Coconut oil masks for healthy hair. The secrets of using hair masks with coconut oil


Coconut oil is used not only for the manufacture of various types of skin cream, but also it is often used in cooking. However, it gained its popularity due to its healing effect on the hair.

When does hair require extra nutrition?

The uniqueness of masks with coconut oil is that they are suitable for any type of hair, but this product is especially valuable due to its nutritional properties. Suitable for oily hair with dry ends, split ends, as well as dry and brittle hair. It has a positive effect on fungal diseases of the scalp, relieves irritation and a feeling of tightness.

The Benefits of Using Hair Masks with Coconut Oil

· Accelerates hair growth, has a beneficial effect on the hair follicle

· Prevents the appearance of fungus

· Facilitates the care of curly hair, smoothing their surface and making them more docile

· Due to its thick oil consistency it has a light laminating property

· Give shine and well-groomed look even to strongly damaged hair

Separately, it is worth noting the cost-effectiveness of this product, due to the mass consistency it is consumed very economically. In order for the oil to be applied easier to the hair, it should be warmed up at room temperature for a couple - three degrees, and when it is slightly thawing - rub it into the scalp with a thin layer.

The only contraindication this unique product has is individual intolerance. If when applying the mask to the skin you feel itching, burning or other manifestations of allergy, the product should be washed off immediately. Rarely enough, but it still happens that this cosmetic product gives absolutely no results - most likely a fake fell into your hands, or the manufacturer indicated the wrong expiration date on the package. It is also quite possible that the oil just does not suit you.

Important nuances in the preparation and use of hair masks with coconut oil

In order for the oil used to have a sufficient amount of nutrients, when buying, you should give preference to its unrefined form. The hair cuticle better absorbs warmed oil, while the nutrients reach the deepest layers. Heat the oil in a water bath, or rubbing it in the palms of your hands.

1. Hair masks made at home can be used only on dirty hair, when using coconut oil in its pure form, it is allowed to leave it all night.

2. To enhance the positive effect, you should wrap your head with a towel, or put on a hat (naturally putting a layer of polyethylene between the hair and the towel).

3. In almost all cases, the ends of the hair are always drier than the roots, so the mask should be applied from bottom to top.

4. Rinse off this type of mask only with shampoo without using an air conditioner, since the mask has the same effect.

5. If the type of your hair is oily, then it is not advisable to apply a mask on the scalp and root zone, it is better to apply it on the middle of the lengths and ends.

6. When applying the mask to the scalp, use massaging movements of the hands.

IMPORTANT! In order for the nutrients to remain in the oil longer, you should not resort to its frequent heating, it is better to measure the quantity necessary for use each time, and keep the container in the refrigerator.

Self-made coconut masks. Recipes

Homemade masks, consisting of several ingredients, especially which include perishable products (sour cream, eggs, milk), are not subject to long-term storage, therefore, in the process of preparation it is worth considering the amount of mass produced. The active components of the mask work only the first three hours, then it simply loses its properties.

Sour cream - lavender

It has a calming effect on the scalp, nourishes and strengthens the roots and promotes hair growth.


- coconut oil 1h.

- fat sour cream 18 - 20% 2 hours.

- lavender oil (3-5 drops)

Heat coconut oil a little warmer than room temperature, mix with sour cream, to which first add lavender oil. Apply to unwashed hair for 1.5 to 2 hours.

For active hair growth

Moisturizes overdried hair, accelerates hair growth. It is applied for 2 hours, along the entire length of the hair.


- castor oil 2 hours.

- coconut oil 1h.

- Bay oil (not to be confused with laurel) 5 drops

Put and mix the components of the mask in a glass container, heat in a water bath to 40 degrees. Apply to the scalp with rubbing movements, then wrap the head with cling film and put on a warming cap. Keep the mask on your hair for at least 2 hours, use the course for a month every three days.

For strengthening hair follicles

Stops hair loss with regular use, nourishes the scalp.

- vitamin E capsules 12k

- vitamin B 6 12k

- coconut oil 10g.

Put the remaining ingredients in warm oil and mix. Apply the mixture to the hair along this length, wrap the head with a towel and hold the mask for at least 3 hours.

How to grow length with hair masks with coconut oil

Natural coconut oil is the most faithful assistant in the process of growing a long braid. You can use it as the main component in hair masks, or as an independent element, adding very little to a single serving of shampoo or restoring balm at the end of hair washing.

With the correct use of masks, it is quite simple to achieve a salon effect at home. Moreover, the result will be noticeable after the first application.

Consider the three simplest uses of coconut oil for making masks at home:

1. The manufacture of a cosmetic product. Such a mask can solve several problems related to the quality of hair. When the components are mixed, a combination of useful elements occurs at the chemical level, which enhances the positive effect of using the prepared mixture. Essential oils, protein mixtures, fermented milk products are added to coconut oil.

2. A valuable component to regular shampoo. Try to add a little bit of a mixture of coconut oil and ylang-ylang ether to your shampoo during hair washing, you will be surprised how obedient the hair has become and how easy it is to style.

3. Use in its pure form. Such a universal product as coconut oil can be used without additional elements, applying it once a week to the entire length of the hair. Leave on your head for at least 1.5 hours, then rinse using your regular shampoo.

TOP 3 - the most effective masks based on coconut oil

Applying such masks in courses (three to four per year), you can change the quality of your hair beyond recognition, of course, for the better.

Honey coconut

Add a couple of tablespoons of honey in un melted coconut oil (3 teaspoons), mix well and put in a water bath. Heat until this consistency becomes mushy.

In a warm mixture, add a few drops of essential oil (an optional but pleasant ingredient). The mask is ready, it remains only to rub it with massaging movements into the roots of the hair. Keep at least 30 minutes.

Silk shine

Mix equal proportions of rose and rosemary essential oil (about 2 drops each) and add coconut oil (2-3 tablespoons) to a coconut oil heated in a water bath. The mixture is applied to dry hair for a period of at least two hours.

Lion's mane

- glycerin (0.5 tbsp.spoons)

- yolk (1 pc.)

- coconut oil (5 gr.)

- wine vinegar (2 tablespoons)

Mix these ingredients and apply to clean, damp hair, paying particular attention to the basal area. To put on a warming cap or to wrap a head with a towel, keep from 40 to 60 minutes.

In order to fix the result from the use of masks, you should adhere to simple, but very useful rules:

· Constancy. The use of masks should be regular, at least 1 time per week

· Focus on hair type. Be sure to use masks only for your hair type, even if the hair looks normal, but you regularly paint them with chemical paint, then masks should be used for dry hair

· Masks should be used in courses, while the break is no less important than the course itself, so do not forget to rest your hair from the care procedures, the break should be at least a month


Watch the video: How to Treat Acne With Coconut Oil (July 2024).