Magic of seville


The Spanish city of Seville - the capital of Andalusia - amazes the most sophisticated traveler with a huge amount of historical values ​​and special magic of amazing vitality, which literally permeated every square meter of its streets and squares. And this is not surprising, because according to the legend, Seville was founded by Hercules at the time when he led away the bulls of Geryon. Hercules dug six pillars of stone. Julius Caesar also took part in the laying of the city; he created this place already in 45 BC. roman colony

Walk through seville

Since then, Seville has flourished, invariably attracting both pilgrims and tourists who come to admire the Seville Cathedral, the beautiful Giralda tower and the Royal Alcazar, woven of stone lace. Walking through the gardens of the Alcazar, you can forget about time with delight: pavilions, fountains, statues, the pool of Mercury and, finally, the green pearl - the Myrtle labyrinth. Through the yard of Znamyon, the road leads to the famous Santa Cruz quarter, where you must wander through the narrow streets among houses with white facades, always decorated with flowers and greenery.

A walk through the delightful Seville promises to stretch more than one day. I want to see so much: the bridges over the Guadalquivir, the Golden Tower, the arched Cabildo Square, the Mercy Hospital where the works of Valdés and Murillo are kept, the Museum of Corrida decorated with paintings by Pablo Picasso, the Macarena Basilica, the square and house of Pilate, the Lope de Vega theater. Do you still have to walk along Snake Street (Sierpes), which begins with a dungeon, where Cervantes was thrown, and where, according to legend, he wrote his novel Don Quixote of La Mancha.

Souvenirs and delicacies

Sierpes Street is a traditional meeting and recreation place for city residents. You can sit in the bar, look at the souvenir shops and shops. What a colorful hand painted wood fan can be purchased here! They also buy unusual gold jewelery, elements of national costumes embroidered with silver, pottery from Triana, decorated guitars with a unique sound. There is a large selection of sweets: marmalade from the monastery of Saint Paula, yemas (candied egg yolks) of Saint Leandro and truffles with olive oil.

Gastronomic delights and entertainment

The people of Seville love and tasty feed their guests. Tapas are very popular. On a huge plate can be slices of meat fillet, cod slices in crispy batter, meatballs and oxtail. Wine and dessert are served to the appetizer. Oh, those Seville desserts! Is it possible to resist and not to eat "Bolitos" - almond cake with quince jelly or "bridgeacones" stuffed with citrus!

In the evening, everyone usually goes to enjoy the fiery dances and singing of flamenco, or listen to cantaors (singers, performers, special flamenco genres) who sing and play the guitar skillfully.

The Guadalquivir calmly flows, and the sun slowly sets directly into its waters. The heat subsides, but Seville is not sleeping. It shines with lights like a gem, and continues to charm with its unearthly beauty.


Watch the video: Seville in 5 minutes. Travel Guide. Must-sees for your city tour (July 2024).