Health Recipes for our little ones


Most parents do not follow outbreaks of influenza epidemics.*.

Often this is due to the fact that mothers cannot protect the child from viruses: learning about the flu epidemic, you will not isolate the child from society. We agree that it is impossible to hide from viruses, but you can work to strengthen the immune system so that viruses do not take root in the body of a baby.

We offer several recipes for healthy and tasty dishes that increase the child's immunity.

Sweet and sour delicacy

Approximately in equal parts mince:

dried apricots,



red grape raisins

unrefined lemon

Add honey to the mixture.

Take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach By the way, it is very tasty, so if you wish, you can eat more often. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

Useful dessert "you will lick"

1 tbsp. walnuts,

0.5 kg of mashed cranberries,

2-3 finely chopped green apples,

0.5 kg of sugar

0.5 cups of water.

Cook over low heat until boiling. Store in a glass jar. To increase immunity, it is enough to eat 1 tablespoon per day. Can be used with tea, as a dessert.

"Magic" infusion

2 cups of cowberries,

3 cups nettle leaves,

3 cups hips.

Grind, mix well, brew a glass of boiling water. Insist 3-4 hours, then strain. Drink to give the child a glass 2-3 times a day for a month, then pause a month and start giving the infusion again.

Chamomile tea

Brew 1 tsp. in a glass of water. Allow to cool and add a spoonful of honey.

Chamomile actives are derived exclusively from flowers and contain essential oils, mucus and flavonoids.

By the way, the drug Tonsilgon® N contains extracts of chamomile flowers, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, as well as increase immune protection in combination with other medicinal plants that are part of the drug.

To learn more:

* According to a survey conducted in the VKontakte group "Some Houses".


Watch the video: Healthy Recipes for Children (July 2024).