Philip Kirkorov commented on his divorce from Pugacheva


Today Maxim Galkin celebrates his 38th birthday. No matter how strange it was, the first to congratulate the showman was Fillipp Kirkorov, who on Instagram not only sincerely congratulated Maxim, but finally gave some comments on his separation from Alla Pugacheva. It is no secret that many people believed that Galkin was the reason for the divorce of the Primadonna and the king of Russian pop music.

In particular, Kirkorov said that the entire responsibility for the separation, which occurred 10 years ago, lies entirely on him. According to Philip, Galkin helped them with Pugacheva in a difficult period of life, not leaving "this amazing Woman Who Sings" alone, made her happy. It was thanks to Galkin, according to Philip, that he managed to maintain friendship with Pugacheva.

Kirkorov wished Maxim Galkin to remain the same cheerful and sincere person and expressed the hope that the showman in the future will have a lot of sell-out.


Watch the video: ЗНАМЕНИТОСТИ, которые ЗАВЕЛИ ДЕТЕЙ с помощью СУРРОГАТНОЙ МАМЫ (June 2024).