Wild birds in a summer cottage - how to attract pest control and protect the crop


It’s a big mistake to perceive birds on the plot exclusively as living “music boxes” and ripening thieves. In fact, they are the first helpers in the fight against malicious insects. Just so that this is not spontaneous acts of support on their part, as well as just, for ethical reasons, the birds need support. Small and not difficult, but really invaluable to them.

One of the first points is worth noting that the birds do not completely destroy all the leaders (in the end, it is completely unprofitable for them to deprive themselves of a source of food), but they reduce and keep their numbers within limits when they are harmless to the garden. Indeed, many birds eat them per day as much as they weigh themselves.

And what birds are considered the most welcome guests:

  • swifts;
  • swallows
  • redstart;
  • finches;
  • wagtails;
  • Sparrows
  • tap dancing;
  • carduelis;
  • Orioles;
  • oatmeal;
  • zaryanki;
  • woodpeckers;
  • bluethroats;
  • Kings
  • sticks;
  • greenfinch;
  • crawl;
  • rooks;
  • wrens;
  • glory;
  • starlings;
  • robins;
  • flytraps.

And the list goes on and on. And every little bird can be praised for a long time. For example, a starling with offspring in just a couple of weeks destroys several thousand May beetles.

It is also noteworthy that, depending on the preferred feeding place, many birds can be assigned to one of three groups:

  1. The surface of the earth, thickets of grass - Buntings, finches, wagtails (the last persons like to hunt also on the shores of water bodies).
  2. Shrubs - Warblers, wrens, dawns.
  3. The trees - warblers, carduelis, orioles.

And sparrows - keep up everywhere.

But even if the garden is overwhelmed by pests, the birds will not want to dwell in it, not having the appropriate conditions. And this for many species means the need for planting trees and shrubs that serve them:

  1. A place for nesting.
  2. Natural shelter from enemies.
  3. The source of additional power.

Such plants, in particular, include:

  • barberry;
  • rosehip;
  • hawthorn;
  • honeysuckle;
  • blackthorn.

Quite a nice list, useful for decorating the site. The main thing is to select well fruiting varieties. Plus, again - for feeding, many birds will like these landings:

  • chokeberry aronia;
  • wild grapes;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • pyracantha;
  • privet;
  • irga;
  • Rowan;
  • decorative apple tree;
  • elder.

Many birds like herbs, tall thickets. But they do not need to run a garden for the sake of it, but, let's say, something like a lush Moorish lawn will please both them and the person. And by the way - if somewhere weeds were missed in the garden - many birds are not averse to tasting their seeds, which also contributes to the biological natural protection of the site.

Despite the presence of insects and feeding from growing plants, most birds are not averse to tasting anything else. And notice right away - it is unacceptable to feed them bread, leftovers from your table. Guided by the materials on the biology of species, one can compose balanced feeds from the fruits of a number of plants or look for such top dressings in large stores.

Naturally, if we visit a garden in winter, feeding will not be superfluous (for example, tits, we recall a simple fact, adore unsalted lard with meat). Plus, high-calorie, oily seeds (for example, rapeseed, flax seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, millet, oats) will be good in cold weather.

It is still necessary to place drinkers and clean them in a timely manner, fill them again. And it should be pure water. In no case not mineral, not carbonated. Often drinkers have the form of shallow containers, which also serve as birds for swimming.

They should be quite numerous and evenly distributed in the garden. And sometimes, by the way, drinking bowls are also an element of the landscape design decor. And it is important that their design does not leave birds a chance to drown. If there are people in the country even in winter, drinkers are needed again, albeit less. Experts say that the thirst for birds in winter is no less formidable than hunger.

As for the division, then the crop, then in fairness, you can not be greedy and still the little birds will get it a little. It’s another matter that those who are busy with the main diet of insects and who have at their disposal also planted for them plants and fertilizing from human hands, garden birds, for the most part, will not bring dissociation.

And for guarantees and protection of especially valuable (tasty for birds) plantings (for example, a vineyard, beds of strawberries, cherry trees) there are special nets.

But when harvesting, in a good tone and a kind, generous deed, he will leave him a little for treating the feathered support group.

A very important topic is the safety and comfort of birds. It can be reduced to such moments:

  1. On plants where they feed, the use of chemical pesticides is unacceptable and similar, as well as some “aggressive” folk recipes (for example, a solution of garlic, soap, soda).
  2. In the garden, they should not be threatened by predators. So if there is a cat, she should live on the veranda (covering the perimeter with a net, you can provide a lot of sun and fresh breeze, air) and walk on a harness or under supervision, but it is unacceptable to allow hunting for whole days. Birds, by the way, can then generally leave a dangerous place. But sometimes a cat is lucky, in principle, according to its behavior, not a hunter.
  3. Collected bird houses should not have gaps., through which a draft / rain could penetrate, they must be of a suitable design so that some predatory birds (for example, magpies) cannot climb into them, and also that adult birds and their younger generation can conveniently visit / leave them .
  4. Strongly disturbed and eventually expelled birds events such as often playing very loud music, smoke from hookahs / bonfires, fireworks.

And finally, it’s impossible to talk about useful birds in the infield, to ignore the fact that they are his living decoration, how simple it is to glimpse here and there, and when they start to sing, each in their own way, in due time.


Watch the video: Simple Way to Protect Vegetables in Your Garden from Birds (July 2024).