Ramzan Kadyrov supported Timati in conflict with Bilan


Rapper Timati has long been on friendly terms with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. Whether on the basis of friendship, or indeed Kadyrov shares the views of the rapper, but he is the president of Chechnya made a statement in support of Timati in the conflict in Bilan.

In particular, Kadyrov said that Timati could be a model for today's youth, because he does not have bad habits, he is involved in sports. A number of domestic performers, imitating Western artists, are proud of their unconventional sexual orientation, are being treated for drug addiction, and, in the end, end their lives from overdose. Ramzan is convinced that an artist who wants to be the idol of youth should have a moral right to this. But some artists, having a dubious reputation, are driving the younger generation into spiritlessness, the result of which could be the moral degradation of the peoples of Russia.

Kadyrov also confirmed that Timati is ready for a medical examination, which should show who is who.

By the way, from today Timati - Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.


Watch the video: Kadyrov flips burgers with Russian rapper Timati at Grozny Black Star opening (May 2024).