What Zelenka helps: traditional and unexpected ways to use. Rules and features of the use of ordinary green - what is its danger?


One of the brightest in the literal and figurative sense of antiseptics, zelenka, is distinguished by a wide range of use cases in official and folk medicine.

But in order for the product to be only useful, you should know the most important thing about it.

What characteristics explain Zelenka’s ability to help

Initially, a substance called “brilliant green”, invented in the 19th century, was known as an excellent, persistent dye for fabrics. And only much later scientists discovered its healing properties.

Which, by the way, strictly speaking, are not sufficiently studied today - on the one hand, it is clear that the tool is harmless, but on the other hand, not all scientific, medical communities in the world are ready to confirm its benefit, even despite the experience of using it for decades.

In particular, the fact that Zelenka promotes tissue regeneration, its anti-inflammatory effectiveness, is questioned. But the effectiveness of zelenka as a disinfectant has been confirmed many times and despite the fact that there are many alternative products on the market (more powerful, diverse in spectrum properties), many people continue to give preference to it.

Zelenka not only completely destroys many of the pathogens known to humans, but also prevents their reappearance (reproduction) within a few hours (therefore, timely re-treatment of the affected areas of the body is so important).

True, its effect extends only to superficial tissues, it is, of course, a universal remedy for local and short-term use, which is unreasonable to replace the proper full-fledged treatment in some cases.

Today, brilliant green is a 1-2% alcohol solution, and, thanks to the basis, its initial properties are multiplied.

They use green paint, putting a little liquid on a gauze swab, cotton pad or - you can buy a pencil, aerosol, with which applying it is particularly convenient.

In what cases does Zelenka help

It is noteworthy that the tradition of “treating” chickenpox with green stuff is actually practically meaningless - the remedy only dries out the wounds and helps to control the appearance of new rashes (the end of which will indicate an approach to recovery), but the drug is powerless against the causative agent itself.

Not so long ago, green was considered the best tool for the preventive treatment of postoperative sutures (including after cesarean section) and umbilical wounds of newborns. Now, for these purposes, you can choose modern drugs, but if we are talking about damage to the skin of the more mundane (a cut with a knife when peeling vegetables, a fall while jogging in the park and the like) - then this remedy at hand can be assessed as an excellent disinfectant, allowing you not to miss precious time during which it is important to have time to treat the wound, to prevent its infection.

In addition, greenback helps well in the following cases:

• to alleviate the condition of the legs with existing calluses (many plasters are saturated with brilliant green);

• for the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails;

• with insect bites (but at the first opportunity it is better to treat with something else);

• from many dermatological diseases (including lichen);

• to treat damage resulting from removal of an ingrown nail.

In the treatment of abscesses, brilliant green does not affect the rate of their maturation, the outflow of pus and is used as always - to prevent infection from entering the open wound.

When not helping, green can harm health

When treating damaged areas of the body with brilliant green, you must remember that it must not be allowed to get inside the wounds themselves - only their edges are lubricated (while, by the way, the drug must also be on a small area of ​​healthy skin).

And only minor damage (scratch, abrasion) is allowed to smear as a whole.

For this reason, by the way, there is little benefit from brilliant green with deeply penetrating wounds, for example, with animal bites. Then she is an auxiliary tool, no more.

In addition, before processing:

• if present, heavy bleeding should be stopped, able to literally wash away most of the effectiveness of the drug;

• the affected surface and adjacent tissues should be properly cleaned of contaminants, for example, washed with water or chlorhexidine.

Plus, it is unacceptable to treat weeping wounds with brilliant green.

Zelenka is a medicine exclusively for external use, and therefore, it is categorically contraindicated for use in the treatment of:

• stomatitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the oral cavity and throat. Instead of treatment, the delicate mucous membranes will get burned, plus, everything will probably continue to damage the esophagus (as a result of, for example, accidentally swallowing a couple of drops of the product) and allergies;

• nipple cracks during breastfeeding. The reason is the same as described earlier and the greenback can even provoke poisoning of the sensitive body of the baby who received it in the process of receiving mother’s milk.

In addition, the existing ban on the contact of the drug with mucous membranes and severely damaged tissues actually equated to them makes treatment with greenback impossible:

• hemorrhoids;

• thrush (and other similar diseases in both sexes);

• burns;

• cold sores on the lips.

It is also not recommended to treat damaged moles with brilliant green - recent studies suggest that the tissues of these formations may differ in specific sensitivity to various substances and theoretically (although this is not proven exactly), the response can even lead to oncology. In a word, it is better to avoid risks and about actions in this case, consult with a specialist (doctor).

There are only two side effects in greenbacks:

• immediately after its application to damaged skin, a slight burning sensation is felt (and quickly resembles);

• the characteristic green spots from it gradually disappear from the skin in a few days and in order to accelerate this, you will have to try using a lot of cleansers (in connection with which it is better not to use the product against acne on the face);

• and as a confirmation of the former fame of this dye, stains from clothes and home textiles are removed with great difficulty.

How zelenka helps gardeners

Not only humans, but also plants are susceptible to the healing properties of brilliant green - treating it with cuts of trees and shrubs significantly speeds up their healing, prevents infection and helps to continue the full life of garden crops.

In addition, farmers use brilliant green to prevent (slow down) the unwanted growth of strawberry mustache.

Often, brilliant green becomes the main "cure" for late blight, gray rot and powdery mildew for planting, which do not want to use "aggressive" chemicals.

This specific green solution also helps from such formidable pests as slugs.


Watch the video: Zelenka helps out. . (July 2024).