All about the benefits and dangers of millet porridge: scientific facts and cooking recipe. Secrets of millet porridge: useful or harmful


Millet porridge has been popular since ancient times, due to its accessibility and nutritional properties.

Increasingly, millet porridge is used not only as an independent dish, but also as a side dish for meat or vegetables.

So what's so special about her?

Consider the properties of millet in more detail.

Millet porridge: technology for proper cooking

Millet, from which millet is made, contains a large amount of fat, which leads to the oxidation of cereals and the appearance of a bitter taste. That is why it is important to choose the right cereal for porridge. Criteria to consider:

type of cereal. There are several types of millet: polished (whole or crushed) and chrysanthemum. Dranets has a pronounced bitterness, so the least suitable for cereals. Grinded cereal is well-digested and has a high viscosity;

cereal color. The brighter the yellow color, the richer the taste for the porridge. If you need friable porridge, then it is worth using grains of a dark shade. Light millet will make the porridge very viscous;

shelf life at the time of cooking. This is due to the fact that during long-term storage of grain acquire bitterness. In principle, this can be corrected by first baking the cereal in a pan or by pouring boiling water over it.

The technology for making millet porridge is distinguished by its features. In order for the cereal to boil better, you should first add water to the boil, and only then milk. For cooking, it is best to use aluminum or clay dishes. The whole cooking process consists of several stages:

1. Prepare the cereal, sorting it out and sorting it from low-quality grains.

2. Rinse millet in cold running water. A sieve is recommended for this. Rinse until water is clear.

3. Pour the prepared millet with hot water and bring to a boil. To 1.5 cups of water add 1 cup of cereal. After that, remove the foam and simmer over low heat.

4. After 15-20 minutes after boiling add 1.5 cups of milk. They also add salt and sugar at their discretion. Throughout the cooking time, it is necessary to mix it regularly to avoid burning;

5. After complete boiling of cereals, porridge is considered ready. At this stage, you can add butter, passivated vegetables and much more.

The porridge prepared by this method is fragrant, healthy and has no bitterness.

The special benefits of millet porridge

Compared to other traditional cereals, millet contains the least amount of nutrients. But there are a number of positive properties.

Millet is recommended for diabetics, since the slow carbohydrates contained in it maintain a regular level of sugar, excluding its increase. The presence of a whole group of vitamin B provides rapid regeneration of the skin and hair after injuries, and their recovery after pathologies of a different nature.

Millet helps to remove heavy metal ions. The high starch content allows you to regulate and stimulate the intestines and restore human energy. It is noted that with the introduction of this product into the diet blood cholesterol decreases, the work of the heart and the system of blood vessels is restored.

Magnesium, which is part of millet porridge, normalizes the nervous systemmaking a person balanced and calm. This dish is of great importance for people who have undergone poisoning or antibiotic therapy.

It is noted that porridge promotes the breakdown of toxins and the active withdrawal of antibiotics. Thereby liver function is facilitated.

In cereals are vitamins A and E, which allow slow down the aging process, improve complexion and get rid of already appeared wrinkles. Eating this meal helps maintain healthy teeth and nails. In addition, there is a regulation of the production of subcutaneous fat. This is very relevant. with frequently recurring acne.

The complex of elements included in the composition of millet groats promotes the regeneration of all tissues and the restoration of internal organs. Therefore, the dish is often prescribed to patients undergoing surgery.

Facts of harm to millet porridge

No matter how you describe the benefits of millet porridge, do not forget about the possible harm. Recent studies have proven that millet interferes with the absorption of iodine.

Therefore, the frequent use of this dish is contraindicated for people with a lack of this trace element. If a person nevertheless introduced this dish into the diet, then it is worth adding iodine-containing drugs with an even distribution of their use.

At acute inflammation of the stomach and esophagusmillet porridge is also contraindicated. Such food is also not recommended for low acidity.

At severe and prolonged lack of thyroid hormones, you should refrain from taking porridge from millet, as this can lead to a sharp deterioration.

Frequent constipation are also a contraindication for this food. In this case, if you add it to the menu, then no more than once a week and only in combination with fermented milk products or vegetables.

Porridge in some cases may contribute to weight gain. This is due to the presence of fat in cereals and, as a result, the high calorie content of the product. Therefore, people with excess body weight should not get involved in such food.

Millet porridge for pregnant and lactating mothers: more benefit or harm?

The main guarantee of nutrition of a pregnant or lactating mother is the diversity and usefulness of food. Therefore, in the diet should be any kind of cereals, including millet. If no allergic reactions to cereals are detected, then safely use this dish. Millet porridge is easily digestedwithout overloading the digestive system, which is important during pregnancy.

However, do not forget about moderation, otherwise there will be one harm from millet porridge. Unsaturated fats present in millet provide assimilation of “solar” vitamin D. Thus, directly affecting formation and development of bone tissue of the child, both in prenatal development, and in the first years of life. At the same time, a healthy balance of substances in the mother’s tooth tissue is maintained, preventing their destruction, and calcium leaching from bones is controlled.

Vitamins and macronutrients of millet allow a woman to calmly endure stressful situations, stay in a good mood and have a restful sleep. Trace elements found in millet porridge contribute to maintaining the necessary level of hormones and proper metabolism of the body. Depends on them fetal nervous system formation and mother’s energy potential.

Millet porridge is beneficial for mothers while breastfeeding an underweight baby. Cereal protein is responsible for the development and intensive muscle building. Carbohydrates, which are present in millet porridge, benefit from the fact that they provoke the production of the hormone of joy.

If you take millet in small quantities about 2 times a week, then you can get rid of constipation. The body of a woman during pregnancy is under stress due to high metabolism. In order to facilitate the work of the liver, it is recommended to include millet porridge in its menu, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of this organ.

The only thing that can lead to negative consequences when using this product is excessiveness. During pregnancy and in the first year after it, many women tend to gain weight. Passion for millet porridge will only aggravate the situation and provoke problems with the intestines.

Will millet porridge benefit from losing weight?

This question torments many. And this is quite justified, because millet porridge has a high calorie content. As it turned out, such an energy indicator is not an obstacle when losing weight to include wheat in your diet.

Such food can be used for fasting days, and for a complete diet program. With daily use of porridge, the result of weight loss is visible after a week.

This is due to the pronounced effect of millet cereals of a lyotropic nature. Due to this property, fats in the body begin to break down intensively, and the accumulation of newly incoming fats is blocked. In addition, millet removes puffiness and removes toxins from the body, while perfectly saturating it with useful substances. This is especially important when dealing with unnecessary pounds.

Main condition nutrition of millet porridge is the proper preparation and use. For weight loss, porridge should be cooked in water with a minimum salt content and preferably without sugar.

You can add low-calorie raw vegetables and various spices to it. Candied fruit, pumpkin or nuts will help strengthen the effect of weight loss. A serving is best divided into several parts and taken throughout the day. The difference between millet porridge in a high content of slowly digested carbohydrates, which lead to a long feeling of satiety.

Due to the presence of fiber, there is a mild effect and regulation of the digestive organs, which helps to cleanse the body. The complex of macronutrients reduces the time of metabolism, thereby establishing metabolic processes.

To adhere to a healthy diet, you can study the chemical composition of the products in detail or consult a specialist.

There is another option - include the desired food in your diet, but do not be zealous with its use. Only then will food bring only benefits.


Watch the video: Use Siridhanyalu Millet by Dr. Sarala. Weight Loss - Constipation. SumanTV Organic Foods (May 2024).