Teriyaki Sauce - the best recipes. How to properly and deliciously prepare Teriyaki sauce.


Teriyaki sauce - general principles and methods of cooking

Japanese cuisine is a worldwide interest. Sushi, rolls, miso soup and udon noodles have become for us almost family. Teriyaki is another national Japanese dish. In the etymology of the name, two components are distinguished - "teri" ("shine") and "yaki" ("fry"). Chicken, pork or teriyaki fish in the full sense of the word are brilliant and seem to be varnished.

The sauce can be easily prepared at home and stored in the refrigerator. Outwardly, it looks like a thick dark syrup, slightly brighter than soy sauce. In the original, the ancient Japanese used the bones of game, which charred over a fire or in the stove. Today, there are many recipes based on soy sauce with the addition of rice vodka, honey, and many different ingredients. The sauce for two hours of marinating literally softens any, even the toughest meat.

Teriyaki sauce - food preparation.

There are two types of teriyaki sauce - for pickling and for watering during frying. In the latter case, the dish is completely soaked with taste, when marinating, it is felt only on the surface of the meat. The classic composition includes rice wine or vodka, but there are many other recipes. In supermarkets you can find a special seasoning with lots of spices, as well as ginger, crushed garlic, sesame. At home cooking it is better to take brown sugar. If it is not - sugar in a smaller amount.

Teriyaki Sauce - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Teriyaki Soy Sauce Based Sauce

You will see how easy it is to make a wonderful sauce that will make meat and fish dishes not just tasty, but surprisingly soft, at the same time moderately sharp and original.

Ingredients: soy sauce (6 boats), honey (2 tablespoons), dry white wine (ideally rice, 6 spoons), ground ginger (1 table spoon), crushed garlic (1 clove).

Cooking method

Peel the garlic, shake it in a mortar. Mix the soy sauce with the wine, add all the remaining ingredients in a small saucepan and heat over low heat until the honey dissolves completely. Done! You can bake in it meat, chicken, any fish, and also fill salads, serve with rice and vegetables.

Recipe 2: Teriyaki Sauce with Oranges

This is a more complex recipe, including garlic, sesame, spices and juice from fresh oranges. Real Japanese exotic!

Ingredients: soy sauce (half cup), sesame oil (2 teaspoons), oranges (2 pcs.), fresh ginger (2 tablespoons), green onions (half cup), crushed garlic (2 cloves), roasted sesame (2 teaspoons) , honey (2 spoons).

Cooking method

Prepare food - chop and chop the garlic in a mortar, chop fine greens, melt the honey in a warm place to a liquid state. Roast sesame in a frying pan for a couple of minutes, mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. The result is a versatile sauce that is suitable for marinating fish, meat, chicken. All you need is to fill them with meat and hold for 2-3 hours, periodically shaking. And then - whatever your heart desires: a brazier, a frying pan, an oven or a grill. Store the sauce in a closed jar in a cold place.

Examples of dishes with Teriyaki sauce

Recipe 1: Teriyaki Shrimp with Pineapple Sauce

Japanese cuisine is primarily seafood, shrimp dishes there are not at all considered a delicacy, like ours. The Japanese, who love shrimp, may well have it for lunch and dinner. For us, this dish is a real delicacy. Comforted by the fact that many Japanese do not know that we have our pancakes or borscht, and we still try their teriyaki shrimps.

Ingredients: shrimps (cleaned 500 grams), teriyaki sauce (1/4 cup), pineapple juice, pineapple puree (¼ cup), vegetable oil (1 spoon), ripe pineapple (1 piece), sesame oil, green onion .

Cooking method

Mix in a bowl of shrimp, sauce and pineapple juice. Put in the fridge to marinate for half an hour. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the shrimps for about 2 minutes. Marinade evaporate half, mix with pineapple puree and chopped pineapple in small pieces. Heat slightly, remove from heat and mix with shrimp and sesame oil. Serve with sprinkled green onions.

Recipe 2: Teriyaki chicken in a sake sauce

This interesting dish is cooked in just 20 minutes, including sauce and baking. You yourself can choose chicken legs, chicken breasts or other parts, the main thing is to have to cut the bones.

Ingredients: 4 breasts or 4 chicken legs, vegetable oil. For the sauce: 7 tablespoons of sake, mirin (sweet rice wine used in cooking), soy sauce, sugar (1 tablespoon).

Cooking method

Cut or puncture breasts or thighs well with a fork in several places almost to the skin, so the chicken will fry faster. If the meat is too thick, discard it or carefully cut off the layer. On a well-warmed thick-walled pan with butter, put the pieces of chicken skins down. Fry until golden brown. Just in case, have a lid on hand to protect it from oil splashes when turning it over. Salt butter with fried chicken and add teriyaki sauce. Then continue to roast the chicken, turning it from side to side. Cook until the sauce thickens. To preserve the crisp crust, hold the sauce on low heat and water it with a ready-made, well-done chicken. In this case, the skin will remain intact, and the meat will be brilliant, as if polished.

Teriyaki Sauce - Useful Tips from Experienced Culinary

- Teriyaki meat is served on a dish covered in cabbage leaves. Before serving the cabbage lightly scald. In another embodiment, you can use green salad leaves, separately served with boiled rice with sesame seeds. Ginger, pickled onions, rolls are served as an additional seasoning.

- The sauce perfectly softens tough meat when marinating. To ensure that this happens evenly, make a few deep punctures, about half a centimeter deep. Then the marinade will saturate the meat from all sides.


Watch the video: Teriyaki Sauce and Thick Teriyaki Glaze Recipe (July 2024).