Russian men through the eyes of foreign ladies


Not so long ago, Slavic men were considered the standard of beauty in Europe. Foreign ladies attributed Russian gentlemen courage and perfect appearance. But over the last century, the Russian male image has been overgrown with myths and unfounded stereotypes that have changed European perception of Russian cavaliers.

Foreign women can be divided into 3 groups:

  • who have never been to Russia
  • who are in contact with Russian men,
  • have a russian husband.

First group of women never seen Russia with my own eyes. Therefore, they judge Russian men by well-established stereotypes, which are actively used on foreign TV channels. In the movies and TV shows, the male half of Russia is exposed in the guise of drunks, rowdies, family brawlers, unshaven and unkempt persons. This also includes the opinion that the Russian man does not like deodorant, but prefers "natural perfume", combined with the scent of fumes.

Among the women of this group, there is also a common opinion that young people from Russia are passionate lovers. But at the same time, they dress tastelessly and want to seem more significant than they really are.

To the second group foreign women include ladies who personally acquainted with Russian gentlemen. For work or school, they contacted or continue to maintain contact with the Russians. These women emphasize the spiritual breadth and generosity of Russian men. But they do not deny the fact of their physical iniquity.

Foreign women who have been in Russia reward young people with such epithets: a good friend, a soul of the company, open, sincere, ready to help in difficult times. Europeans particularly like the fact that the Russian gentleman is not greedy and is always ready to pay for lunch or dinner in a restaurant.

But the ladies of this group note the negative trait of Russian men: the indifference and rudeness shown by them in public transport.

Third group foreigners are the smallest. It - women from foreign countries who linked fate with Russian men. According to statistics, such marriages are common in the creative environment.

Foreign wives describe their Russian husbands in this way:

  • "He has something to talk about!
  • He is romantic!
  • He understands the woman better!
  • He is not pragmatic and generous! "

Recently, the majority of such marriages are between Russian musicians and foreigners, Russian football players and Europeans.

Foreign ladies of different groups note the main features of Russian men who do not go unnoticed:

  • the positive qualities of a Russian man exceed his shortcomings;
  • they do not care about their appearance and are often rude to girls in public places;
  • Russian young people are open, soulful and emotional.

But the main advantage of a Russian man is that you will never get bored with him. And this fact is constantly emphasized by foreign ladies.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


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