Female mustache: hair growth is a sign of ovarian disease


Hirsutism, or excessive hair growth in women, is a common complication of ovarian disease. Studies show that only 18% of women know the cause of excessive body hair growth. The rest are unaware that they may be suffering from serious ovarian disease.

How is hirsutism associated with ovarian disease?

Excessive facial hair growth is associated in 72% with ovarian disease. Hirsutism reduces self-esteem in women, causing serious mental disorders. Hirsutism is a symptom of the disease, not a cause. Therefore, it is recommended that you always consult a doctor to find out the root cause.

Normally, in women, hair grows in small amounts on the chest, abdomen, back, face and shoulders.

If the concentration of male hormones in the blood rises excessively, the total length of the hair increases. An increase in hair growth is sometimes the first and only symptom of a hormonal disorder.

What are the causes of excessive hairiness?

Hirsutism is the visible part of the iceberg and needs to be explored. The most common disease that causes excessive hair growth is polycystic ovary syndrome. 75-80% of women with a diagnosed disease develop hirsutism.

Benign or malignant neoplasms that upset the hormonal balance are rarer causes of the disorder. Sometimes excessive hairiness occurs without an underlying illness.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age.

Patients often experience an increase in hairiness, acne, menstrual irregularities and hormone levels. A specialist dealing with facial hair growth is a dermatologist.

How to recognize polycystic ovary?

It is necessary to consult a dermatologist if there are irregularities in the menstrual cycle or acne. If there is an increase in hair growth in the facial area, it is recommended to urgently visit a qualified specialist.

A woman with polycystic ovary syndrome has many symptoms. In addition to impaired virilization, obesity, diabetes, and impaired blood fat concentration occur.

The diagnosis in most cases is confirmed by blood tests and ultrasound of the ovaries during menstruation.

It is especially important to exclude insulin resistance, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, endometrial cancer or mental disorders. With proper treatment, the course of the disease can be controlled.

For diagnosis, monitoring of the cycle and checking the concentration of hormones by taking blood is of utmost importance. The focus is on a review of estrogens, androgens, LH, FSH and thyroid hormones. An ultrasound of the vagina shows the number of cysts - fluid-filled cavities.

Early diagnosis is especially important to prevent complications. Polycystic ovary syndrome increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and endometrial cancer. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle and regular examinations by a gynecologist are even more important for patients.

What measures can be taken against the disease?

After being diagnosed, a dermatologist, gynecologist or endocrinologist can treat the disease without the involvement of other specialists. The treatment is long and requires patience. It is necessary to regularly analyze hormones and ultrasound.

In the treatment of excessive hair growth, 2 goals are pursued:

  • treatment of symptoms with drugs;
  • normalization of metabolism and a decrease in the risk of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.

Women are advised to switch to a balanced diet and increase physical activity. The regular menstrual cycle, as well as ovulation, can be normalized with drugs. The measures used in further therapy depend on the wishes of the patients.

Polycystic ovary syndrome causes typical hormonal disorders, against which birth control pills help.

However, this treatment is only suitable for women who do not want to have children. Otherwise, a hormonal preventive effect prevents conception.

Hormonal drugs act against male hormones and help restore metabolism. Birth control pills also work against unwanted effects - facial hair or skin problems. The sooner treatment begins, the higher the chance to get rid of the "obsessive" mustache.


Watch the video: Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Video Brigham and Womens Hospital (June 2024).