The whole truth about karma: what it is, how it appears, what it affects


Karma - today it is believed in many countries of the world. So what is it? Is it possible to avoid it?

The whole truth about karma

Eastern philosophy claims that karma is the result of a person’s past actions, thoughts and emotions. So, in the East they believe in reincarnation, they believe that the human soul is capable of rebirth, that its journey is endless.

They believe in the rebirth of the soul in any form at any time, that is, in a past life you could not be a person at all, but a plant, an animal. In order to be reborn in the human body, the soul needs to live a worthy life, a life devoted to serving the highest goals. Karma can manifest itself in many ways.

Karmic can be a disease, there can be karmic relationships that do not allow you to build a full life, there can be karmic situations that will be repeated again and again until you understand the lesson that these relationships carry.

The whole truth about karma: Karmic relationships - what is it?

Karmic is the relationship that we build with a person whom we once knew in a past life. It is believed that with a karmic partner you could have experienced both friendships and intimate relationships in past lives. You could be close relatives, you could be colleagues.

But how to determine that the relationship in this life is really karmic?

  • You are connected by a huge number of strange accidents (meetings, events);
  • You cannot do without this person;
  • This person often dreams of you, you can predict when he will appear in your house, will call you;
  • You often have the feeling that you have known each other all your life.

If you have entered into friendly karmic relations, then you will make a huge experience from them, you will receive a lot of new and useful information. Such a friend will replace your loved ones, always be able to understand your emotions, even guess your thoughts. But such friendship is not eternal, as soon as you do something really important for each other - your friendship will end by itself, but you will not find such a close person anywhere.

Karmic love relationships can be very complicated, they simply do not allow you to live in peace, they make you constantly in tension and look inside yourself for the answer to the question "why do I need this all". It is very difficult to get rid of such relationships. You can try to break up with such a man for years, but fate will drive you back again and again. You will think that this is a happy occasion, but in reality - you have not worked out karma, you have not learned a lesson from the past and you have not become wiser. You need to work it out and then only the relationship will break itself.

It is believed that our relatives are our karmic partners. Communicating with them in this life, we must work out something that was not peculiar to us before:

  • Tolerance;
  • Exposure
  • Kindness;
  • Love;
  • Caring.

Forgiving our loved ones for weaknesses, we do not continue to generate negative karma, we liberate ourselves from it, we give ourselves the opportunity not to bear the negative in our future lives. If our loved ones constantly get us crazy, we need to look inside ourselves, are we not behaving the same way they are?

What are they trying to teach us? What do they show us? Very often karmic relationships are like a vicious circle, when situations, scandals, problems, disappointments are repeated in a circle, again and again. But how to make the right conclusion, how to get out of the vicious circle?

  • Change the perception of the situation from negative to positive;
  • Thank your karmic partner for the experience;
  • Build life further, despite karmic addiction.

Having freed himself from karmic relationships, a person always becomes easier, he realizes that he spent a huge amount of time on empty relationships, on empty communication, that he stomped for many years in the same place.

The whole truth about karma: karmic illness - what is it?

Karmic diseases can be earned by us in past lives, but can be received by us in this. If we are constantly angry, upset, worried, nervous, blaming, then we earn negative karma in this life.

Due to the huge amount of negativity that comes from us, we earn diseases, such as:

  • Oncology;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Reproductive system diseases.

In some cases, a person is given the opportunity to work out karma, to overcome the disease. In some cases, it becomes fatal. But what does it depend on? From the human reaction to the disease itself. Whether he treats himself with love during an illness, or without it. How does he relate to his loved ones, does he continue to think negatively about them, or does he understand and forgive in many ways.

Karmic diseases are characterized by complex diagnosis and complex treatment. For example, you can treat gynecological problems in the same way as your roommate, but she will recover much faster than you if your disease is karmic.

To cure a karmic disease, you need to understand what kind of emotions and thoughts led to it. What could you not forgive yourself, that you could not forgive your loved ones? What are you often angry that denied.

When you understand this, you can forgive yourself for past mistakes and start life anew, start life from scratch. If you realized what mistakes in this life led you to karmic situations, but didn’t change anything, it will be repeated again and again.

In order for your karma to be positive in your next life, try to keep your mind “clean.” Do not be angry, do not demand the impossible, do not despise, do not hold evil. Learn to understand yourself and all your needs, learn to take care not only about yourself, but also about others. Then you will be surprised to see how others around you take care of how more warmth, harmony, peace, happiness and joy appear in your life. As you are filled with luck and people with negative experience disappear from your life, they just have nothing to do next to you, they have to go live their life.


Watch the video: What is Karma? How Do You Break the Karmic Trap - Sadhguru (June 2024).