Salad with sausage and cheese: quick recipes. A variety of components and features of cooking salads with sausage and cheese


The simplicity of the cooking process and the exquisite taste of such a dish, like a salad with sausage and cheese, will make it possible for any housewife to express herself, her imagination, taste, and experiment with the creation of various delicacies, real culinary masterpieces.

General principles of cooking salad with sausage and cheese

To create such dishes as a salad with sausage and cheese, it is recommended to know and also take into account the general principles of cooking:

• The main ingredient of the described salad - sausage for almost all housewives is an affordable product that can replace any kind of meat with enviable ease;

• Sausage for such a salad can be selected any: boiled, smoked, smoked, here everything will depend on the preferences of the chef himself and his entourage;

• When adding a component such as sausage to a salad, any housewife will save a lot of time, which once again proves the indispensability of this ingredient.

• Cheese in a salad can also use almost any, most importantly, that this product is of high quality and fresh.

Recipe 1. Salad with sausage and cheese (filled with canned beans)


• Boiled sausage (any) - 250 gr.

• Beans (canned in tomato sauce) - 250 gr.

• Smoked Suluguni - 200 gr.

• Smoked cheese "pigtail" - 200 gr.

• Cucumbers (canned gherkins) - 150 gr.

• Bulgarian pepper (red) - 2 pcs.

• Onions - 2 pcs.

• Greens (seasonal) - 2 bunches.

• Oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

• Mayonnaise (Delicious) - according to taste preferences.

• Salt, black pepper (ground) and other spices - to the amateur.

Cooking method:

Onions must be peeled and chopped into half rings. A portion of the marinade from a jar of gherkins combined with boiled water and pour the liquid onions prepared in advance. After 15 minutes, drain the liquid, and wash the remaining onions thoroughly with water and dry with a towel.

Cut boiled sausage into thin strips and then fry in hot oil until golden crust is obtained. Put the sausage using a skimmer on a paper towel (folded several times) to drain the oil and let it cool.

Put canned beans into a separate cup from the jar. And the harvested cheese of two kinds to disassemble into fibrous parts, small thickness.

Gherkins put in a colander, rinse under water, dry with a towel and cut into strips in the same proportion as the cheese. Wash the bell peppers, cut in half and remove the core cut into narrow strips.

Put the components of the salad prepared in this way into a deep bowl, add salt, pepper, spices according to taste, combine with mayonnaise and mix. Put the salad in a cool place or in the refrigerator for further infusion for half an hour.

Decorate such a dish as a salad can be, with parsley leaves, beautifully sliced ​​cucumbers, and sprinkle the middle with cheese and greens.

Recipe 2. Salad with sausage and cheese (filled with eggs and garlic)


• Sausage (smoked) - 400 gr.

• Cheese (solid type) - 250 gr.

• Eggs (cooked and chopped) - 200 gr.

• Garlic - 3 teeth.

• Dill - 2 bunches.

• Parsley - 1 bunch.

• Basil - an amateur.

• Mayonnaise.

• Salt, black pepper milled - on the fan.

Cooking method:

Sausage should be cut into small cubes. Grate the cheese in a separate bowl using a medium grater. Greens, pre-washed and dried, finely chop with a knife. And chop or squeeze the garlic using a special kitchen tool.

Peel the cooked eggs, put one to the side, leaving it to decorate the salad, and grate the others.

Important! Salad must be laid out in a prepared in advance dishes, layers, each of which is thickly greased with mayonnaise.

1. One third of smoked sausage is taken and diced, which is then laid out on the bottom of the pot.

2. On top of the sausage is sprinkled with dill.

3. Dill top is filled with half grated cheese.

4. Cheese is sprinkled on top of chopped sausage left after filling the first layer.

5. Sausage topped with parsley.

6. On top of the parsley spread half of the grated eggs.

7. Garlic is choking on eggs.

8. The next layer is the remains of chopped sausage.

9. And the sausage is covered with the second part of the dill.

10. Crumble the remaining eggs.

11. And it all closes on top with grated cheese.

Before serving, you can decorate it with sliced ​​eggs and basil leaves. And also briefly hold in the refrigerator, so that the cooked salad could infuse.

Recipe 3. Salad with sausage and cheese (filled with corn and tomatoes)


• Sausage - 250 gr.

• Pepper (green) - 2 pcs.

• Onion - 1 pc.

• Tomatoes (large) - 3 pcs.

• Garlic -3 prong.

• Corn (in the form of canned food) - 1 bank.

• Cheese (spicy) - 250 gr.

• Vinegar (apple type) - 4 tbsp. spoons.

• Oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

• Basil, marjoram - an amateur.

• Salt, pepper (ground red) - according to taste.

Cooking method:

Corn should be poured on a sieve, for complete separation of the juice. Pour boiling water over tomatoes and then lower them into cold water for better separation of the skin. After removing the skin, cut them into halves and remove the seeds. The flesh is cut into cubes.

Remove the cores and seeds from the washed peppers, cut into narrow strips. Peel the onions and finely chop. Nastrogat sausage in small circles.

In vinegar, putting salt, pepper, garlic, you need to add butter and beat.

Put prepared corn, onions, peppers, tomatoes, and sausage in a special dish for salad. Add cheese, basil, marjoram and the resulting sauce to these ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly and let the salad brew a little.

Recipe 4. Sausage and cheese salad (filled with potatoes and olives)


• Potatoes - 250 gr.

• Eggs - 4 pcs.

• Sausage (preferably smoked type) - 200 gr.

• Cheese - 100 gr.

• Olives - 150 gr.

• Cucumbers (fresh) - 100 gr.

• Mayonnaise - 250 gr.

• Lemon - 1 pc.

• Salt, pepper - on the fan.

Cooking method:

Cool and peel the potatoes cooked in the uniform. Boiled eggs also give the opportunity to subside, then to clean them. All these components cut into cubes and put in a clean bowl. Cut the sausage into strips, add to the potatoes and eggs, putting the sliced ​​cucumbers in the same place.

From cans of canned olives must be drained. Add olives to the total mass of the components. Separately, it is recommended to whip lemon juice and mayonnaise, and fill the salad with the resulting sauce. Next, you need to collect the resulting salad slide and decorate it over the grated cheese.

Recipe 5. Sausage and cheese salad (filled with pasta)


• Sausage (salami) -150 gr.

• Cheese - 150 gr.

• Macaroni (in the form of bows) - 250 gr.

• Cucumbers 1 pc.

• Tomatoes (canned) - 2 pcs.

• Garden bulb - 1 pc.

• Greens - according to taste preferences.


• Oil (refined) - 4 tbsp. spoons.

• Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

• Vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

• Sugar - 1 tsp

• Mustard - according to taste.

• Dill, finely chopped - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

To make a dressing, you need to pour lemon juice, vinegar, sugar, mustard and finely chopped dill into vegetable oil.

Important! In boiled pasta on slightly salted water, you must add refined oil, so that they do not stick together.

Chopped in the form of cubes cheese, tomatoes and onions - half-rings, salami-ringlets, and cucumber - in medium-sized cubes, put in a bowl for salad mix and pour dressing.

Recipe 6. Salad with sausage and cheese (filled with calamari and quail eggs)


• Sausage (smoked type) - 50 gr.

• Cheese - 50 gr.

• Squids - 2 carcasses.

• Eggs (boiled, quail) - ten.

• Mushrooms (champignons) - 5 pcs.

• Rice - 50 gr.

• Garden onions - 1 pc.

• Hawaiian mix - 100 gr.

• Aioli sauce - 150 gr.

Cooking method:

Boiled carrion squid, sausage and cheese crumble into small cubes. Garden onions also chop cubes. Mushrooms cut into plates and fry.

Important! In order to remove the bitterness and sharpness of the onion, salt it and pour it well with lemon juice.

Mushrooms cut into plates and fry. Quail eggs chop. All components mix.

Boil rice in vegetable broth until half cooked. Mix the rice with the Hawaiian mixture and simmer in the pan with the same broth until ready to use. Add the mixture to other pre-prepared and mixed components.

Recipe 7. Salad with sausage and cheese (filled with yogurt and sour cream)


• Cheese - 150 gr.

• Sausage (boiled) - 150 gr.

• Eggs (boiled) - 4 pcs.

• Potatoes (boiled) - 200 gr.

• Cucumbers (canned) - 2 pcs.

• Tomatoes (dense) - 6 pcs.

• Carrots - 2 pcs.

• Onions - 1 pc.

• Greens (any taste) - 1 bunch.

• Spices - an amateur.

Ingredients for the sauce:

• Yogurt (cream) - 2 tbsp.

• Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons.

• Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

Potatoes cooked in a uniform to cool and peel.

Potatoes, sausages and cheese should be cut into cubes - 1-2 cm. Cucumbers, cut lengthwise into halves, should be chopped into slices.

With a tomato you need to remove the skin (after having doused them with boiling water) and cut them into eight lobes, while removing the stem. Boiled eggs need to be cleaned and cut into 8 shares. Separately, clean the carrot, and rub it on a grater. Onions must be chopped straw, and the greens finely chop.

To get the sauce you need: mix yogurt, sour cream and lemon juice and season with plenty of salt, sugar and pepper.

All previously cooked ingredients mix and season with cooked sauce.

Tips and tips on cooking salad with sausage and cheese

• For a beautiful salad dressing with sausage and cheese, you need to apply where it is needed - dressing (sauces, salad dressing).

• In salads it is not necessary to use expensive products, it is possible and cheap, but high-quality and fresh.

• Before serving a salad, it is recommended that you put it in the fridge or any other cool place for a while so that it is infused.

• Facilitates the process of making this salad - a variety of varieties and types of sausages and cheese.

• The simplicity of the process of making such a salad and its components will enable the cook to prepare this dish in advance, giving him the opportunity not only to insist, but not to spoil himself before the arrival, for example, of the guests.

• With ingredients such as sausage and cheese - you can and should experiment, creating new and tasty dishes.


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