February 23: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on February 23.


Holidays February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23, has long been simply a men's holiday and few people know that in 1918 on February 23 the Red Army was "born". And not just “born”, but was able to prove by its first victories over the troops of Kaiser Germany its unity, power, and invincibility. The holiday was intended not just for men, but for soldiers who fought with the enemy and defeated him, who gave their strength, health and life for the prosperity of the motherland and a peaceful sky. Most citizens of Russia celebrate the holiday as the Day of Men, Present and Future Defenders in the general sense of the word.

February 23 in the folk calendar

Prokhor Vesnovey

On February 23, the Orthodox Church commemorates St. Prokhor. February 23 in nature begins a turn in the spring, and therefore Prokhor is named after Vesnovey. It was believed by the people that although it was still cold on Prokhor and February was “raging,” spring was already approaching.

Honored on February 23 and Harlampia, who was the keeper of an unexpected death. Death without repentance is considered a great sin and people were afraid to die suddenly. On this day, the peasants prayed to St. Harlampy so that he would not allow such a death. Harlampy was also the patron saint of officials.

Historical events February 23

February 23, 1826laid the foundation for non-Euclidean geometry

February 23, Nikolai Lobachevsky, speaking at a meeting of the Physics and Mathematics Society of the Faculty of Kazan University, offered the attention of the audience a new theory of parallel lines. The theory of convergence of straight lines in "imaginary" geometry made no impression, but the foundation of non-Euclidean geometry was laid. The discovery of Lobachevsky was the achievement of world "minds" only in 1840. Wide public recognition came to the scientist only after his 100th anniversary.

February 23, 1958, foundation of the Victory Monument in Moscow

On Poklonnaya Gora, on February 23, a granite sign was laid with a special inscription telling that a victory monument would be erected at this place. Around the sign trees were planted and Victory Park was laid. Once Poklonnaya Gora was far from the capital and travelers stopped at this place in order to look at the capital and bow to it. And so the name of the mountain happened. Now on Poklonnaya Hill you can bow to the soldiers who won the Great Patriotic War.

For the construction of the monument, citizens raised 194 million rubles from personal savings. The remaining funds were allocated by the Moscow government. In 1995, a memorial complex was opened, and in 2003 - a chapel as a memory of the Spanish volunteer soldiers who died in World War II.

February 23, 1959 human rights court begins

The jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights extends to all member states of the Council of Europe and protects the rights not only in interstate disputes, but each individual person. Court protection extends to Russian citizens.

February 23, 2006 the dome of the Basmanny market in Moscow collapsed

At the Basmanny market, February 23, in Moscow, a tragedy occurred. About three square meters of the dome hit the shopping arcade. There were 99 people in the market building. The work of rescuers (about 1,000 people) and search dogs was complicated by a fire: containers of paints and varnishes blazed at the Basmanny Market warehouse.

The construction of the dome was such that it had no supports and its reinforced concrete structures formed like a house of cards. People who were inside the rubble could not get out without the help of rescuers. They were warmed with the help of heat guns. The rescuers themselves worked without interruption, replacing each other, but getting to the victims turned out to be such an overwhelming task that only after two days of non-stop rescue work did it become possible to get the first person. Thanks to the efforts of rescuers, 33 people survived. 66 people who were at the time of the tragedy directly under the collapsed dome were killed. Psychological and medical assistance was provided to everyone who needed it, as well as to the relatives of the victims.

The commission investigating this collapse decided that the building was not properly operated for the entire 30 years. The snow from the roof never cleared, stagnated there, and in the spring it thawed, forming puddles and clogging drains. Water began to flow inside the building, onto the supporting metal structures, covered with rust over time. In the end, the metal could not stand it and collapsed down. Exactly the same tragedy occurred in Moscow in 2004, when the roof of the Transvaal Park collapsed.

Born on February 23

Georg Friedrich Handel (February 23, 1685 - April 14, 1759), composer and organist

The famous composer Georg Friedrich Handel composed operas and cantatas and all his work is marked by great productivity. For the year, Handel wrote one opera, and among the most famous: "Radamist", "Julius Caesar", "Orlando", "Otgon", "Rodelinda" and others. The Queen of England, Anna Odu, admired Handel's music so much that she granted him a life-long retirement. Since 1740, oratorios began to occupy the main place in the composer's work. They were created as often as operas. The most famous of the oratorios: Deborah, Samson, Valtaras, Solomon. Many of Handel's works were devoted to biblical themes. Cantatas, church music, suites, arias, organ concerts, sonatas, songs and music for performances - the legacy of the composer and performer is so great that it is difficult to count. Six years before his death, Handel went blind, but continued to play and compose music. Every year in Germany and England, celebrations are held in honor of the famous composer.

Kazimir Malevich (February 23, 1878 - May 15, 1935), artist

Kazimir Malevich began as an impressionist artist, but later he became an active participant in futuristic exhibitions. Not everyone understood and do not understand futurism, but this direction exists and has the right to its own life. Malevich’s paintings are filled with vital energy and make you draw attention to yourself. His work continues to cause controversy and confrontation of opposing points of view. In Russia, Malevich’s most famous work was Black Square.

Oleg Yankovsky (February 23, 1844 - May 20, 2009), actor, director

Oleg Yankovsky, a favorite actor and talented director, got his first role in the movie "Shield and Sword" and immediately became extremely popular. Then there were unforgettable characters in the films of A. Tarkovsky (“The Mirror” and “Nostalgia”), “Kreutzer Sonata”, “My Affectionate and Tender Beast” and many, many others. Yankovsky starred in more than 100 films. The actor also managed theater roles, the Lenkom scene became his second home. Heroes of Yankovsky never scowled, were honest with themselves, did not embellish reality. These were ordinary, ordinary people. Oleg Yankovsky passed away after a serious illness. He was buried in the Novodevichy cemetery.

Alexy II (February 23, 1929 - December 5, 2008), Patriarch of All Russia and Moscow

Alexy II was born into a priest's family and from early childhood served in the church. In 1949 he graduated from a theological seminary, and in 1961 he was ordained a bishop. Then Alexy was the administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Metropolitan. In 1990, he was elected Patriarch of All Russia. In this field, Alexy II sought to strengthen the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, contributed to the rapprochement of church and secular cultures, achieved rapprochement between Russian and foreign churches. Alexy II was awarded the title "Man-era".

Birthday February 23

Anna, Arkady, Vasily, Gennady, Gregory, Karp, Peter, Prokhor, Anton, Valentina, Galina, German, Ivan, Mark, Porfiry.


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