Scientists: representatives of different sexes react differently to stress


All people react differently to stressful situations: either they withdraw into themselves, or, on the contrary, try to attract as many others as possible to their problem.

The study showed that women adhere to the second strategy. In the experiment, forty men and forty women were subjected to a stress test (solve a problem or say a speech in front of an audience).

After that, the participants went through another test that was aimed at determining their ability to distinguish their own desires from the wishes of other people.

Under stress, women coped better with the task.

The opposite situation was with men who, under stress, were worse at coping with a task than men at rest. Therefore, in stressful situations, women are more intelligent than men.

The reason for this is that women are more focused on seeking support from others.


Watch the video: Is Gender a Social Construct? in 7 Minutes (June 2024).