Collage for a dream come true


Everyone wants to be happy. This state brings us different things. Dreams that come true, make it possible to experience the very pleasure that we call happy moments. How to make dreams and our wishes come true? A collage that you make with your own hands will help.

How the collage works

Making a wish collage is a serious technique that really works. Many celebrities, as well as psychologists, use it regularly to achieve their life goals.

What is the secret of the collage? The moment of visualization in the design of a picture of desires helps dreams come true. When we, for example, want a specific brand of car. We need to find her image in a glossy magazine or on the Internet and print. Be sure to paste your photo with a smile on the driver's seat. In thoughts you are already the owner of this car! It is this message or signal that you send to the Universe. By your actions you accelerate the fulfillment of desires.

There are different types of collage:

  • thematic (aimed at fulfilling a specific desire);
  • annual (wish list for the year).

And also pictures of desires are divided into individual or family (corporate, group).


Consider the option of an annual collage, as it will affect different areas of life. What to do first? Of course, tune. You must understand that it can take a lot of time to design a collage. Your actions:

  1. Write a list of dreams.
  2. Prepare a sheet on which the wish card will be applied. Whatman will do. Never use old paper (last year’s calendar, old wallpaper). She carries unnecessary information. A new life, filled with beautiful moments, should start from scratch.
  3. Prepare scissors, glue and a stack of glossy magazines for work.
  4. Choose a photo in which you like yourself. It is important that the eyes read the joy in the image. Stick it in the center of the future collage.
  5. From the list of desires, select the main ones that wanted to be fulfilled in the first place.
  6. Cut bright pictures from magazines that will match your dreams.

Learning to dream

It turns out that not everyone knows how to dream. Many are so busy with daily chores that they don’t even think about what they really want. In such a situation, it often happens that a person lives his life without special achievements, abundance, and receiving positive emotions from what is happening.


  1. To write a wish list, you need to sit down in a relaxed atmosphere with a pen and a fox of paper. Do not hold back! Write everything that comes to mind. Let the list consist of 100 or more desires. The main thing is that at this moment you should be motivated and more than anything else you want to do just that.

2. You need to ask yourself questions:

What is my cherished dream?

· Possession of what will make me happy?

· What do I want to achieve?

· What countries (places) do I want to visit first? etc.

  1. It is important to spell out your personal desires, and not once expressed by someone. You should feel warmth and joy at the first thought of a dream.
  2. The important point is that all items must be consistent with the present. For example, I am the owner of a three-room apartment in the very center of the city of N. (be sure to write down the name of the city and country). When writing desires, the accuracy of the wording and description in detail is important so that there is no mistake. You must clearly imagine in your imagination what you want.
  3. It is important to avoid ambiguous phrases. Otherwise, the desire will come true, but not at all in the form that was dreamed of.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that when writing desires, the "not" particle is not used. It is not read to the universe. Therefore, a desire can be fulfilled in a negative way.
  5. At the end of the list should be written "So be it!". Imagine that you are a magic genie who is already starting to fulfill wishes. Read aloud the dreams and after each say, "So be it!".

Secrets of collage compilation

To compile a wish map, many use the so-called Ba-gua grid of the Feng Shui system.

What is she like? This is a harmonious distribution of desires in various areas important to human life:

  • love (relationships, marriage);
  • creativity (hobby);
  • travels;
  • career;
  • self-realization;
  • family (home, health, pets);
  • financial well-being (money, jewelry, luxury).

Each sector in this embodiment takes its place on the wish map, depending on the side of the world.

It is important to understand that the dream fulfillment map is only your creation. Therefore, it is worth fulfilling it, listening to your heart and desires. Even if you do not follow the rules of Feng Shui at a subconscious level, the pictures will still line up in order of importance for you personally.

If you do not adhere to the rules of oriental technology, then it is worth mentally or using a pencil to divide the sheet into 4, 6 or 8 equal parts connected in the center of the sheet. Each part will be assigned to one or more desires. Closer to the center, you need to place dreams more important to you.

Start pasting the clippings. They need to be selected in such a way as to please the eye and cause only positive emotions. Never use black and white pictures.

As a result, your sheet should be completely filled with desires. To make them come true to the nearest month, add them with inscriptions in which it is important to indicate the dates. For example, in December 2019, I rest in the Philippines with my family.

Finished work must be placed in the house or at work in a prominent place. You must remember your dreams daily and make plans for their realization. For its part, the Universe will send new opportunities, acquaintances, success.

A list of wishes that are not included in the collage, hang next. Some of them will also begin to be executed.

Collage for a dream always works. After a while you will see it yourself. Believe in miracles and dreams will come true!


Watch the video: Making College Dreams Come True (July 2024).