Why dream a hedgehog, feed a hedgehog, talk to him? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what does the hedgehog dream of


Animals often appear in dreams. But how to interpret such dreams? What is the hedgehog dreaming of? It’s worth sorting out.

What does the hedgehog dream of - the main interpretation

The hedgehog is very distrustful in nature. Due to its small size, he is forced to defend himself from enemy attacks with a huge layer of needles. This suggests that in order to survive in natural conditions he needs to make every effort. But what does the dream in which you saw a hedgehog mean?

It is important to interpret even the most insignificant details of sleep in order to fully understand its meaning:

• Where did the hedgehog come from in your dream;

• Have you played with a hedgehog;

• Did you feed him;

• Did you prick about his needles;

• Have you talked to a hedgehog;

• What emotions overwhelmed you.

If in a dream you pricked your finger on the hedgehog's needles - such a dream does not bode well for you, most likely you will be sick for a long time and hard. The reason for this will be accumulated fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

A significant role in this situation could be played by your relationship with your enemies. Perhaps you just recently had a big fight with someone. Then it’s clear why you dream of thorns and dream that you pricked your hands. Your foe has held a grudge and is waiting for the right moment in order to avenge your harm.

Try to understand the situation before it becomes critical. If you dream that blood drips from your finger after you pricked it on the needles - it's too late to change anything. It's time to come to terms with the current situation and not be very nervous.

The dream in which you prick your finger on the hedgehog's needles and black blood flows from it speaks of a grandiose scandal due to which your reputation will be irreparably damaged. Try to make a difference and don't let it happen again.

A dream in which a hedgehog curled into a ball on the doorstep of your house indicates the need to protect loved ones and relatives from enemy attacks. Someone disliked your family and is very envious of you. In order to maintain peace and harmony in it, you need a huge amount of courage and patience. Gather your strength and do not let the enemies harm you.

If in a dream you see how the hedgehog twisted a ball in your bed - such a dream means that you should seriously engage in intimate relationships. In your relationship, a period of distrust and refusal to communicate has come.

You can even stop communicating with your partner for some time and, at the same time, feel just great. The dream book advises not to take long breaks in communication, since there are no objective reasons for this. If you are in a quarrel, such a dream signals that the conflict will drag on indefinitely, so you should make every effort to figure out the current situation.

The dream, in which the hedgehog curled up in your workplace, indicates that one of your colleagues can help you. Get ready for the fact that you have to monitor the behavior of each of them. If you are friends with someone at work - it's time to reconsider the attitude to this person and temporarily not devote him to your professional plans.

If you dream that a hedgehog runs around your house and makes characteristic sounds - you will be stunned by some news. It will be pleasant, and at the same time, unexpected news, for which you will not be ready.

The dream in which you will see a hedgehog digging a mink in your yard with your nose speaks of your inner desire to be safe. You very much want to be alone with yourself and at the same time so that someone takes care of you. This situation may not end very well. The problem is that loved ones may not guess your desire and not come to your aid on time.

The dream in which you see how the hedgehog brought the hedgehog says that you will soon meet your best friends and have a wonderful time with them. You will be able to realize the old dream to relax in a specific place.

A dream in which you will see how you met a hedgehog in the forest - says that you will have a patron. From now on, you can not worry about your professional activities, not about your personal life. Everything will be smooth and clear in them. Try to set your own priorities in life and never back down from your chosen position.

The dream in which you take the hedgehog in your hands and hides your thorns from it indicates that in reality you will be able to reconcile with the person with whom you have long been in a quarrel. Such a dream also speaks of your need for intimacy. You yourself, like the hedgehog, often flaunt needles, although in your heart you are a kind and calm person.

The dream in which the hedgehog runs away and hides from you means that some information will be carefully hidden from you. Try not to deny yourself anything or to refuse those privileges that fate will award you. It may be as if you underestimate yourself. You deserve much more and you are certainly appreciated in your work.

Also, we can talk about the fact that it is time to say goodbye to negative thoughts and take full from life. Rejoice at her and be filled with the desire to change something in her. Do not hide from life, from meeting new people, then everything will be fine with you.

Why is hedgehog dreaming of Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book, if you are dreaming of a hedgehog, then it’s time for you to face the truth. You are a pretty closed person in a relationship. You do not allow unnecessary emotions and unnecessary phrases. You try to hide your emotions from your partner and then you are very offended by him because he did something wrong for you. Try to change the behavior and perception of the relationship, otherwise the problems will not leave your union.

A dream in which you still can’t catch a hedgehog who has made his way to your house - says that you can’t improve relations with a person who cares about you. The dream book advises to reconsider your attitude to this person, and to understand that they need to be built in a completely different way.

If in a dream you stab your hand on the hedgehog’s needle, you will mentally prick yourself at the rude words of your partner. Such a dream does not necessarily mean that your partner does not value you or stopped loving you. Such a dream means that most likely your partner does not want to be tolerant of your shortcomings. This speaks of his selfish character and heavy disposition.

The dream in which you will see a hedgehog that has caught a mouse indicates that the enemies will no longer be able to harm your personal life. If you had envious and even ill-wishers, now they will go into the shadows, and you will be able to build wonderful relationships with your partner.

What does the hedgehog dream of in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the hedgehog in a dream promises trouble and snag. You will be forced to hide from trouble and depend on the actions and thoughts of other people. This is inevitable, because earlier you were too open to people and now reaping the fruits of your honesty and humanity.

The dream in which you communicate with the hedgehog promises you an important and concrete conversation with a person who will soon become your best friend. It is important to listen to all the words of the hedgehog, to delve into their essence. They may have a global clue how you can build your life further.

What is the dream of the hedgehog who dug a mink in your yard? Such a dream may mean that the enemies are watching your life, but you do not betray this value. You are trying your best to change the situation, but now the only thing you can do is to keep your personal life a secret.

What does the hedgehog dream of in other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said, if in a dream in your house a huge number of hedgehogs - you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. It can be resolved quite well if you still decide on an open dialogue with the offender. But be on the alert, do not lose vigilance.

Why dream the hedgehog that you hold in your hands - such a dream means that you will gain trust from the person with whom you have long had conflicts and disagreements. After such reconciliation, it will become much easier and easier for you to live.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the hedgehog is dreaming as a symbol of irreconcilable disagreements between close people. If in a dream he runs away from you - be prepared for the fact that soon you will lose the opportunity to communicate with your loved ones and relatives. Some inaccurate words and simply never again will be able to establish a relationship with relatives. Try to restrain your emotions and not blame anyone for anything. This will be the key to your happy family life and friendly relations with others for many years.


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