Lose weight in British ?! How does Kate Moss do it?


How to lose weight in the British, do not know 75% of the population living in the United Kingdom. After all, it is this percentage of people in the UK who suffer from obesity. "Give the state a sugar tax!", - doctors of the British Isles tirelessly and tease the government to forbid manufacturers to add a lot of sugar to their products.

But toli logic, or common sense suggests that it is not only sugar. Look at the traditional food of the British. It includes bacon, pies, mayonnaise sandwiches, ham, butter cream buns, steaks, potato and mince casseroles, pork pies, chips. Nor can the British give up on Sunday lunches, which serve generous portions of roast turkey, pork with potatoes and puddings. If we take into account the above information, it becomes doubly interesting how Kate Moss eats, which has always been a part of the remaining 25% of the “thin” inhabitants of Great Britain.

Calculate the body mass index model

Although Moss was raised in an incomplete family since the age of 13, as the parents of the future model divorced, Kate was lucky, because her mother was engaged in it, not her grandmother. The British firmly believe that many children are getting fat because their grandmothers raise them. Then it’s really good that Moss’s upbringing lay on her mother’s shoulders, because the famous British supermodel, actress has never had a hint of obesity. But especially incredulous readers can verify this by calculating Katherine Ann Moss’s body mass index. To do this, you need to divide the weight of the model by the square of its height.

Calculation: 48: (1.72 × 1.72) = 16.22

Such indicators do not speak about obesity, but about underweight. Conclusion - Kate would not hurt to pick up. True, the models are no strangers to the condemning views of people who see the anorexic in it, but at the same time Moss is very offended when someone categorically and completely groundlessly (in her opinion) makes such diagnoses.

Was there a diet?

Many believe that Kate follows the following diet:

- first breakfast: drink from water and apple whipped in a blender;

- second breakfast: an apple and a tomato (you do not need to mix with anything - they are eaten separately);

- lunch: vegetable soup, as well as vegetable salad, a glass of orange juice;

- snack: orange, green tea;

- dinner: kiwi, squash puree.

Warning: this is just one of the popular diets, on which, according to rumors, Kate sits.

Sport and genes

Those who want to see an athlete in Moss constantly repeat how the model is actively involved in sports, refuting yet another truth - that most Britons are too lazy to even take a walk, preferring TV or a computer to physical exertion. But they should think about active rest, because, according to research, the British, who regularly walk, manage to find on the streets every year not one pound sterling.

Locals even laugh, saying that the streets are paved with gold. You might think that Kate also walked a lot to get rich or her FTO gene is found once in the DNA structure (which, according to British scientists, also somehow protects the body from excess fat). But the model itself says that it is very lazy. How is the situation with the gene - not known.

Cigarettes and drugs - a curve way to harmony

Kate has repeatedly repeated that the secret of her thinness is to drink more (alcohol, coffee), smoke and eat less. The model believes that eating is very boring, but at the same time Moss is confident that if she even starts to overeat, she is unlikely to recover. Kate is really a fragile girl in her constitution, with thin hands and a small chest, of which she was always ashamed. Thanks to her slightly specific appearance, Moss rose to the wave of androgyny and was in the trend of “heroin shock.

In addition, Moss admired Calvin Klein and billionaire Richard Karing. The last of them even established the production of glasses in the form of the model’s left breast. But Clinton regarded the appearance of Moss as the promotion of anorexia and drug addiction. To justify the president, we can say that the model really indulged in drugs, but this is normal for the British, because, as they say, there are two evils in the United Kingdom - gangsters and drugs.

It turns out that the natural data, lack of interest in food, cigarettes, which Moss smokes, like a locomotive, are its secrets of harmony. The only diet that Kate tried to follow was aimed at preparing the body for conception.

In general, Moss behaves like a real Briton, because a large percentage of the population of this state, wanting to lose weight, also begin to eat poorly, acquire bad habits, and those who do not want to take such drastic measures are justified by statistics, genes and grandmothers.

From here we do a simple and unambiguous conclusion: Do not even think about losing weight in British!


Watch the video: This Is What Kate Middleton Eats In A Day (July 2024).