Mannik on kefir: a classic step by step recipe. Delicate classic manic in the oven or slow cooker (step by step)


Prepare a delicious magnificent manic under the power of everyone. It will take a little time and the minimum set of products available in every home.

This cake will be a great treat for tea!

A step-by-step classic recipe for manna on kefir - general principles

We will need four main ingredients:

• Manka.

• Kefir - a fermented milk product must be fresh, without sourness. You can replace with natural yogurt, yogurt.

• Sugar.

• Eggs.

For splendor, put a little soda in the dough. It is not necessary to extinguish it with vinegar; kefir contains acid. First, semolina is soaked in kefir for some time before swelling, eggs are beaten separately with sugar, then both masses are mixed and the batter is kneaded by consistency resembling thick sour cream.

In addition, you can put cocoa, pieces of chocolate, berries, fruits, candied fruits, raisins, condensed milk, citrus zest in the dough. For flavor add vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom if desired.

The cooking time for a manna varies from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on whether the oven or multicooker is used, what size and diameter the shape, etc. To check the readiness of the cake is simple - stick any wooden skewer into the manna, if the stick is dry - ready, wet or with sticky dough - soak the cake again.

The finished product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, glazed. Often mannik is used as a biscuit for making cakes.

1. Mannik on kefir: a classic recipe step by step in the oven

Perhaps this is the easiest step by step recipe for manna, where there are no extra ingredients, everything is extremely simple and clear. Its advantage is also that you can adapt it to your taste, adding certain products, choosing a multicooker instead of the oven, varying the amount of sugar as desired.


• semolina - 200 grams;

• 250 ml of kefir of 20% fat content;

• 2 chicken eggs;

• sugar - half a glass.

As an additional ingredient, take 10 grams of soda, thanks to the soda mannik will turn out to be porous and will rise well when baking. It is permissible to replace soda with a baking cultivator. And also you will need a small piece of butter or margarine to lubricate the mold and about half a glass of powdered sugar to sprinkle the baked manna.

Cooking method:

1. First, turn on the oven so that it warms up to a temperature of 170 degrees. It is not necessary to set a higher temperature regime, otherwise the mannik will burn from above, but will not have time to bake inside.

2. Pour semolina into a deep bowl, pour in the kefir, stir well with a spoon until the lumps disappear, cover the container with a towel, set aside for a few minutes so that the semolina absorbs all the kefir.

3. In a separate bowl with a mixer, beat the eggs with granulated sugar until a firm foam.

4. Put beaten eggs with sugar into the swollen semolina, mix well until smooth.

5. Add soda to the resulting mass or pour baking powder for the dough, stir well again.

6. Take a detachable form or a baking sheet. The baking container must be deep, otherwise the dough may leak from the mold during baking. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, sprinkle with semolina (if there is no excess semolina, then sprinkle the mold with wheat flour).

7. Put the prepared dough, smooth the surface thoroughly with a plastic spatula.

8. Place the mold in a red-hot oven, bake the manniac a little more than half an hour. Do not open the oven when baking, because the manna can settle and lose its splendor.

9. After the allotted time, make sure by looking through the glass of the oven that the mannik is covered with a beautiful light brown crust. Open the oven, check the cake for readiness with a skewer.

10. Directly remove the manna from the mold while hot, carefully transfer it to a flat large plate, cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can also lubricate the manna with any jam or jam if desired.

11. When serving, cut mannik into portions, serve with tea or milk.

2. Mannik on kefir with candied fruit: a classic step-by-step recipe in a slow cooker

In this recipe you can use absolutely any candied fruit: kiwi, orange, berries, apricots. If desired, you can replace candied fruits with dried fruits, for example, raisins or dried apricots. If you decide to use dried fruits, then they must first be soaked, then, if necessary, cut into small pieces.


• semolina - 320 grams;

• medium fat kefir - half a liter;

• 320 grams of wheat flour;

• butter - half a pack;

• three chicken eggs;

• sugar - 400 grams;

• three handfuls of candied fruit.

To give the manna a special flavor, take another small pack of vanillin. And so that the manna turns out friable and magnificent, do not forget to cook ten grams of soda or a baking powder for the test.

Cooking method:

1. Pour kefir into a large container, add soda, mix.

2. Soak semolina in kefir, leave it for a few minutes to swell.

3. In another clean, deep bowl, break the eggs, add granulated sugar, vanilla and beat with a mixer until a firm, lush foam.

4. Put a little butter in a small plate and melt it in the microwave.

5. Cool the melted butter, put into the semolina swollen in kefir, add beaten eggs, stir well with a spoon.

6. Pour the flour in small portions into the prepared mass, but only before that, be sure to sift it through a sieve so that the flour is enriched with oxygen, mix thoroughly to a gentle, thick mass.

7. Add candied fruits to the resulting medium density dough. If the candied fruits are very large, then cut them into several small pieces before adding, and if they are small, lay them whole. Mix well again.

8. In the multicooker, set the "baking" mode, heat it to a temperature of 170 degrees.

9. Grease the multicooker capacity with oil, sprinkle with semolina and lay out the dough, smooth the surface with a plastic spatula.

10. Set the multicooker to 70 minutes, close the lid and bake until a beep sounds.

11. After the beep, gently open the multicooker lid, remove the manic from the container, put it on the metal grill to cool.

12. If desired, you can coat the finished cake with jam, jam or sprinkle with powdered sugar. When serving, cut the manic into portion pieces, serve with tea.

3. Mannik on kefir: a classic step by step recipe with banana and condensed milk

This recipe differs from the previous ones in that here manic is used as the basis for the preparation of a cake with a filling of banana and condensed milk. You can replace the filling with any other to your liking. Mannick goes well with melted chocolate, protein cream, canned peaches, and various nuts.


• 300 grams of semolina;

• kefir of 20% fat content - 350 ml;

• wheat flour - 15 tablespoons;

• sugar - 7 large spoons;

• condensed milk - one jar;

• butter - 150 grams;

• soda;

• three medium bananas.

Cooking method:

1. Mannik according to this recipe will be baked in the oven, so first turn it on so that it is heated to the desired temperature (170-180 degrees).

2. As in previous recipes, mix semolina with kefir, pour in granulated sugar, mix, cover with a clean cloth and let the semolina swell for several minutes.

3. In a dry clean pan, melt a little butter, cool.

4. Pour the cooled butter into a well-swollen semolina.

5. Mix the sifted flour with baking soda, pour the mass into the semolina with kefir and butter, mix well with a spoon until a homogeneous, thick consistency is obtained.

6. Prepare a deep baking dish: grease it with butter and sprinkle with semolina or flour. It is most convenient to use a detachable form, so it is much easier to take out finished baked goods.

7. Place the pan in a hot oven and bake a little more than half an hour.

8. When the mannik is covered with a light brown crust, open the oven, prick the mannik with a thin wooden stick, if the stick is dry, the mannik is ready.

9. Remove the baked mannik from the mold, put on a metal wire rack, cool.

10. Cut the manna lengthwise into two identical cakes.

11. Pour the condensed milk onto the cakes and spread well with a plastic spatula.

12. Peel the bananas, cut them into circles. Lay the bananas on one cake, cover with a second cake, squeeze firmly, lay on a flat plate and leave to soak for half an hour.

13. From above, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

14. When serving, cut the manna into small pieces, serve with tea or coffee.

A step-by-step classic recipe for manna on kefir - tricks and useful tips

• If you like a “grainy” cake, so to speak with a light crunch, do not soak the semolina in kefir for too long, 20-30 minutes will be enough.

• Manka will swell faster if you do not put it in cold kefir. Remove the fermented milk product from the refrigerator in advance.

• Mannik is easily removed from the mold if it is greased with butter or sprinkled with semolina and flour before baking.

• If you decide to put dried fruits in the dough, do not forget to pre-soak and dry them.

• If you are not allergic to honey, you can replace part of the sugar with it. He will give the manna a beautiful golden brown color, ennoble his taste.

• Did the dough turn out liquidy? Sprinkle some flour, the same semolina, or ground oat or corn flakes.


Watch the video: Бесподобный Заливной МАННИК На Кефире! Рассыпчатый и Мега Ароматный! GOLDEN MANNIK On Kefir! (June 2024).