It would be desirable, but not possible: will the folk remedies help for potency? What folk remedies for potency are effective, and which are not


How much humanity will live, so much male will try to "raise", "hold", increase their "manhood" in length and thickness.

Despite the opinion of women, guys from young to old want to improve their genitals in any way they like.

Some even resort to folk remedies for potency, go to "folk healers" who whisper, roll out eggs, burn out candles, and produce many other impressive actions. Often, after that, the man feels a surge of strength, he even seems to have his penis enlarged. Strange, but there is some truth in this. In which case the folk remedies "work" for potency - read on.

What is the problem?

Almost every man of twenty had to experience an erection disorder. In the people this condition is called the desperate word "visyak". If it is repeated no more often than 25% of the total number of sexual acts, then physicians do not consider this a pathology. If you regularly fail to have sexual intercourse due to a lack of erection, they talk about erectile dysfunction.

Usually, a man who has encountered a problem does not even suspect its cause. Such a disorder can never be an independent illness - it is only a "side effect" of other, equally dangerous problems.

Impaired potency cause:

• organic causes - endocrine and urological diseases, or lesions of the centers of regulation of sexual functions in the brain;

• neuropsychiatric disorders (in most cases) - depression, neurosis, neurotic disorders, and others;

• taking medication - psychotropic, anti-cancer, antihypertensive, and other drugs that affect the central nervous system, causing erection problems in absolutely healthy men.

Depending on the reasons causing the violation of potency, its manifestations and the method of treatment, including folk remedies for potency, differ.

The most famous folk remedies for potency

"Choose yourself any!" - offers a nursery rhyme. So it is with men - while they decide to go to the doctor, they will try a lot of ways. And not always in vain!

Contrast shower for potency

Twice a day, morning and evening, pour water out of the shower, alternating warm and cold water - a great recipe for the people. Even if the potency does not improve (which is very likely with organic erectile dysfunction), the procedure will have a general strengthening effect on the body. Blood circulation improves, spasms are removed, and pep spins appear. If the problem is with the potency of a psychological nature, then a douche can help to relax, distract, and it will be solved by itself.

Barefoot walks - "the key to success"?

It is not known who first made this discovery, but now everyone has grabbed it: if you walk barefoot every day, the potency will increase quickly and forever. But here is the paradox: the majority of men go home barefoot and so rarely wear socks or sneakers. But the problem arises and does not go anywhere - even in shoes go, even in shoes, even barefoot - the biologically active points on the feet do not want to "massage" on their own!

Diet and diet - the main folk remedies for potency

The frequency of violation of sexual potency in obese men is much higher than in individuals with a healthy weight. This inevitably suggests the idea of ​​both doctors and every conscious person: you need to lose weight and improve physical fitness. Truth is as old as the world.

The diet of a man with an erection disorder should be revised. Complete elimination of alcohol - the first and basic rule. Drinking alcohol only exacerbates the problem.

The exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates is no less important. It is necessary to minimize the use of sugar, baking and fast food. With protein food is the opposite: plenty of meat and dairy products can greatly help in violation of potency and excess weight.

Protein diet is necessarily complemented by vegetables and fruits in large quantities. It is said that greens and vegetables of bright green colors contribute to an increase in potency. These properties are assigned to asparagus, celery and spinach (think about sailor Papaya). Science can not yet confirm the stimulating effect of these products, but they will not be superfluous in the diet of men.

Products with a "healing" effect

There are rumors about the powerful effect of a number of products and their combinations in treating potency problems.

Honey with fat milk. Different proportions of these products are recommended, none of them are in any way confirmed. Fatty foods are needed by the body, but nutrition must be complete, it is not advisable to replace any of the meals with fatty milk.

Honey also has a strong allergenic effect. With its regular use by a person prone to allergies, even anaphylactic shock is possible. Therefore, the recipe is far from perfect.

Beer with sour cream. Probably every man, and a woman, heard about this method of "raising the spirit." Often, women are the initiators of such a "treat", not suspecting what this may turn into.

So, we talked about fatty dairy products, they are needed by a man in the daily diet. As for beer, here is an absurd situation. Even in a completely healthy man, the reaction of the reproductive system to alcohol can be unpredictably unpleasant, not to mention the "wilted" instance. And if you drink sour cream with beer, then the surprise may be not only in terms of erection, but also from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to nausea and diarrhea, the simultaneous consumption of beer with sour cream can cause severe hepatic colic, or other liver problems (regular complaints from "experimenters" at doctors' visits).

This popular way will work only in the case of psychological problems, but not at the organic level.

Garlic. Garlic recipes - a huge amount. If you take the "monotherapy", the scheme is as follows: chop a pound of garlic and put in a jar of three liters, and fill it to the top with boiled water. Insist a month, shakes every day. You need to use the entire mixture to the remainder, the dosage is 1 tsp per day.

Garlic is a very useful product. When ingested, it prevents some inflammatory diseases, including viral ones. But, unfortunately, garlic will not help with water, honey, lemon, or other combinations without erection.

If we talk in general about nutrition, then no one specifically taken product can add strength in intimate matters. The only effective folk remedy for potency - do not overeat and do not drink alcohol shortly before the planned sexual intercourse. In some cases, this method will work.

Folk herbal remedies for potency

The pleasant difference of herbal methods of treatment from medications is the rare occurrence of side effects. But they are far from always healthful, especially when there are problems with potency. Folk healers say that you need to use herbs only with psychological deviations. But where is the grass here ?! Let's see.

Folk healers claim that herbal remedies can improve blood circulation, relax smooth muscles, dilate blood vessels, heal diseases of the endocrine system and kill germs, have an anti-inflammatory effect. This statement is true, official medicine uses many herbs in its arsenal, but there is one thing.

All herbs recommended for potency have contraindications and side effects:

• hops - vomiting, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, causeless fatigue;

• yellow capsule - used as a hypnotic and sedative, is a strong poison;

• lovage - recommended in the form of tincture when intoxicated with nicotine or alcohol, but it burns mucous membranes and has a strong diuretic effect, is very dangerous with kidney stones;

• Aloe - according to the people, 100% remedy for potency (the effect is not confirmed by anything), aloe leaf juice is strictly forbidden to be taken for diseases of the genitourinary system.

Let it sound surprising to many, but rumors about the "harmful" effect of peppermint on male potency are a myth. A glass of weak mint tea per day not only does not harm, but also contributes to an erection in case of nervous overstrain. All thanks to a relaxing action. But if you use a saturated mint infusion regularly in considerable doses, then the problem with potency is inevitable.

Healthy nutrition, moderate exercise, lack of stress and bad habits - these are the main assistants for intimate health and regular sex.

And if you have any problems, it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps a few psychologist consultations can help you forget about erectile dysfunction forever!


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