About the Great: what can those born in the year of the Dragon


In the Chinese horoscope, 12 animals have been featured over the years, for the most part, actually existing on our planet. The one exception is the Dragon. He takes a modest fifth place in the list of living beings, after whom the years were named, being neither the first nor the last. However, he earned a special respect for himself.

The Chinese are sensitive to their culture and traditions, which many of them follow to this day. And those people who were born in the year of the Dragon are considered special to them. Many families are still striving to postpone replenishment in the family for this year in order to take advantage of the opportunity that comes once every 12 years - to give birth to a special child who will have outstanding personal qualities and who will have great chances of success in life.

And the Dragons are really successful, sometimes extremely successfuls.

This was given to them by nature, but usually not due to banal luck, but due to the thick armored skin, activity and ability to work, fortress on the wound and perseverance. Representatives of this sign usually achieve their own happiness. And in general, all words with the element "self" in the composition are all about the Dragon. Self-medication, self-sufficiency, self-improvement - yes, they act independently, often - alone, as nature and orders a large predator to behave.

Dragon Rebirth

One of the most amazing qualities of this sign is the ability of its representatives to literally be reborn from the ashes.

Life sometimes presents difficult trials, literally knocks a person down, depriving everything that he possessed, and many people drag out a miserable existence after such events. But the mighty Dragon will not agree to this. From practice: one of the Olympic champions, the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope, receives severe injuries that lead her to a wheelchair.

In the future, she not only gets out of it, but also masters another sport in which ... she again becomes the Olympic champion! A typical situation is for the Dragon, who simply will never accept the deplorable situation, and will do his best to get out of it, and even get advantages.

Dragons are able to reborn - after severe, fatal illnesses, after life failures, the collapse of a business or family. Of course, the trials of the past are imprinted with terrible scars on their armored bodies, they are imprinted on a powerful psyche - but they are not embarrassed by scars, and they prefer to analyze life experiences without emotion and with a focus on future use.

Shedding Dragons

Among the 12 animals of the Chinese horoscope, there are two reptiles - the Snake and the Dragon. Both creatures are capable of molting, while the Snake molts often, but almost painlessly, in comparison with the rare, but heavy molts of the Dragon. It is believed that the Dragon sheds three times in life, and of course, for humans this does not happen at the physical level.

The dragon "molts" internally, painfully discarding old beliefs that were useless, abandoning old ideals and other things that are of vital importance to him. At the time of molting, the Dragon is completely incapacitated and very vulnerable, he needs to hide in the lair and wait out this moment.

Outwardly, it looks like a protracted depression, the catalyst of which can be anything, but in reality this event will be only the “last straw”, after which the natural process started - the old skin began to disintegrate.

You can call what is happening whatever you like, at least another moral crisis, at least a nervous breakdown. But in any case, it is worth remembering one thing: after its molt, the Dragon will rise and rise again, and the new skin will be even stronger, brighter and more beautiful. And after the third “molt”, which usually occurs just over the period of 30-35 years, it will become completely impenetrable. And only after that the Dragon can be considered matured, outlived its youth and ready in all its glory and power to meet adulthood with its future achievements.

A rare Dragon gains success at an early age, young "reptiles" usually get a lot during this period, they go through many trials. But the mature time is just marked by successes, great achievements. Well, large creatures cannot grow and grow up quickly - an elephant calf or a teddy bear remains a child longer than a little hare or a mouse. Dragon’s childhood and youth also take a lot of time, they grow up and become serious gradually.

Dragons and magic

Another feature of Dragons is their resistance to magical influences. The magical creature itself is a powerful magician, even if it does not know about it, and is generally an atheist. As soon as the Dragon has learned to cope with its powerful energy, it marks a streak of luck - magical forces obey it themselves, even if he does not particularly believe in them. These people have a highly developed upper chakra, energy is exchanged through it.

A dragon cannot be an energy vampire, because it pumps pure cosmic energy and eats it, lowering its level if necessary and making it accessible to others.

Therefore, he can be a powerful donor of energy.

Due to such a powerful energy potential, it is almost impossible to jinx such a person or cause him other harm by magic. The dragon is resistant to any magical influences, except the strongest - and this is the point. This is another important ability of people of this sign.

The Dragon? Or maybe Bear?

Nobody has ever seen living dragons - it is even surprising why they took root so strongly in eastern culture. It is difficult to understand where this image was taken from. For Slavic culture, where his closest brother is represented in the form of the Serpent of Gorynych, this is generally difficult to understand. But we have our own analogue, a real living creature, which corresponds to many dragon characteristics. And it's about the bear!

By analyzing these two strongest totems, the Bear, and the Dragon, you can find a lot in common.

For example, in both cases we are talking about the largest creatures, the owners of the area, leading a solitary lifestyle, able to declare their own "I". Both have exceptional wound strength, and they also have similar life cycles. The bear goes to the den for the winter, and then wakes up and begins seasonal activity.

The life of a man - the Dragon is also cyclical: he has periods of activity that last for weeks.

He can hardly sleep or eat, doing the necessary thing. And then he will go into hibernation for a long time to restore his strength. There are many other similar points that bring these totems together.

The dragon contains a lot of mysteries, and people born in his year are completely unpredictable, and sometimes they are not understood by their surroundings. But in any case, they are strong and noble, you have to admire them by will or not!


Watch the video: WHO ARE THE DRAGONS (July 2024).