Performance does not depend on intelligence


American scientists are convinced that career success does not depend on intellectual abilities, but on the characteristics of a person’s character. This also applies to education.

Psychologists have analyzed and correlated with the performance of basic human qualities (integrity, pliability, emotional stability and openness). As a result, it turned out that according to the personality characteristics of the student, as well as the level of intelligence, it is possible to predict his academic performance. The most adequate was the forecast, which carried out the familiar student.

Personal personality traits are four times more accurate than the development of the intellectual sphere, predicted student learning success. The strongest influence on academic performance was influenced by openness and integrity.

Scientists are convinced that their discovery is a great gift for all students. After all, to develop personal qualities is much easier than intelligence.


Watch the video: Debate: Marks and grades do not reflect a student's intelligence. (June 2024).