Vegetarianism: why do people switch to this food system, its types, advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for beginners


Vegetarianism is a nutrition system, the basis of which is the rejection of certain foods of animal origin. It has many subspecies. Classical vegetarians deny themselves the use of meat and fish, but in their diet there are eggs, milk and honey.

Why do people become vegetarians?

In most cases, people choose this food system because of philosophical and religious reasons, based on the refusal to harm animals for the sake of satisfying their own needs because of their perception as individuals who are not alien to suffering.

Some people become vegetarians because they do not like meat or have medical indications related to diseases of the digestive system. Also, the reason may be a desire to imitate authoritative people or stand out from the rest due to fashion trends.

Types of vegetarianism, the benefits and harms of this diet

Vegetarianism is divided into the following types:

1. Lacto-vegetarianism - the use of milk and plant-derived foods.

2. Vegetarianism - the diet includes egg and plant foods.

3. Veganism - food products exclusively of plant origin.

4. Raw food involves the use of thermally unprocessed plant foods.

5. Fruitorianism - the use of exclusively the fruits of plants.

The benefits of vegetarianism are as follows:

1. The diet of vegetarians always includes fiber, which favorably affects digestion.

2. From fruits and vegetables, the body receives useful folic acid, vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

3. No less useful vegetable protein can be extracted from leguminous seeds.

4. The presence of the "right" carbohydrates in plant foods.

5. Getting antioxidants from green vegetables.

6. The probability of gaining excess weight is reduced to zero due to the low amount of fat and the lack of cholesterol in the diet.

7. Low probability of infection with intestinal parasites, bird flu and mad cow disease.

8. Cleansing from toxins, strengthening immunity.

If a vegetarian diet is poorly balanced, the following unpleasant consequences of such a diet can occur:

1. Lack of protein, vitamin B12, iron and zinc, the risk of anemia.

2. Animal proteins are absorbed in the body better than proteins of plant origin.

3. Due to the constant use of fiber, protein can be absorbed worse.

Beginner Vegetarian Tips

This diet is not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers. It is also worth remembering that vegetarianism is, first and foremost, a healthy lifestyle, so the use of alcohol, drugs and alcohol is unacceptable. It is advisable to engage in physical activity. Protein deficiency can be supplemented by foods such as citrus fruits, buckwheat, legumes, nuts, and green vegetables. Overweight people should not abuse seeds and nuts.


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