbers, potatoes.

6. Carefully turn the salad over, remove the mold.

7. Place a mayonnaise mixed with grated cheese and chopped garlic over the tomato.

8. Sprinkle with dried herbs.

Recipe 8. Exotic salad with mushrooms and ham


• 200 g of honey agaric (pickled);

• half a cup of nuts (walnuts);

• 200 g of ham;

• 40 g raisins;

• 200 g chicken fillet;

• 200 g pineapples (canned);

• two sweet peppers;

• classic yogurt for dressing.

Cooking method:

1. Boil chicken, remove from broth and cool.

2. Slice the ham and prepared chicken fillet into thin strips.

3. Put both ingredients in a bowl, add pickled mushrooms, pre-soaked raisins and diced pineapples.

4. Add chopped nuts, pepper, chopped straw.

5. Season exotic salad with mushrooms and ham classic yogurt.

Salad with mushrooms and ham - useful tips

• Choose ham carefully. From the quality of the original product depends on the appearance of the salad, and its taste. The ham must be dense, not watery. In the composition must firstly be indicated the meat from which the meat product is made.

• Small honey mushrooms do not have to be cut very finely - they will be lost in the salad and their taste will not be so bright, just cut them in half. Larger mushrooms should be cut into cubes.

You can decorate the finished salad not only with nuts and herbs, but also whole marinated small mushrooms.


Watch the video: How To Make Lettuce Salad. (July 2024).