Sour cream jelly - indulge in healthy sweets! Sour cream jelly recipes with vanilla, cocoa, fruit, cottage cheese, chocolate


Sour cream jelly is an amazing dessert, for the preparation of which you will need a minimal set of products.

To taste, the delicacy is in no way inferior to purchased cakes and pastries, but wins in many ways.

Sour cream jelly quickly cooks, contains natural products, inexpensive and very healthy. And there are many options for dessert, so it will never get bored!

Sour cream jelly - general principles of preparation

For making jelly sour cream of any fat content. It is important that she is not too acidic. The fresher the product, the better the dessert. For sweetness, sugar or powder is added. In diet desserts, you can put substitutes: natural or artificial. If granulated sugar is used, the mixture should be allowed to stand to dissolve the grains. Sour cream with powder can be used immediately after combining the ingredients.

Gelatin for dessert, you can use powder or sheet. Most often, the first option, since it is more accessible, it is easier to dose, it is he specified in most recipes and you do not need to count the number on the sheets. Gelatin is pre-soaked in a liquid, the amount of which is also taken into account in the formulation. If an instant product is used, then 10 minutes is enough for swelling. For ordinary gelatin, you need at least half an hour. The swollen product is heated to dissolve the grains, but in no case boil.

What else can be added to sour cream jelly: fruits and berries, chocolate and cocoa, milk, cottage cheese, nuts, coconut. For aroma put vanillin, cinnamon, syrups, essences, zest.

Recipe 1: Vanilla Sour Cream Jelly

The classic recipe for sour cream jelly with vanilla. It can be used as a dessert or for filling pastries, cakes, including fruit. The recipe uses vanilla sugar, which can be replaced by essence or a pure extract.


• 2 tablespoons of gelatin;

• 400 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of powdered sugar;

• 1 bag of vanilla sugar;

• 50 grams of water.


1. Combine pure water and gelatin. Leave for swelling for half an hour.

2. Put the powder, vanillin into the sour cream and whisk together with a whisk until the small grains are dissolved. The consistency of the mass will become thinner.

3. We send the swollen gelatin to the water bath, melt the grains. Strong heating is not necessary.

4. Pour gelatin into sour cream with a thin stream, do not stop stirring with a whisk.

5. Pour the prepared mixture into the prepared dishes and send to cool for 4 hours in the refrigerator. You can’t put it in the freezer, your wife should not turn into ice.

6. Decorate the finished dessert with whipped cream, fruit slices, berries or coconut.

Recipe 2: Striped Jelly Sour Cream with Chocolate

Striped jelly with sour cream looks great in transparent glasses or wine glasses on the leg. Dessert will consist of cream and chocolate layers.


• 20 grams of gelatin;

• 80 grams of water;

• 600 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of dark chocolate;

• 150 grams of powder;

• 1 sachet of vanillin.


1. Pour gelatin, let swell.

2. Mix sour cream with powder.

3. Melt gelatin, send to sour cream, stir and divide the mass into 2 unequal parts.

4. We take white jelly from the most part and put 3 tablespoons in glasses, put them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

5. While the first layers harden, you need to melt the chocolate crumbled into pieces. This can be done in the microwave or in the bath after gelatin.

6. Send chocolate to a smaller portion of sour cream.

7. We take the glasses out of the freezer, apply a chocolate layer and remove again to cool.

8. Repeat the procedure until the jelly is over. If time is short, then you can make a two-color dessert. If suddenly the total mass begins to solidify before unfolding into wine glasses, it can be slightly warmed up.

Recipe 3: Jelly with Sour Cream and Bananas

Gourmet dessert with an amazing aroma. Jelly from sour cream with bananas is best laid out in glasses on legs. From this number of products, 5 medium servings will be obtained.


• 600 grams of sour cream;

• 15 grams of gelatin;

• 30 grams of chocolate;

• 2-3 bananas;

• 120 grams of powdered sugar;

• vanilla optional.


1. Pour gelatin with 100 grams of water, leave for 15 minutes. Then melt in the bath, it is possible in the microwave. The main thing is to prevent the solution from heating up stylishly.

2. While preparing gelatin, mix sour cream with icing sugar, you can add a pinch of vanilla, the aroma will be brighter.

3. Peel the bananas, each cut lengthwise into two parts, then cut across slices. You should get half circles.

4. Stack banana slices in glasses.

5. Combine the sour cream with a gelatinous mass, mix and pour the dessert.

6. Rub the chocolate, sprinkle on top and send the glasses to the cold. After 3 hours we get it and enjoy the most delicious dessert!

Recipe 4: Sour Cream and Cocoa Jelly

Airy and light sour cream with chocolate flavor. You can take any cocoa, but it is better to use the powder without adding sugar. If you want a richer chocolate flavor, you can add the amount of powder. You can also use a mixture of cocoa with coffee.


• 800 grams of sour cream;

• 1 glass of powder;

• 40 grams of cocoa;

• 20 grams of gelatin;

• 40 grams of chocolate;

• 70 grams of water.


1. Dissolve the gelatin in cold water, let it brew.

2. Mix the powder with cocoa powder.

3. Combine sour cream and dry mixture, take a mixer and beat for 5-8 minutes. We follow the mass. If small grains suddenly appear, immediately stop whisking, otherwise there will be oil.

4. Dissolve the gelatin solution in a water bath or just send it to the microwave for 20-30 seconds.

5. Pour into whipped sour cream, stir.

6. We lay out according to wine glasses or cookie cutters and send it to the cold for solidification.

7. As soon as the top layer begins to set, three chocolate, sprinkle dessert with the resulting chips, send to the refrigerator for complete solidification. For sprinkling, you can use both white chocolate and dark.

Recipe 5: Sour Cream Jelly with Cottage Cheese

Another version of jelly based on sour cream, this time with cottage cheese. The fat content of any products. Curd is better to use soft, with a creamy consistency. If the product has a lot of lumps, then you need to wipe it through a sieve or kill in a food processor.


• 250 grams of cottage cheese;

• 250 grams of sour cream;

• 200 grams of milk;

• 130 grams of sugar (you can take the powder);

• 15 grams of gelatin;

• 1 gram of vanillin.


1. Combine milk with gelatin and leave for 30 minutes. If instant gelatin is used, then 10 minutes is enough.

2. Combine the cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. Beat mass well to add splendor, it is better to dissolve sugar. At the end, put vanillin into the cream.

3. Melt the mixture of milk and gelatin.

4. Enter into the cream of cottage cheese with sour cream, mix thoroughly.

5. We lay out the future dessert according to the molds, send it to freeze. You can decorate such a jelly with any berries, fruits, sprinkle with chocolate from the chocolate chips.

Recipe 6: Sour Cream Jelly with Protein and Butter

The peculiarity of this dessert is airiness and lightness. Jelly with sour cream and proteins tastes like bird milk, but it is much easier and easier to prepare. Also, he will need a little butter, which is preferably pre-placed in heat to soften.


• 3 squirrels;

• 400 grams of sour cream;

• 20 grams of gelatin;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 100 grams of water;

• 100 grams of butter.

If desired, add vanilla, lemon juice, cinnamon, any essence for flavoring.


1. Pour gelatin into a bowl, add water, let the grains swell. Instead of water, you can add any juice or milk.

2. Combine sour cream with sugar, put vanilla or any other source of flavor. Mix well.

3. Put the squirrels in a bowl, add a pinch of salt and beat until stable peaks.

4. Melt the gelatin solution, combine with sour cream, add heat-softened oil and mix vigorously.

5. Carefully introduce the protein foam, mix with a spoon from the bottom up, trying not to precipitate the mass.

6. We spread the dessert according to previously prepared containers and send it to harden. The same mass can be laid out between two cakes of biscuit.

Recipe 7: Sour Cream Jelly with Fruits and / or Berries

A terrific dessert that you can simply put into glasses, make in tins, and then put on plates or cook an excellent jelly cake. For sour cream jelly, any fruit and berries can be used, but it is advisable to use dense products that do not let juice and keep their shape well.


• 600 grams of sour cream;

• 250 grams of powder;

• 20 grams of gelatin;

• 100 grams of milk;

• 400 grams of fruits and berries.


1. As usual, start by soaking the gelatin. Just combine the powder with milk, let stand for at least 15 minutes to swell.

2. Beat sour cream with powder. It is quite a lot, since a large number of fruits are added. But if sweet fruits are used, for example, bananas, cherries, strawberries, then the amount of sugar can be reduced.

3. Melt gelatin and send to sour cream, mix. Now the mass needs to be put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, so that it cools down, but does not catch.

4. Berries and fruits need to be washed and dried, cut into beautiful pieces.

5. We take out the cooled sour cream, add the prepared berries and fruits to it, mix.

6. Put in the molds. You can use small, large, simple or figured containers. It is convenient to use silicone molds for cakes.

Sour cream jelly - useful tips and tricks

• Gelatin is never melted or heated in aluminum utensils. Also, do not prepare cream in it. Otherwise, the dessert acquires an unpleasant aftertaste and may even darken.

• It is very important not to let the gelatin boil, otherwise the mass will not thicken and remain liquid. So that the grains dissolve well even with a little heat, you need to pre-soak the powder and let it swell well.

• If the dessert is intended for adults, then you can add a little liquor, wine or brandy to sour cream. The taste of jelly will become more intense, deep, and the color of red wine will also change color.

• Can't remove the jelly from the mold? Dip the container for a few seconds in hot water and dessert will easily part with it. But you need to be careful with glass forms, which from the temperature difference can burst.

• Striped jelly will look spectacular if you make a thin layer of chocolate between color transitions. And so as not to constantly melt it, just put the container with the product in a saucepan with hot water. As you cool, you can add boiling water or turn on the stove.


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