Not sure how to treat acne on your face at home? Folk recipes for the treatment of acne on the face at home


The question "how to get rid of acne" is asked not only by adolescents, this problem can hook people of any age. Their unpleasant appearance is followed by the occurrence of physical suffering, since acne is accompanied by pain, itching, abscesses.

But in addition to this, complexes often develop in people suffering from a rash about their appearance. And then there is a desire to get rid of such troubles by any means. But such methods do not always help, and sometimes they can do harm.

Treat acne on the face at home: step by step instructions

Some people, exhausted by acne, buy the first eye-catching or well-advertised remedy in the pharmacy and begin to “treat” it. Such actions are often inconclusive. Why?

This is the wrong approach to solving the problem. The main thing to remember is personal hygiene. You should wipe your face several times a day, as well as rarely touch it with your hands.

The choice of face cleanser should be treated carefully. First of all, pay attention to the composition. So the designation on the label of such components as silicones, parabens should make you refuse to buy this product. For damaged skin, such components can play a trick: to cause irritation or aggravate the condition.

The most correct decision when choosing a cosmetic product will be to use products that make up natural components.

Step one

It is extremely important to find out the reasons why shelters appeared. If you can’t do it yourself, it’s best to contact a specialist.

Advice! Do not try to find out the cause of the rash on your own, because sometimes even a specialist does it with difficulty. Metabolic disorders, stress, medication, which subsequently decreased immunity and others. Often there may be more than one reason, then the treatment process becomes even more complicated if the second has been missed.

Possible causes of rashes on the face:

· adolescence. During puberty, the level of produced androgens increases, as a result of which a rash occurs;

· Hyperkeratosis (excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis). The cause of this disease can be intoxication, hormonal levels, vitamin deficiency;

Menstruation. Before the onset of menstruation, an increased release of steroid hormones occurs. The skin is subsequently oily, which causes rashes;

· Abuse of cosmetics, since in this case allergic rashes may occur;

· Improper nutrition, which leads to metabolic disorders. Do not abuse fatty, smoked, spicy, carbonated foods;

Gastrointestinal diseases;

· A sharp change in climate.

It is sometimes possible to determine the cause yourself if you pay attention to the place where acne appeared. So subsequently, hormonal failure, acne appears on the skin of the nose. Most often this happens in adolescence. If acne on the nose appears at an older age, this can occur due to a decrease in immunity or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Acne problems in the nose area indicate problems with the liver, excessive load on it. To change the situation, you should refuse food such as chips, crackers, hamburgers, canned food and the like.

Acne on the chin is a signal of reduced immunity.

And yet, the main cause of acne is our diet. With prolonged malnutrition, harmful substances accumulate in the body, and after a while new diseases appear in the body.

Second step

Knowing the reason, we can begin to fight not with acne, but with the cause of their appearance:

· If this is the case due to improper nutrition, you need to review the daily diet, eliminate harmful foods, add greens, fresh vegetables, fruits;

· In case of gastrointestinal upset or hormonal failure, independent treatment is excluded, in this case, you must consult a doctor;

If you have problems with the sebaceous glands, you need to contact a cosmetologist.

Third step

Only after treatment of the underlying disease has been started, it is possible to start treatment of acne at the Lyceum at home.

Fourth step

We discard the cosmetics that we used before, we leave only those created on a natural basis.

Fifth step

Self-cleaning face should be forgotten. Squeezing them in front of the mirror contributes to an even greater spread of inflammation.

Sixth step

We observe the rules of facial hygiene, which includes:

· Thorough hand washing;

· Rubbing the face with a napkin;

Washing twice a day, but not more often, since such actions, on the contrary, accompany an exacerbation of inflammatory processes;

· Do not use soap, replace it with soft foams.

If you follow all the steps in the instructions, the result will become noticeable over time.

Treat acne on the face at home: the best recipes

Rashes on the face, perhaps partly due to the environment, the products that we use. But these problems existed thousands of years ago, they effectively cured acne on the face at home, our ancestors. Folk recipes have not lost their strength since then. They were studied by doctors and they confirmed that the substances for them (and these are the simplest, but in the complex are very effective ingredients) are so carefully selected that they were used to create new cosmetics and medicines on a natural, natural basis. Further we will consider examples of such recipes.

Advice! Traditional medicine can cause allergies, so in order to avoid unpleasant surprises for the skin, before using a new tool, you need to conduct a sensitivity test, for this you need to apply a little mixture on the wrist.

Recipe 1. Aloe for Acne

This plant is recognized in medicine because it has an anti-inflammatory antimicrobial effect, so its juice is often included in the composition of the funds, whose action is aimed at combating acne and wrinkles. Using these drugs, you can significantly smooth out scars, relieve swelling and reduce redness, and heal acne at home.

The effect of this drug on the skin can be seen by applying it at home. To prepare the drug, aloe leaves should be cut off, washed, and refrigerated for 10-14 days. After that, squeeze the juice with gauze and wipe the affected skin with it.

You can also prepare a mixture of aloe juice with honey, milk in equal proportions. Such a mixture should be applied to the face for 20 minutes, rinse.

Recipe 2. We use aspirin tablets to treat skin

Acetylsalicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which can also be used in cosmetology. To prepare the mixture, aspirin should be crushed, add water, and preferably honey. It is necessary to lubricate only problem areas, it is not necessary to apply on the whole face, as well as on open wounds.

Recipe 3. Mask of baking soda and bran

To prepare the mask, grind one glass of rye bran in a meat grinder, then mix them with a teaspoon of baking soda. The prepared mixture is not enough for one mask, but in order to keep it until the next use, it is necessary to place it in a glass jar. Dilute part with water to form a not too thick slurry, apply it on the face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cold water, stirring a pinch of soda in it.

Advice! Very useful is the daily use of bran. This will help remove toxins from the body, which are often the cause of acne.

Recipe 4. Do not forget about the use of ice cubes for washing

Another good piece of advice for those who want to heal acne at home is to replace their morning wash with ice cubes. The advantages are that such a procedure helps to narrow the pores, in addition, thanks to medicinal herbs, it relieves inflammation.

To prepare them take:

St. John's wort Both dried and fresh - 2 tablespoons;

· Chamomile flowers - 2 tablespoons;

· Boiled water - 1 liter.

St. John's wort and chamomile are poured with boiling water, boiled on low heat for up to 10 minutes. After this, it should be insisted for 5 hours, poured into ice tins, placed in the freezer for freezing.


Watch the video: Folk medicine acne (July 2024).