Zucchini puree soup - unusual, but tasty! Recipes of zucchini mashed soups with tomato, cheese, honey, mint, chicken, vegetables and mushrooms


Zucchini puree soup is the most delicate first course, light and airy, with a velvet texture and a pleasant mild taste.

A wonderful dish with an indescribable aroma will decorate any table, giving you true pleasure.

Zucchini soup puree - general principles of preparation

The main advantage of zucchini puree soup is that it is satisfying, but at the same time does not leave heaviness in the stomach after eating. There are many recipes for such a soup, some prefer minimalism, almost without adding additional ingredients to the dish, others are experimenters who combine vegetables, spices, meat and mushrooms in zucchini soup.

The main ingredient of zucchini puree soup is, of course, zucchini. It is best to use young fruits, their processing does not take much time, moreover, they are more delicate in structure and prepare quite quickly. But it is permissible to use ripe fruits, only in this case zucchini must be peeled and seeds removed. It should be done very carefully, because the peel of such fruits is hard and it is extremely difficult to cut it off. Next, the vegetable is cut into cubes, bars, slices, as you like, boiled and chopped together with other ingredients that make up the dish.

The broth on which the soup is prepared can be meat, chicken, mushroom, vegetable. For lack of broth, it is quite possible to replace it with ordinary water, but in this case, so that the soup puree from zucchini does not turn out fresh, it is better to add cream instead of vegetable oil. However, if possible, it is better to boil the broth, for example, vegetable. It is not difficult to do this, put in a pan more various roots and herbs (carrots, roots and parsley, dill, bay leaves, celery, marjoram, rosemary and others), fill everything with water, salt and simmer for simmer over half an hour, after which strain.

I use absolutely different spices for preparing mashed potato soup from zucchini, you do not have to clearly follow the cooking instructions, choose according to your taste - dishes such as anise, paprika, saffron, sage, tarragon, celery, curry and others will perfectly emphasize. Greens - do not be afraid to overdo it, fresh greens will give the soup a special aroma and taste, feel free to take parsley, basil, dill, cilantro, and if you cook cold mashed soup from zucchini, use mint.

Soup mashed potatoes from zucchini are served mainly with croutons, fresh toasts, garlic buns. Additionally, you can set bowls with sour cream, cream sauce. Shredded pine nuts, walnuts or hazelnuts add their interesting notes to the dish.

1. Zucchini soup with cheese


• 400 grams of young zucchini;

• two small onions;

• two cloves of garlic;

• one and a half liters of broth (meat, chicken or vegetable);

• spices;

• 150 grams of processed natural cheese;

• parsley dill.

Cooking method:

• Rinse the zucchini, cut off the bases, remove the peel. If you have a young fruit, then it will be easier to clean it, you will have to tinker with a mature zucchini.

• Cut the zucchini into any convenient cooking form.

• Peel the onion and garlic, cut into small cubes.

• Put the prepared vegetables in a pan, pour them with broth. Cook after boiling for ten minutes.

• Add finely grated cream cheese, mix. Continue cooking until the cheese product has completely dissolved.

• Remove the saucepan from the stove, add salt and spices to the soup. Grind vegetables and cheese with a hand blender until smooth.

• Serve zucchini soup puree, abundantly sprinkled with finely chopped herbs with fresh bread or croutons. If desired, you can add parmesan to the finished dish, cut into small pieces.

2. Cream of zucchini soup


• a kilogram of young zucchini;

• one large onion;

• a bunch of fresh dill;

• 60 ml of olive or vegetable oil;

• 550 ml of any broth;

• 130 ml of high fat cream;

• 180 ml of water;

• 50-60 grams of hard cheese;

• salt pepper;

• a spoonful of liquid honey or sugar.

Cooking method:

1. With a sharp knife, peel the onion from the husk, rinse it and zucchini in cold water, then dry and cut into not very large cubes.

2. Sort the dill, discard the stems, leaving only the greens themselves, rinse, shake off the remaining water, chop.

3. Grate the cheese on the finest grater.

4. Pour olive oil into a saucepan for cooking soup, put onion cubes, fry over medium heat until soft and a pleasant golden color.

5. Put the zucchini onion, pour the broth, add the pepper, salt.

6. Simmer for no more than fifteen minutes, then pour cream, water, put grated cheese and chopped dill.

7. Bring zucchini soup to a boil, cook for five to ten minutes.

8. Grind all the finished ingredients in a blender to a puree state.

9. If you want the mass to be more tender, additionally strain the soup puree through a sieve with a fine mesh.

10. Return the pot of soup to the stove, add liquid honey.

11. After boiling, turn off the gas, insist before serving, covering the pan with a lid, for five minutes.

3. Zucchini and pumpkin soup puree


• 450-500 grams of pumpkin;

• pepper, salt;

• 500 grams of squash;

• 200 grams of carrots;

• 100 grams of onions;

• 250-280 ml of water;

• three cloves of garlic;

• 30 ml of olive. oils;

• 200 ml cream;

• 50 grams of soft Philadelphia cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the pumpkin and zucchini, cut the skin, remove the seeds, leaving only the pulp, which will need to be chopped into pieces of medium size.

2. Grind the garlic by passing through a press.

3. Onion cut into medium cubes, carrots in small cubes.

4. Mash the cheese with a fork or grate.

5. Pour olive oil into a stewpan or pan, heat it.

6. Fry onion cubes and minced garlic for three minutes, loosening vegetables with a wooden spatula.

7. Pour in water, put slices of pumpkin, carrots and zucchini, simmer all together for twenty minutes.

8. This time should be enough for the products to cook and become soft.

9. Grind the vegetables with a hand blender, pour in the cream, add soft cheese and spices.

10. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface of the zucchini soup, remove the saucepan from the heat.

11. Infuse the soup for about ten minutes to completely dissolve the cheese in the soup. Stir before serving.

4. Zucchini soup with chicken


• 300 grams of chicken breast;

• one onion;

• two small zucchini;

• one medium-sized carrot;

• 30 grams of flour;

• 80 ml of milk;

• 500 ml of chicken stock;

• salt pepper;

• 20 grams cream. oils.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the washed breast in slightly salted water for twenty minutes. Cool it, disassemble it into fibers.

2. Peel the carrots and onions, rinse the zucchini and cut the stalks.

3. Cut all the vegetables in a convenient cooking form; the smaller the pieces, the faster the vegetables will cook.

4. Melt the butter in a deep saucepan, put onion, fry until golden, add pieces of meat torn to fiber.

5. Stir, simmer the ingredients until a pleasant light brown hue.

6. Pour in the broth remaining after boiling the breast, put the carrots and zucchini, cook until the vegetables soften - 10-15 minutes.

7. In a separate bowl, dilute flour, salt, and pepper in warm milk.

8. Grind vegetables and chicken with a blender until smooth, continuing to beat, pour in a thin stream of the milk mixture.

9. Bring zucchini soup with chicken to a boil, serve, generously sprinkled with herbs.

5. Walnut zucchini soup with curry


• zucchini young - 1 kg;

• salt, spices;

• feathers of green onions - 150 grams;

• peeled hazelnuts - 100 grams;

• vegetable oil - 50 ml;

• curry - 15 grams;

• vegetable broth - 120 ml;

• cream 33% fat - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Remove peel from zucchini, cut the stalks. Cut into small pieces.

2. In a large saucepan, heat the oil, put the prepared zucchini, fry for five minutes, stirring constantly.

3. Pour curry, mix.

4. Add green onions, chopped into thin rings, chopped hazelnuts. The nut does not need to be ground into powder; hazelnuts should be felt.

5. Pour the vegetable broth, simmer together for ten minutes.

6. Cooked vegetables and the liquid in which they languished, pour into a blender bowl. Once the mass has a single consistency, pour in the cream, add spices.

7. Thoroughly beat the nut squash soup puree, after - bring to a boil again.

8. Serve by spilling into serving plates.

6. Soup mashed potatoes of zucchini, cabbage and potatoes


• two carrots;

• four potatoes;

• 300 grams of cauliflower;

• 100 ml cream;

• two small zucchini;

• spices;

• one small onion;

• 30 ml of olive. oils;

• 50 ml of water;

• greenery.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and peel all vegetables. Cut potatoes and zucchini into slices, sort cabbage into inflorescences, chop carrots and onions in small cubes.

2. Pass the onion in the pan in which you are going to cook zucchini soup, in olive oil until golden and completely softened.

3. Boil vegetables in plain water until tender, drain the water, and grind vegetables and fried onions with a blender.

4. Pour in heated cream, 50 ml of warm water, add salt and any spices to your taste.

5. Bring the mass to a boil, mix well, simmer over the quietest fire for five minutes.

6. Sprinkle the prepared soup with freshly chopped herbs.

7. Cold zucchini soup with tomatoes and mint


• a pound of squash;

• one onion;

• four medium-sized meaty tomatoes;

• 50 ml of olive. oils;

• 20 grams of starch;

• four branches of fresh mint;

• salt pepper;

• a spoon of lemon juice;

• litere of water.

Cooking method:

1. The peel from the zucchini can be removed by first rinsing the vegetable in water or left, but then the zucchini will need to be thoroughly washed, rubbing it with a brush. Dice the peeled vegetable.

2. Chop the onion with small cubes.

3. Blanch the tomatoes: wash, release them for three minutes in boiling water, then immediately dip in cold water. Pick up the peel at the base, pull down. Cut into small cubes.

4. Rinse the mint in lukewarm water and shake it to get rid of excess moisture.

5. Heat the oil in a saucepan, fry the onions on it.

6. After add the tomatoes, simmer, stirring, for about five minutes.

7. Pour in water, after boiling, release zucchini and mint leaves into the soup. Cook for fifteen minutes until the zucchini is completely softened.

8. In a cup, dilute the starch in a small amount of boiled, cooled water.

9. Carefully remove the mint leaves from the prepared soup and pour in the swollen starch.

10. Stew the zucchini soup puree until thick, not forgetting to stir it.

11. Remove the thickened soup from the heat, add spices, grind in a blender.

12. Serve the zucchini soup puree, tomatoes and mint, after cooling and sprinkling with lemon juice.

8. Mushroom soup with zucchini and vegetables


• 300 grams of fresh champignons;

• one bell pepper;

• one zucchini;

• one carrot;

• one small tomato;

• one onion;

• salt, pepper, dried dill - to taste;

• two liters of water;

• 20 ml grows. oils;

• fresh herbs.

Cooking method:

1. Sauté the mushrooms, sliced ​​in slices and finely chopped onions, in oil.

2. Add grated carrots, chopped peppers, fry until vegetables are softened.

3. Pour water into the passivated vegetables, add salt and spices, diced zucchini, chopped blanched tomatoes.

4. Cook for twenty minutes, setting the fire to a minimum.

5. Grind the finished soup in a blender, then mash the puree for another five minutes.

6. Serve garnished with greens.

Zucchini soup puree - useful tips

• Zucchini can be replaced with zucchini.

• So that the onion does not cause tears when peeling and cutting, rinse both the vegetable itself and the cutting knife in ice water.

• Be careful when working with the submersible blender, there is a possibility of burning spray in all directions. To avoid this, use a deep bowl to make mashed soup.

• By adding a couple of potato tubers to the zucchini soup, you get a denser structure.

• Too thick mashed soup can be diluted with cream, broth or water.

• Olive or vegetable oil can be replaced with butter, the taste of the soup will be softer, but the dish will turn out to be more high-calorie.


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