The use of soda accelerates aging


American scientists conducted a global study that proved that soda can significantly accelerate the aging of the body. The reason for this lies in the development of various digestive processes and obesity, the trigger mechanism of which is this beloved by many sweet water. Soda affects the aging of cells, the process of which varies with the length of certain sections of chromosomes - telomeres.

During the experiment, telomere lengths were measured in 5,000 volunteers aged 20–65 years. At the time of the survey, all participants were physically healthy, had no pronounced problems with metabolism and cardiovascular system. The measurements showed that telomeres were rather short in people who regularly consumed soda. According to a specialist, the intake of sugary carbonated drinks leads the body to lose five years of life. The harm from soda doctors compare with the damage that a person's life is caused by alcohol and smoking.


Watch the video: Study Links Soda To Accelerated DNA Aging (June 2024).