5 zodiac signs that are always unhappy with something


These five eternally dissatisfied zodiac signs often behave like children when they feel that they are not getting what they deserve. They feel as if life has deceived them.

They may be angry at something that happened to them in the past, and stubbornly hold on to this pain. These people cannot stand criticism and easily fall into despondency and depression.

They are very sensitive to everything that happens to them, but are practically indifferent to what other people are experiencing. Some of them are very vindictive and do not know how to forgive.
They live in a world that should serve them, and not vice versa. Their attitude towards life and those around them is the attitude of an offended child who is forced to defend himself from supposedly undeserved blows of fate.

1. Taurus

Taurus is not used to being ignored or underestimated, and he doesn't like it at all. He will be extremely unhappy, and this outrage will only grow.

As a result, Taurus begins to behave restrainedly, coldly, aloof and even arrogant.

If he is praised and given compliments, then Taurus is active and sociable, and if not, then sullen and antisocial, up to hostility. The faster Taurus can let go of her negative feelings, the better for him and everyone else. This sign can be extremely unpleasant when it begins to grumble and grumble.

2. cancer

If you voluntarily or involuntarily did something that injured or angered Cancer, he will remember this and will hold a grudge for a very long time.

Cancers are extremely susceptible to any real or imagined neglect, and they can react very critically to criticism or unwanted advice.

In addition, they are offended in silence, and you may not even suspect that you did something wrong. Crayfish instantly take a defensive position if they feel that they are not appreciated or do not support.

3. Scorpio

Scorpio is unhappy that other people - without his talents and abilities - get what he alone deserves. When this sign sees such situations, it begins to envy, withdraw into itself, become extremely annoyed and offended by universal injustice.

Almost always, Scorpio expresses his dissatisfaction with the help of very poisonous sarcasm and is not particularly worried about how much this can hurt others.

4. Capricorn

If it seems to Capricorn that life is treating him unfairly, then he becomes gloomy and dull. And it seems to him almost always! Capricorns are in great need of recognition and praise for their hard work and creativity, or simply because they are good people.

When they don’t hear the kind words addressed to them, which, in their opinion, are rightfully deserved, they can be offended.

If for some reason Capricorn cannot cope with the problem, then their resentment and bitterness will immediately appear in the facial expressions and tone of voice. They believe that they perfectly hide their feelings, but this is far from the case.

5. Fishes

Fishes are very vulnerable and susceptible, and when it seems to them that they have been bypassed or deceived in something, they go very deeply into themselves.

It’s hard for them to pretend that they don’t feel pain, and they constantly ask themselves: “Why me? Why is this happening to me?”

Fishes intuitively know that they need to focus on something else and brush aside problems, but usually they feel too empty to take any action. Instead of trying hard to improve themselves, Pisces simply dejectedly compares himself with others and is very upset by this.


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