Oily mushrooms - their benefits and taste. What you need to know about the dangers of oil and the features of their harvest for the winter


Oil mushrooms, autumn foliage mushrooms, are appreciated for their excellent taste and high nutritional value, in which they are in no way inferior to ceps. But all kinds of mushrooms have not only useful, but also harmful properties, which are important to know about before putting them on the table.

How botanical and gastronomic features distinguish the oil and the benefits of them among other mushrooms and products

Butterflies are one of the most delicious and widespread mushrooms in the Northern Hemisphere, bearing fruit, like all herd mushrooms, in bulk near each other.

From June to October frosts can be found in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests. Oil grows well in seasons with brief heavy rains. They are unpretentious.

And it is noteworthy that even their frequent collection of clean, active presence in the forests of their growth, does not harm the prevalence and high productivity of these mushrooms.

Oil mushrooms grow on a stalk up to 10 cm long, with a hat up to 15 cm in diameter, but those that are most valued are those that do not exceed 3-5 cm in height and 1-4 cm in diameter.

Butter is fried, stewed, baked, boiled and pickled. They go well with meat and fish, other mushrooms, vegetables, a variety of sauces and seasonings.

According to a number of characteristics, oilfoods are suitable for dietary, general strengthening and healing, cleansing the body of food slags.

Less than 10% of the mass of these mushrooms falls on fiber and nutrients, the rest is water. 100 g of oil contains only 19 kcal.

Oil mushrooms are one of the best mushrooms in terms of high content and quality of proteins, which contain, among others, essential amino acids that can significantly optimize metabolic and enzymatic processes in the human body.

These proteins can be an alternative for vegetarian and special diets to proteins from red meat and fish, although they are digested a little worse.

The maximum benefit of the oils can be obtained with a healthy state of the gastrointestinal tract, if the work of the same stomach is far from ideal, the recommendations for the use of oils can be reduced to the following:

· Eat them in small portions;

· Do not serve in combination with foods that are difficult to digest, such as legumes;

· Do not eat dishes with them (soups, stews) chilled, it is better - warm or moderately hot;

· Do not drink mushroom dishes with alcohol and do not drink tea, coffee, water or juices before meals and within half an hour after it;

· Choose recipes with ingredients that stimulate digestion - this, for example, and spices, and sour cream or tomato sauce.

In which cases there is a particular benefit of oil

Mushroom young growth is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its high content of trace elements - copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and iron, as well as vitamins.

· In terms of vitamin B content, oranges are not inferior to butter and grains. Elements related to this vitamin group positively affect the functioning of the central nervous system, the formation of skin cells and maintaining its health, including resistance to pathogens of dermatological diseases;

· It is well known about vitamin C that it strengthens the body. If we consider its effect in more detail, it turns out that it also regulates the permeability of capillaries and prevents their fragility, and contributes to the absorption of calcium and iron.

It is recommended that butterflies be included in the diet in the following cases:

After surgery (unless prohibited by a doctor) or injuries sustained, to restore the immune system and activate regenerative processes;

With meteosensitivity, especially if joint pains, migraines, and decreased appetite appear in its individual symptoms;

· To lower bad cholesterol as a prophylaxis of atherosclerosis;

In chronic fatigue and depressive conditions.

Regular use of oil is capable, in addition:

· Improve metabolism, impaired due to unbalanced nutrition;

· Normalize hormonal levels and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood - all thanks to lecithin.

The presence of a compound called beta-glucan allows you to attribute the oil to products that are extremely useful for female beauty.

Professional products containing this substance (extracted, of course, not from oil, but usually from yeast or oats), stimulate the production of collagen, soothe problem skin and protect against harmful radiation from the sun.

In addition, beta-glucan, which enters the body with food, acts as a powerful antioxidant, a neutralizer of free radicals in the human body.

What harm can be caused by oil

It is known that the mushroom kingdom is very sensitive to substances present in the world around them. And everything is clear with how useful mushrooms from ecologically clean lands can be, and what harm can be caused by oils collected near industrial facilities, on roadsides, on lands contaminated with various wastes.

Therefore, butter mushrooms can be acquired only if their origin does not raise a shadow of doubt. Or collect personally, again - strictly choosing a place.

Like many mushrooms, butterfish have poisonous doubles, which can turn out to be not just harm to butterfish, but also a direct threat to life.

Not experienced mushroom pickers are recommended to arm themselves with a good illustrated mushroom atlas. Or already harvested crops can be shown to those who understand mushrooms.

Not only butter, but in general almost all mushrooms are given with great care to children and are trying to exclude pregnant and lactating women from the diet.

Rare exceptions include, in particular, champignons - highly nutritious and completely domesticated mushrooms.

The use of oil is limited in severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, exacerbations of gastritis, disorders of the functioning of the pancreas and gall bladder.

How to stock and cook butter with benefit

The mushrooms brought home are sorted, washed and cleaned without delay - the perishable thing is oily. But you can stock up on them without losing taste by freezing them.

You can raw, but you can - pre-blanched 5 minutes in boiling water.

It is extremely rare for the oil to be dried - 90% of it consists of water, and this complicates the drying process and affects the quality of the final product - the oil is thinned and broken.

Red-brown white-brown mushrooms were called oils because of the slippery, sticky and oily film covering their hat. It is easily removed, but whether to remove it is a bit of a moot point.

On the one hand, it is saturated with valuable substances, including compounds that manifest themselves in the human body as immunostimulants. Also, resinous compounds that excrete uric acid were found in it, which positively affects the relief of gout symptoms.

On the other hand, it can cause oil damage - it is the quickest mushroom to absorb various nitrates and harmful substances. Further, during pickling and any heat treatment of mushrooms, it can spoil their appearance by transmitting dark pigment. And her taste is not everyone finds pleasant.

If young mushrooms are collected in a clean place and it is planned not to pickle them, but, for example, fry them, you can also save it for a one-time increase in their useful properties. But more often, it is still removed.

In cooking dishes from butter, it is important to adhere to two rules - bring them to readiness so as not to eat raw, but also not to heat them for too long, because of this, their nutrients are destroyed.


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