Easy diet to cleanse the body without starvation and effort. Individual diet diet to cleanse the body


Harmful substances that negatively affect its work enter the body every day. To support the body in the fight against them, it is important to timely deliver vitamins, minerals and trace elements that ensure the correct operation of the body's cleansing system.

The nutrition complex, oriented to the choice and proper supply of the necessary substances, is the basis of the diet for cleansing the body.

A cleansing diet requires preparation, which is not to buy vegetables, fruits and green tea.

First of all, go through a consultation with your doctor if you suffer from chronic diseases.

Plan your work schedule so that the period of the diet does not have serious physical and emotional stress.

Prepare for possible headaches, as the first sign of excretion of toxins.

Cleansing diets are based on the following:

1. Water. Water is used non-carbonated and in a daily volume of at least one and a half liters. In the diet for cleansing the body, water is the first way to eliminate toxins.

2. Cellulose. Introduce fiber-rich foods into your diet. The faithful assistant will be food cooked with a double boiler.

3. Restriction of salt. Salt - the main enemy of the body's cleansing processes, it retains water, preventing the implementation of cleansing functions.

4. Restriction of empty calories. Instant foods and sweets bring in the body a lot of calories, which are not processed into useful energy, and, therefore, are not needed by the body.

5. Vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Keep track of the usefulness of the diet, even during a diet.

Nutrition on a diet to cleanse the body

Diets for cleansing the body are made individually, but the list of products for the daily diet, accelerating the cleansing of the body is one:

1. Apples. Pectin, which is found in apples, helps the body in removing heavy metals. In addition, apple juice is effective in combating viruses and supports the full functioning of the liver.

2. Beet. Boiled, baked, stewed and raw - beet in any form - an indispensable aid to the liver in the matter of cleansing the body. This vegetable in a natural way removes toxins from the liver, allowing you to work in full force when cleansing the body.

3. Celery. Cleaning the blood, preventing the deposition of uric acid in the joints and facilitating the work of the kidneys are useful properties necessary for cleansing the body.

4. Bow. Helps flush toxins through the skin.

5. Cabbage. Thanks to the sulforaphane contained in cruciferous vegetables, it removes toxins from the body, high content of sulfur, iodine and chlorine form compounds that cleanse the intestines, and organic acids prevent the formation of fats from sugar and carbohydrates.

6. Garlic. Excretes nicotine from the body, cleanses the circulatory system and respiratory tract.

7. Artichoke. Contains antioxidants and fiber.

8. Lemon. Vitamin C cleanses the blood vessels and prevents the deposition of salts in the kidneys. Lemon juice is used as a dressing for fresh salads, and water with lemon quenches thirst.

9. Ginger. The anti-cold properties of this plant are associated with diaphoretic action, due to which it removes toxins from the body through the skin.

10. Green tea. A source of antioxidants, eliminates the body of excess fluid, stimulates the liver.

11. Olive oil. Cold-pressed oil improves heart and circulatory system, a choleretic agent. Before eating regularly eat five or six olives or olives.

12. Water. Non-carbonated mineral, boiled, filtered. Ensure daily intake of at least one and a half liters of water in the body. In addition to plain water, drink herbal teas, natural juices, cleansing tinctures.

During the diet to cleanse the body It is forbidden to use:

1. Smoked products;

2. Fatty meats;

3. Pasta;

4. Sugar and sweets;

5. Alcoholic beverages;

6. Fat whole milk and cottage cheese.

At the time of the diet, eat beef or chicken instead of pork, replace the pasta with cereals, and sugar - with a sugar substitute. Instead of fat cottage cheese and yoghurts with additives, buy natural low-fat dairy products.

It is recommended to use olive oil, for example, in salad dressings, and from flour products to stop at the grain bread made from coarse flour.

General dietary guidelines for cleansing the body

To clean the body correctly, and the results did not take long, follow the additional recommendations:

1. Move the dinner closer to the middle of the day, or discard it. It is important to go to bed with an empty stomach, so that at night the body does not expend energy on digestion, but sends it to purify from accumulated harmful substances.

2. Drink plenty of fluids. Rosehip tinctures, natural juices, herbal teas cleanse the body.

3. Refuse from alcohol, coffee and teas containing caffeine.

4. Do not start a diet while taking medication.

5. Exercise, take a walk in the fresh air and give at least 7 hours a day to sleep.

6. Eat fruits and vegetables daily;

7. Additionally, take echinacea, for vigor and improve well-being.

8. Eat only when there is a feeling of hunger;

9. Include in the diet raw foods of plant origin;

10. Fermented milk products should be consumed at least once a day;

11. Minimize the consumption of complex fats, sugars and salt.

12. Eat a small amount of sea kale or other seaweed daily.

13. Refuse from food containing chemical additives.

14. Vitamin and mineral complexes are selected in addition to the diet, if it is impossible to ensure the natural intake of certain vitamins and minerals. Supplements are applied according to the attached instructions.

Diet menu to cleanse the body

So that the diet for cleansing the body is not severely stressed due to a drastic change in diet, spend two preparatory days before the main stage. Avoid spicy, smoked, salty foods, sweets, carbonated drinks and fast food. It is allowed to consume fatty cottage cheese, sweet yogurt, drink coffee once a day. On an empty stomach every morning, drink one glass of pure water with honey and lemon. Each meal should be accompanied by a glass of freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or fruits. In the evening, drink a glass of herbal tea with honey.

During the main diet in the morning they drink a glass of water with honey, and sunflower, pumpkin or sesame seeds are added to the main dishes to taste. Restrictions on eating no, but overeat not worth it.

Weekly diet of a general diet for cleansing the body


Breakfast: Hercules on the water with dried apricots and lemon juice.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge, boiled chicken breast and a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, greens and sweet peppers with olive oil dressing.

Dinner: vegetable soup and brown rice.


Breakfast: salad from carrots, cabbage and greens, toasts from coarse-grained breads with bran.

Dinner: vegetable broth, porridge from brown rice.

Dinner: fruit salad with yoghurt dressing.


Breakfast: steamed vegetables, boiled egg.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge, boiled beef, green salad.

Dinner: vegetable broth, fish casserole.


Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with honey and apple.

Lunch: steamed beans, brown rice porridge.

Dinner: steam zucchini, low-fat cheese, olives.


Breakfast: corn porridge with nuts and dried fruit.

Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish with carrots.

Dinner: fruit salad with rice cereal.

When the five-day course of cleansing the body is over, a quick return to the usual diet can be stressful for the rebuilt organism, so it is recommended to leave the diet gradually. Two days after the end of the diet, adhere to the nutrition that preceded the beginning of the diet, not forgetting to drink water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach.

If you want to cleanse the body of fat, adjust the diet in accordance with the desired result.

Purifying diet from toxins

Follow the four rules for dieting:

1. Every day, drink two liters of pure water without gases.

2. Two weeks instead of tea and coffee are used juice from apples and carrots.

3. In the diet are not allowed semi-finished products, sausage and flour products.

4. Pay special attention to products that supply the body with fiber: vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

Cleansing diet against acne

Such a diet involves the preparation of a new diet based on rice, Hercules and buckwheat; meat and fish; fermented milk products; vegetables and fruits.

Sample menu:

Breakfast: boiled rice and a glass of kefir.

Lunch: light fruit salad, seasoned with fat-free yogurt.

Lunch: boiled chicken with stewed vegetables and a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Dinner: steamed fish and fresh vegetable salad.

noteThat dinner is recommended no later than four hours before bedtime so that the body has time to process the food.

Skin cleansing diet

To make your skin look healthy, make a daily diet based on products from the following list:

Vegetables: beets, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage;

Fruits: lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates;

All types of dairy and dairy products;

Meat: chicken, beef;

Low-fat fish;

Groats: buckwheat, rice, oats.

If the diet is followed, the body may not have enough energy. A great way to increase the body's tone is food that helps generate additional energy.

Apple Yogurt Oatmeal

Two tablespoons of oatmeal poured hot water. When the flakes swell, unsweetened yogurt and pumpkin seeds are added to them. The resulting mixture is mixed and sprinkled with grated apple on top. If you are missing sweet, add one teaspoon of honey.

Fruit cocktail

You will need a mixer for cooking. Finely chop the banana and two peaches, prepare a glass of orange juice. Take one egg and separate the white from the yolk. Transfer the sliced ​​fruit to a suitable container, cover with orange juice and add the yolk. Beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth.

Salad "Energy"

Grate the carrot on a fine grater, chop the cabbage and chop the sweet pepper into small cubes. Dressing sauce is made from olive oil (two tablespoons) and lemon juice (one tablespoon). To vegetables, add a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of seeds and season with sauce.

To maintain the body in the form in the middle of each week, select the discharge day, for which use only pure water. Avoid fasting days on apples: they contain fructose, which is very stressful to the stomach.

Once every three months for five days, give a diet to cleanse the body. Please note that the purpose of the diet - getting rid of the body of toxins, and not weight loss. Improvement of the body occurs due to the normalization of digestion, restoration of water balance and elimination of toxins.


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