Deserter from a love front: how men of different zodiac signs spoil relations


Parting is easy and familiar for some, but most people still cause a lot of trouble and mental anguish. What to expect from men of this or that zodiac sign, and how do they manage to spoil the most wonderful relations?

Aries - commanders and conquerors, they like to conquer new peaks, and they are not at all afraid of difficult tasks. They are used to looking at girls as if they were another fortress, which they should certainly conquer. But having achieved his goal and making sure that she will not go anywhere, they may well cool down and take up a new, not yet conquered lady. Therefore, Aries should not obsessively confess their love and "surrender to the mercy of the winner."

Taurus tend to get used to lovers, but this often causes bewilderment of the weaker sex and all kinds of claims. Evidence of feelings will certainly be present, but only at the first stages of acquaintance and grinding. As soon as the male Taurus manages to "lure the bird into the cage" and put it on the stove, you can forget about romance. The guy will become silent, removed, and will soon begin to perceive the companion as something "complementing the interior."

Twins often remain children and are not inclined to notice their infantile attitude to life. They communicate with a large number of acquaintances and female friends, correspond and do not mind flirting in front of a companion of life. Not every lady will get used to it and will be able to adequately understand such "playfulness." It is because of jealousy with Gemini that conflicts arise.

Crayfish overly vulnerable, and often "play" on this quality, raising it to a cult. It’s impossible to follow up forever, even with the most prudent lady, of course, if she is not the Queen of England. But the princesses for every Cancer can’t get enough, and not every woman can tolerate "resentment". Paying attention also will not work, since the Cancer will shut itself in and begin to treat the girl as an accidental neighbor.

Lions Of course, many ladies are attracted by beautiful promises and high status, but in reality they only care about their own needs. They persistently “dictate the terms” to their soulmate, forgetting about women's desires. And even after a "serious conversation" the situation can improve only in words.

Virgin extremely mundane and practical natures. In a relationship, dryness quickly prevails over feelings and all kinds of reproaches begin in conjunction with teachings. Literally everything may not suit you, from culinary abilities to appearance. Moreover, Virgins generously turn a blind eye to their own mistakes and mistakes, and besides, they are very difficult to persuade.

Libra avoid unambiguous solutions and extreme accuracy, as if leaving a loophole for themselves just in case. For a woman, accustomed to stability and indispensable strength, coming from a partner, living with a Libra guy will be very difficult. Moreover, the chosen one will always be ready to break even a strong and long-standing union, believing that "nothing lasts forever under the moon." Such indecision can greatly ruin relations even with a very devoted companion.

Scorpions just fanatics of control, both in their own lives and in events that happened to those around them. From their passions they expect complete openness and God forbid "forget about the insignificant little things" that happened the day before. A scandal simply cannot be prevented, even if there is no objective reason for it. In addition, Scorpio men are incredibly jealous and are even able to "look to the side" as an attempt to seduce.

Sagittarius are not serious and that’s it. Relationships for these people are just a way to spend time, like a trip to the sea, getting new information or a nice addition “so that it is not boring”. It’s almost impossible to keep such guys around, as well as instilling a sense of responsibility for their family, children, apartment or beloved woman. For most girls, they cause attacks of suspicion, and it is absolutely justified.

Capricorn able to simply kill with the detachment and lack of emotions any personal relationship. He is dry, restrained, does not make claims, but also does not strive for manifestations of affection. Capricorn guys are often busy with careers, earnings and strengthening their social position, and there is simply not enough time for a sweetheart.

Aquarius it’s hard to communicate “face to face”, even with your own lover. They are torn in the company of friends, nevertheless, not giving up their caresses in private and this gives rise to a strange feeling in women that they are guilty of something. In fact, this is the eternal desire of Aquarius for independence and it is very difficult to come to terms with this.

Fish tend to tailor reality to the "ideal of dreams", without being based on anything that could be adequately understood. The partner of this sign is able in his own head to endow the beloved with certain qualities, become disappointed in discrepancies and leave without explanation.


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