Jerusalem artichoke: an earthen pear on guard of health. The use of Jerusalem artichoke, indications, contraindications


Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear is a universal plant of its kind. Used in cooking, folk medicine as a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent. The effectiveness of Jerusalem artichoke in the fight against gynecological diseases has been proven.

Does this mean that you can cope with pathologies with one folk remedy? Not. How to use the tool to achieve the effect with complete safety?

Jerusalem artichoke, healing properties

The useful properties of earthen pears are due to the high content of organic substances, vitamins, trace elements, macrocells.

Coarse dietary fiber (fiber). They create a ballast load in the intestines, improve motility. Contribute to the rapid evacuation of feces, cleansing the body. Jerusalem artichoke is used as a natural means for losing weight. It can be a good help in the fight against excess weight, regardless of the reason.

Inulin. Substitutes glucose in specific reactions. Helps correct blood sugar levels.

Carbohydrates. Normalize metabolic processes, including catabolism (burning fat with energy), normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Organic acids. They prevent the crystallization of urates, accelerate their evacuation with urine, and normalize metabolic processes.

Antioxidants, fatty polyunsaturated acids. They prevent the oxidation of the cell walls of the human body, prevent the excessive deposition of fats (the development of obesity), accelerate regenerative processes.

Elements From calcium to zinc, there are a total of 9 essential substances. Without them, there are no healthy bones, teeth, hair, normal reproductive function, or mental activity.

Vitamins of group B, vitamin C, vitamin A. Provide tissue repair, fat burning.

In some positions, an earthen pear bypasses meat, fish, and other products. Useful properties with a relative minimum of contraindications make Jerusalem artichoke a natural natural component.

Jerusalem artichoke: indications

Jerusalem artichoke is not used as the main therapeutic agent. Even specialized specialists (naturopaths or phytotherapists) do not consider herbal components universal in terms of effect. Jerusalem artichoke is used as an aid to the main therapy. The only option when it is possible to use in "isolated" form is disease prevention. When an earthen pear can be especially useful:

Metabolic diseases. Metabolic disorder. Gout (deposition of uric acid salts in the joints), chondrocalcinosis (about the same, but inorganic calcium salts are deposited).

Endocrine pathology. The main one is diabetes. The presence of inulin, carbohydrates, allows you to keep sugar under control. The risks of complications (retinopathy, diabetic foot, coma) are also lower. And the presence of antioxidants allows you to strengthen cell walls, prevent atherosclerosis. For diabetics, Jerusalem artichoke is an indispensable assistant.

Cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension, atherosclerosis (narrowing or obstruction of the arteries), angina pectoris (coronary insufficiency), myocardial infarction. As a means to correct vascular tone. This is the basis of treatment or recovery from dangerous conditions.

Overweight. Obesity refers to metabolic diseases. But it is made in a separate paragraph, since Jerusalem artichoke is used most actively in dietetics. On the one hand, it speeds up digestion, does not allow excess fat to be stored. On the other hand, it contributes to the burning of fats. On the third, it prevents sagging skin. This cosmetic defect often occurs with rapid weight loss.

Gastroenterological diseases. Inflammatory and erosive type. Gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, hepatonecrosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, also dysbiosis, dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, belching), flatulence.

Oncological pathologies. As a means to increase general immunity, slow down the proliferation (cell division rate) of the tumor.

Disorders of the central nervous system.

Anemia (anemia) with the phenomena of fragility of nails, hair. As a source of vitamin B12, iron. Against the background of basic therapy.

Diseases of the senses.

Pathology of the bronchopulmonary system of any etiology.

Urogenital tract inflammation. Including cystitis, specific female diseases.

The beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke are recognized by official medicine. But you need to understand that this is not a panacea, but a supportive tool.

Jerusalem artichoke: contraindications

The question is debatable. There is one absolute contraindication - individual intolerance to an earthen pear. The reaction becomes clear after the fact. How to check for allergies? Brew any part of the plant, drip a slightly warm broth on clean, dry skin. Redness indicates an intense reaction, you can not use the drug.

This is a rough, rough technique. A less active response after oral administration is possible. It is recommended to monitor health. The proven multivalent immune response to medicinal plants obviously indicates the impossibility of use.

Jerusalem artichoke: application

All parts of the plant are applied. In natural form (fried, boiled pickled, salted tuber) are also used for food purposes. Special recipes:

Express decoction. Prepared as plain tea. The crushed raw materials in the amount of 2 tablespoons are mixed with 200 ml of boiling water. Cooking time - half an hour. Take in an arbitrary amount. The tool is effective in the prevention of colds, infectious and inflammatory diseases, in the active phase of the same conditions instead of plain tea with lemon. The amount of broth consumed can be varied as you see fit, within reason (up to four glasses per day). It is also used to treat the entire list of the above conditions.

Jerusalem artichoke juice. Concentrated substance. It is used directly for the treatment of the above pathologies. In large quantities is contraindicated. Maximum - 100-150 ml per day. With excessive consumption, diarrhea develops, the acidity of the stomach decreases, which affects the speed of digestion.

Grated Jerusalem artichoke powder. Take on the tip of a knife 1-2 times a day for a week. If necessary, an extension of the duration of therapy is permissible. Another concentrated form. It improves blood flow, but it is impossible to use for menstrual irregularities like menorrhagia. It is also not recommended for anemia, before surgery, a tendency to bleeding, increased fragility of blood vessels.

But tincture of Jerusalem artichoke requires a subtle approach. With an excess of ethanol, the therapeutic effect is reduced. Jerusalem artichoke syrup is not recommended for diabetics. There is no sense in such an overloaded form. Infusion or decoction is difficult to prepare, but does not have a great therapeutic meaning: express decoction covers all the needs of treatment.

Jerusalem artichoke is a storehouse of useful substances. Refuse from such help is not worth it. All questions related to the appropriateness of use, dosages, it is better to address the doctor. Self-administration is acceptable in the absence of intolerance.


Watch the video: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Jerusalem ArtichokeSunchoke (July 2024).