Collar for dogs: what is the difference between collars for different breeds of dogs. How to choose the best collar: decorative, walking, security, for training


It is simply impossible for a dog in a city without a collar, but in order for a four-legged friend to feel comfort and convenience during a walk, it is necessary to choose the right collar for him. Any collar should not only be beautiful and functional, but also strong enough and comfortable so as not to cause discomfort during its use.

How to choose a collar for a dog?

When choosing a collar for your pet, you must remember that it should not be too close to the neck of the animal, but at the same time, the collar should not hang around the neck. Experts advise purchasing a collar so that 2 fingers of a person freely pass between its material and the skin on the neck. For large dog breeds, it is worth choosing models that have a reliable metal ring for fixing the leash. If the item is intended for a small decorative dog, it is better to buy a harness instead of a collar. When choosing a collar for a puppy, you should not buy it for growth, because a puppy will easily stick its head out of a large collar and get free. For small puppies, a narrow collar that is made of nylon, tarpaulin or leather is best suited.

What types of collars are there?

All dog collars can be divided depending on the material (leather, canvas, metal) and on the purpose of use (everyday, for training, for exhibition, decorative).

- Walking collars. Choosing a collar for daily walks, you should pay attention to the fact that the dog was comfortable in it. For walks, you can choose a collar made of leather or a quality substitute, fleece, suede, felt or synthetic materials. In addition, on sale you can find combined models. Before buying a product, you should pay attention to the leash ring, because the more reliable and stronger it is, the more confident that the dog will not break off the leash during a walk. If there is a desire to purchase a leather collar, then you should pay attention to the wrong side of the product. The inside of the leather dog collars must have a lining of felt or other fabric that is pleasant to the touch.

- Dog Collars. Those animals that guard their master’s property and are on a chain also need collars. For animals on a leash, it is better to choose fairly wide collars made of leather, canvas or other material. A feature of these collars is that in addition to the metal half-ring on the collar there is an additional buckle. When fastening the dog on a leash, it’s worth letting the chain into the ring, and fasten the carabiner to the buckle, fixing the dog on the chain, thus, the whole load when jerking falls on the metal buckle and does not injure the animal’s neck.

- Strict collars are designed for dog training. During disobedience or abnormal behavior, the animal’s neck comes into contact with metal spikes that are located inside a strict collar and the dog stops tearing.

- Decorative collars. Such collars do not carry any functional load, but are intended only for beauty. Most often, this type of collar is selected for small or medium decorative dogs, such a collar can be decorated as you wish.

When choosing a collar for your pet, it is worth considering not only the growth and build of the dog, but also its main purpose, because a decorative collar will not be useful during a walk, and a walking collar will be useless when the dog performs security functions.


Watch the video: Extra Strong Leather Dog Collar for Large and Medium Breeds - Quick Review (June 2024).