Is it possible to eat raw zucchini: indications and contraindications? The benefits and harms of raw zucchini for digestion and overall health


Pumpkins, squash, melons, zucchini are the permanent inhabitants of our garden plots, from which we prepare marinades and pickles every autumn, choosing interesting recipes. But today we will talk about the zucchini, representatives of the Pumpkin family, who came to us from Mexico.

Dishes from it are varied and very tasty, ranging from everyone's favorite caviar to fritters. But not everyone will answer the question whether raw zucchini will benefit.


Regardless of the variety and shape, the growing zone and the particular terrain, the composition of the zucchini differs little. Start with the fact that this dietary product is low in calories, which is 24 kcal / 100g. This is not surprising, since it consists of 95% water, which contains vitamins and minerals. There are proteins and carbohydrates, but their amount is insignificant. What, then, is the composition and for what purpose does it use a vegetable for food?

The benefits of raw zucchini are as follows:

1. A large number of mineral components: calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium.

2. A significant content of trace elements that are needed in small concentrations: titanium, lithium, zinc, molybdenum.

3. The abundance of vital vitamins: group B, carotene or provitamin A, C, PP.

4. The content of organic acids in small quantities.

5. The presence of cellulose, which is not digested, but is important for the digestive tract.

6. The presence of a small number of simple carbohydrates.

7. Lack of fats and, accordingly, cholesterol.

On a note: The potassium content in the vegetable is 100 times higher than sodium. Due to this, the water balance is controlled and excess fluid is removed from the body. In addition, these two elements allow the heart muscle to work without interruption.

What is the use of raw zucchini?

It is amazing that the vegetable is so healthy. Let's start with the effect on the digestive tract:

· Low calorie content helps to reduce weight,

· Choleretic properties support the liver,

· Low sugar makes the product suitable for diabetics,

The digestive tract works better, thanks to cellulose, which enhances intestinal motility,

· Does not cause stomach irritation, since the content of organic acids is negligible.

· Simple carbohydrates cause rapid saturation and are easily digestible.

It turns out that raw zucchini is also useful for the skin: it refreshes the color, maintains a healthy state, moisturizes and rejuvenates. Due to the moisturizing effect, cosmetologists introduced it into the composition of face masks. Its components are part of sunscreens, as they protect the skin from UV rays.

Here is the recipe for a mask that is simple and accessible to everyone: we rub the raw zucchini on a fine grater, wring it out and apply it on a clean skin. It is advisable to take the procedure while lying, covering the mask on top with several layers of gauze. Harmful actions - 30 min. The composition is simple, but it improves tone and moisturizes the skin. The components of gourds will help in the fight against the "orange peel", but this is a separate issue.

Note: Since "zucchini" lose weight, there are special diets: squash mono-diet, diet of American astronauts, fasting days. All of these options can be used and gradually lose extra pounds.

The positive effect of the vegetable on the cardiovascular system is proved:

· Helps in the prevention of atherosclerosis,

· Strengthens vascular walls due to tartronic acid,

· Participates in the prevention and treatment of anemia, in the processes of hematopoiesis due to the high iron content.

Due to the diuretic and choleretic action, toxic substances (cholesterol, radionuclides) are eliminated from the body. Excessing salts from the body helps in the fight against arthritis.

The cleansing effect is possessed by pectins contained in the plant culture. Therefore, zucchini should be in the diet of people who work in hazardous industries or live in ecologically polluted regions. So the benefits of raw zucchini are obvious.

On a note: Pediatricians recommend introducing zucchini into the diet of young children (stewed). In young vegetables, there are enzymes that help in the absorption of proteins. Vitamins and minerals are involved in the growth and development of the baby. Zucchini has good digestibility.

Raw zucchini salads

All this is wonderful, but in what form do you eat raw zucchini? It is part of salads, but you need to use only young zucchini without seeds. It turns out a light, tasty and low-calorie dish. We offer you a sample of two easy-to-prepare salads.

Salad "From the garden"which is prepared simply and quickly. It contains no hard-to-reach components, the ingredients are literally torn off the garden beds. It consists of:

Zucchini - 400g,

Carrots and cucumbers - 200 g each,

Onions - 100g,

Sesame or linseed oil - 1 st. l

· Dill and parsley - to taste.

Next is the cooking process: grind a small zucchini, carrots and cucumbers with a grater. Cut the onion into ringlets and finely chop the dill and parsley. Components need to be mixed and seasoned with oil. A healthy vitamin salad is ready to eat.

Korean zucchini salad is an unusual and slightly spicy recipe, which includes:

Zucchini - 1 kg,

Carrots and peppers - 1 pc.,

Table vinegar and sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l

Coriander - 1 hour. l

· Ground red pepper - 0.5 tsp,

· Sugar and salt - to taste.

The salad is prepared simply: we cut the zucchini into slices, pepper into strips, chop the carrots on a grater. Mix vegetables and set for 20 minutes until juice appears. We are obsolete and add the remaining components according to the recipe. Add the oil to the salad and leave it in the refrigerator for some time so that the vegetables are saturated with spices.

You can choose a zucchini recipe that's right for you.

Raw zucchini: harmful properties for the body

When overeating, any product is harmful, and zucchini is no exception to the rule. Excessive consumption of raw zucchini is unhealthy. How is this manifested?

1. For people who are allergic to pumpkin, the use of both raw and boiled vegetables is contraindicated.

2. There may be problems with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, since it contains vitamin C.

3. It is undesirable to introduce this product into the diet for kidney diseases, since it has a diuretic effect. But here we need a consultation of doctors.

4. Do not use gourds on an empty stomach, as the vegetable has a laxative effect.

5. An unexpected reaction in the form of bloating, flatulence or diarrhea is possible.

6. Raw zucchini is harmful to children under 5 years old. It causes disruptions in the work of the stomach, while heartburn, vomiting, belching is possible.

In other cases, zucchini can be eaten for pleasure. They cause allergies extremely rarely. So the harm of raw zucchini is minimal.

Note: If you prefer zucchini fried, remember that zucchini absorbs oil. At the same time, its calorie content is significantly increased, which should be taken into account for people with a gastrointestinal tract and losing weight “on squash”.

As soon as summer comes and fresh vegetable starts to “peep” on beds from under huge leaves, do not miss the chance to eat tasty salads, become slim and improve your condition. Moreover, this representative of the pumpkin family is famous not only for its pleasant taste, but also for a good harvest.


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