Chocolate soufflé - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook a chocolate souffle.


Chocolate soufflé - general cooking principles

What do you think is the most popular dessert in France? Croissants with confiture? And no! All the French, as well as guests of the country are just crazy about the chocolate soufflé. The fact is that this dessert not only has a delicious taste, but also a light weightless structure, as well as a small calorie content. Chocolate soufflé is fairly easy to prepare, and the composition of the product allows you to create an exquisite delicacy right now, after reading the recipe, without going beyond the expensive ingredients to the store.

Chocolate souffle - preparing food and dishes

We turn to the preparation of products. The main ingredient of chocolate soufflé is cocoa. Do not save on this product, since it is cocoa that defines the "chocolate" delicacies. So, confectionery cocoa powder does not suit at all, but expensive cocoa from Brazil is what you need. One hundred grams of such cocoa costs about 300 rubles, but, firstly, one hundred grams is a lot, and secondly, even the smell of such a product will drive you crazy.

Chocolate souffle can be cooked in different ways - baked in the oven or allowed to infuse in the refrigerator. Whichever method you choose, take the best silicone mold.

Chocolate Souffle Recipes:

Recipe 1: Chocolate Souffle

Prepare soufflé based on eggs. Such a recipe will allow you to cook the most tender and light delicacy. A little secret - replace regular sugar with powdered sugar, so mixing the components will be much easier.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 eggs
  • Cocoa 1 tablespoon
  • Black chocolate (100 grams)
  • 2.5 tablespoons flour
  • 5 tablespoons of milk
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar
  • Butter 60 grams

Cooking method:

  1. Melt chocolate with butter using a water bath. Oil an hour before cooking, place in the freezer so that it is properly hardened. Remove the oil, grate it on a grater. Chop chocolate. Fold the ingredients into a small saucepan. Pour more water into the pot, put it on the stove. Place a small container with ingredients in this pan and, stirring with a spoon, wait until the mass has melted. The butter should mix very well with chocolate. Turn off the fire and date the chocolate mixture to podstrat.
  2. The egg is mixed with powdered sugar - you can even use a regular spoon, optionally a blender or mixer. Then add flour, cocoa and milk alternately. The mixture should be fairly homogeneous.
  3. Mix creamy chocolate mixture with egg.
  4. Spill the mass in molds and set for one hour in the freezer.
  5. Heat the oven. We take the souffle out of the freezer and put it in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. That's all! The chocolate inside will melt, and the top will be taken over by a crust, creating incredible taste associations during tasting.

Recipe 2: Chocolate Souffle with Coconut

Prepare the chocolate souffle a little differently, according to another recipe. Delicacy is easy, tasty and make it easy!

Ingredients Required:

  • Milk 340 ml
  • 3 eggs
  • 120 grams of powdered sugar
  • Chocolate black 1 piece (100 gram tile)
  • Coconut chips (to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa

Cooking method:

  1. Chocolate melt in a water bath.
  2. Milk is heated.
  3. We break the eggs, whites whites until thick foam.
  4. Mix icing sugar, coconut chips, egg yolk. Add to the mix milk, melted chocolate. Spoon introduce protein foam.
  5. Heat the oven and put the chocolate souffle in the mold for 20 minutes at 170 degrees.
  6. When the chocolate souffle is covered with a hard crust, take it out of the oven, sprinkle cocoa and serve!

Recipe 3: Chocolate Cottage Cheese Souffle

This soufflé will be fatter and heavier, but how delicious! At the heart of the delicacy is Maspropon cheese. But you can also take for this dish any other curd cheese or even home-made curd with high fat content. However, the cottage cheese will first need to be properly ground with a blender.

Ingredients Required:

  • 120 ml of cream of small fat content
  • Maskropone cheese 250 grams
  • Sushchenka 150 ml
  • 15 grams of gelatin
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa

Cooking method:

  1. Milk needs to be heated and pour them gelatin. Let it swell and stir until dissolved.
  2. We combine condensed milk and cream, and set it on fire in a metal container. Bring to a boil and then remove from heat.
  3. Add dissolved gelatin to the milk mixture, stir it, then let the creamy mass cool.
  4. Cheese Maskropone combine with cocoa and powdered sugar, mix with a mixer at low speed. Without ceasing to mix, pour in a creamy mixture into the mass.
  5. We put the thick cream that we have turned into a mold and put in the fridge for forty minutes.

Chocolate souffle - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

What you need to create a French dessert? It all depends on which recipe you choose, but the first important rule is freshness. If the basis of the dishes are eggs, let them be fresh, today or yesterday. A fresh egg will perfectly beat up, creating a magical lightness for dessert. The same goes for cottage cheese, milk or cream. Of course, the most delicious products are homemade, but it is not always possible to buy one. Do not worry, store milk or Maspropon cheese also fit, but let them be fresh.
