How to make good morning: 7 rituals for the family


Morning is a special time when every detail is significant. A calm awakening, buzz in the sunshine, an unhurried breakfast - this is the ideal course of events for many, but, alas, this does not always happen. It is especially difficult to imagine a good morning in a big family, chaos is happening at this time, everyone is in a hurry somewhere, heaps of a bunch of questions: "Mom, where is my book?" or "Darling, where is my passport?" Yes, the task is not easy.

In this case, the innovation of 7 rituals will be the right decision. They will transform the morning beyond recognition, organize life, strengthen relationships, and eradicate the stress that accompanies almost every family.

Psychologists assure that these rituals do not pass without a trace and have a beneficial effect on family relationships, the main thing is to perform them regularly.

An alarm clock is the first irritant that causes a slight, but still stress. Do not rush to get up, lie in bed, stretch yourself well, think about plans for the day. Allocate 5-10 minutes to soak the whole family in bed. Call the children to your room or go with your husband to wake up the "little girls" in their room, but before that lie down together in an embrace. It is very important to wish each other good morning. Such a habit, which is insignificant at first glance, brings the family together and strengthens relations from the inside.

Fascinating stories in the morning are charged with positive and energy for the whole day, so why not take notes and tell each other dreams every morning? Take an interest in what your family members have dreamed about; also tell stories yourself. If you had a nightmare, then present everything so that the child understands that this story has nothing to do with reality.

Take your child’s stories seriously, in no case do not laugh at his amusement, but laughter with all your heart over an intricate story, the idea is what you need. Share secret secrets, communicate, express your feelings and emotions, such a ritual in the morning will certainly not pass without a trace for any member of the family.

Movement is life, and nobody canceled exercise in the morning. It is very important to take 10 minutes in the morning for physical activity, after which vigor and tone will accompany you all day.

Call on gymnastics absolutely all family members. Children copy the command of their parents and do everything that happens at home. If you want a healthy, strong and beautiful offspring - do not neglect physical exercises. Most likely, children will not perform exercises according to the rules, but the main thing is to spend time with pleasure, and kids only contribute to this.

Act as an instructor and have a morning workout for all households. When composing a workout, stick out basic and easy exercises, the main thing is not to get tired, but to recharge your energy for the whole day. Fit:

  • circular rotation of the joints;
  • body twists;
  • muscle stretching;
  • jumping
  • squats.

If the weather conditions are good, then the training can be done with an open window.

A joint meal unites and promotes an arrangement to each other. It is very important not to skip this ritual and have breakfast together. You, as a woman, most likely will have to get up half an hour earlier and cook this very food. But the result is worth it, besides, you can always agree with your spouse and get up one by one.

For breakfast, it is important to choose delicious and healthy dishes. Complex carbohydrates and protein are ideal; a large amount of fat in the morning should be avoided. Include fish, meat, porridge, yogurt, vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread.

Breakfast options:

  1. Eggs with stewed vegetables.
  2. Oatmeal and boiled egg.
  3. Milk rice porridge, seasoned with fruits, as well as kefir.

Think about how to turn a very ordinary dish into a "special" one. Feel free to embody your imagination and decorate oatmeal with a smiley of fruits and nuts, or make from two eggs and vegetables a mysterious treasure island. This approach to cooking is especially appreciated by children, and after that, you no longer have to persuade everyone to eat. A shared breakfast in the morning will be a fascinating, and sometimes even a long-awaited event. It is important to do everything with love, and then the morning will really be good.

This item needs to be given the most attention. It is so nice to hear encouraging words before an important meeting from your husband, or a good day from children. If this habit is not in the family, this can and should be corrected. Start with yourself and speak warm words to your family every day. Understanding that they are waiting for you at home, they love and are always ready to support you is worth a lot. The feelings of loved ones helps to overcome the most difficult moments of life, it is important to show your love. A sincere wish is an excellent positive charge for the whole day.

"Eat the frog "

The famous writer Mark Twain, as he put it, said that if you “eat a frog” in the morning, that is, do one important, but not very pleasant thing, then the next part of the day will certainly be easy and successful.

One way to cheer yourself up is not to drag out with difficult things until evening or lunch, but to do everything after waking up. So you will set a good example for children not to put off everything in the “long box”, and you will also be able to more confidently plan the rest of your day and spend time on more desirable things.

Take an interest in who will do what during the day, and also tell about your plans. This is a very useful habit, thanks to which you will be in the know about how things are going for your household¸ in addition, you can give the necessary advice and share experience. If you and your children teach yourself how to schedule a day by the hour, then your time will be much more efficient and your goals will not be long in coming.

These rituals are just an example of how you can diversify and improve family life. You yourself can come up with no less effective laws of your family, thanks to which your feelings for each other will only intensify, and peace, peace and mutual understanding will reign at home.


Watch the video: 5 Simple Morning Rituals That Can Make You Happier and Healthier After 60 International Living (July 2024).