Salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise is always a topical vitamin appetizer. The best salad recipes with cucumbers and mayonnaise


In the season of fresh vegetables, we can afford to eat varied, tasty, with good. Perhaps the favorite of the most often purchased vegetable is cucumbers: they are inexpensive, they make excellent snacks and salads.

And if you are a little fed up with a traditional salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, do not miss the moment of available products, it is better to add new dishes to the collection of your recipes, for example, a variety of salads with cucumbers and mayonnaise and other ingredients.

Salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise - general principles

To a greater extent, this salad is designed for everyday dining. But, other components added to the dish: tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, meat, cheese, mushrooms, eggs, will make the dish worthy of any special occasion. A salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise will also be on a picnic.

The cooking process itself is non-cheater: cucumbers are thoroughly washed, cleaned. This is an important point: if you bought greenhouse vegetables or country vegetables, are confident in the quality and youth of the fruit, then it is better to leave the peel - it contains a storehouse of vitamins. Cucumbers purchased in stores must be soaked for some time in cold water, and then peeled - so you will save the vegetables from nitrates.

Next, cut the cucumbers. It will not be superfluous to try vegetables before cutting, it happens that one cucumber with bitterness gets into the salad, which eventually spoils the whole dish. Depending on the recipe, cucumbers are cut into slices, slices, crescent, and straws. But they do not recommend rubbing the vegetable: the grated cucumber loses its inherent taste, crunch and freshness.

Mayonnaise can be used both store and home. When purchasing this component, carefully read the composition, it should not contain a variety of preservatives, dyes, thickeners and other "chemistry". The benefits of fresh cucumber salad and artificial mayonnaise are dubious. It’s better to cook mayonnaise yourself, the more complicated there is nothing: beat well enough, stir and insist on a minimum of ingredients: eggs, vegetable oil, a little sugar and salt, any acid (lemon juice, vinegar) and to taste mustard, herbs, herbs or other optional components.

1. Salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise "Capercaillie nest"


• 2 chicken legs;

• half a dozen eggs;

• 5 medium potato tubers;

• onion head;

• fresh cucumbers - 250 grams;

• dill, parsley - half a bunch;

• 15 grams of salt;

• 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• half a glass of vegetable oil;

• quail eggs - 4 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Put hot legs in hot salted water and cook until tender. Cool, separate the meat from the bones. Grind the meat.

2. Onion cut into crumbs and soak in hot water for five minutes so as not to bitter. Drain the water, wash the onion.

3. Peel the potatoes, grate for Korean carrots, fry in small portions in a pan with sunflower oil (pour the oil so that it completely hides the potatoes) until golden.

4. Wash the cucumbers, if necessary, peel the peel, cut into strips.

5. Boil hard-boiled eggs, separate the yolks from the proteins.

6. Three squirrels on a grater with small teeth.

7. Dill, my parsley, finely chopped.

8. A small portion of fried potatoes is mixed with cucumbers, chicken, proteins, onions, slightly salted, mixed with mayonnaise.

9. Put the finished salad in a salad bowl, sprinkle with herbs, make a small hole and put the remaining fried potatoes around this hole. And we put boiled quail eggs in the hole itself (in the absence of quail eggs, egg yolks can be put in the hole).

2. Salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise with tomatoes


• 2 cucumbers;

• 3 fresh tomatoes;

• 50 grams of mayonnaise;

• onion head;

• dill greens - half a bunch;

• a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Wash tomatoes and cucumbers with a dry, clean cloth.

2. Cucumbers cut in half circles, tomatoes - slices. We clean the onion, wash it, cut it with the thinnest straws.

3. Dill, chop.

4. We mix all the vegetables, add dill, add mayonnaise, mix well again, add salt to taste.

5. Put the salad in a portioned deep plate, serve.

3. Salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise with eggs


• cucumbers, eggs - 2 pieces each;

• parsley, dill - on the floor of the bunch;

• salad greens - three leaves;

• a pinch of salt;

• 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Washed and dried cucumbers, cut into half circles.

2. Hard-boiled eggs in slightly salty water, cool in cold water.

3. The washed and dried lettuce leaves are cut into thin strips. Salad can be replaced with delicate Beijing cabbage.

4. My parsley, finely chopped.

5. Eggs are peeled, chopped.

6. In a deep cup, mix cucumbers, eggs, parsley, lettuce leaves, slightly add salt, mix with mayonnaise and sour cream.

7. When serving, put in a salad bowl, decorate with sprigs of dill.

4. Salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise with canned green peas


• cucumbers, eggs - 2 pieces each;

• canned peas - half a jar;

• parsley - half a bunch;

• green onions - 3 stalks;

• mayonnaise - 40 grams;

• 15 grams of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Green onions, parsley, cucumbers, rinse with slightly warm water, wipe dry with a towel.

2. Onion cut into the thinnest rings, finely chop the parsley, cut the cucumbers with an average cube or thin strips.

3. Boiled and chilled eggs finely cut with a knife.

4. Open a jar of green peas, drain the liquid, put a half jar of peas in a deep cup, add cucumbers, eggs, all the greens, mix with mayonnaise, slightly add salt.

5. Put in a salad bowl and serve.

5. Salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise with chicken ham


• chicken ham without fat - a small piece;

• one cucumber;

• three eggs;

• a slice of Dutch cheese;

• sweet pepper pod;

• 5 sprigs of parsley;

• sour cream - 40 grams;

• mayonnaise - 30 grams;

• a pinch of salt;

• grain mustard - 30 grams.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the dressing: boil hard-boiled eggs, cool in cold water. In a small cup, mix mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, one egg yolk chopped on a grater, add salt, put in the refrigerator for several minutes to insist.

2. Wash the sweet pepper, take out the seeds, cut into two halves, wash the cucumber.

3. We cut ham in small cubes, one half of sweet pepper and cucumber - in thin strips, three egg whites and 2 yolks, three cheese on a grater.

4. All prepared ingredients are divided into five equal parts.

5. Lay out five identical slides on a flat dish, consisting of ham, mayonnaise in the form of a net, cucumber, eggs, sweet pepper, cheese.

6. All the laid-out slides from the products are sprinkled with finely chopped parsley, on the surface we put one tablespoon of cooked and infused dressing.

7. When serving on each serving plate, lay out the salad with a wooden spatula.

6. Salad with stewed cucumbers and mayonnaise


• fresh cucumbers - 9 pieces;

• eggs - 4 pieces;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• black pepper powder, salt - a pinch;

• dill - five branches;

• mayonnaise - 1 cup;

• sunflower seeds - two handfuls.

Cooking method:

1. Wash fresh cucumbers, wipe dry, peel.

2. Cut the cucumbers into two halves, take out the pulp with seeds.

3. Put the cucumber pulp with seeds on a sieve so that the juice escapes (we set aside the juice, it will still come in handy).

4. The peeled halves of the cucumbers are cut into strips about one centimeter thick.

5. Put the cucumbers on a frying pan with sunflower oil and simmer for several minutes, add a little salt and pepper.

6. Pour cucumber juice into the pan into the cucumbers and simmer for another fifteen minutes.

7. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool, cut into four parts.

8. Remove the cucumbers from the heat, cool and drain the liquid.

9. Put the stewed cucumbers and eggs in a deep salad bowl.

10. For the sauce, three sprigs of green dill are washed, dried on paper towels, finely chopped. In a small cup, mix mayonnaise, dill, a small amount of cucumber juice, add salt, pepper, stir well.

11. In a dry frying pan, fry the peeled seeds until golden brown.

12. Pour the cooked salad with sauce, sprinkle with roasted seeds on top and spread the dill branches beautifully.

Salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise - tricks and tips

• Everything that can be consumed fresh is put in a salad without being subjected to heat treatment, while other products must first be boiled, fried or baked.

• Add spices and salt to the dish, if it is not a layered salad, it is better just before serving so that the salad does not leak.

• Mayonnaise dressing can be tastier if you add chopped greens, crushed nuts, and spices to the mayonnaise.

• The greens lying in the refrigerator will look fresher and juicier if they are released into ice-cold water for 10-20 minutes before being sliced.

• Onions are very bitter, which can ruin the delicate taste of the salad? Pour boiling water over it, the bitterness will go away.

• If the salad contains ordinary white cabbage, it is more convenient to chop it with a special knife, but Beijing cabbage along with salad leaves is recommended to be torn by hand.

• A salad with cucumbers and mayonnaise is good because you can safely experiment by adding various ingredients, replacing one product with another, etc. Put herbs, spices, dried fruits, nuts, spices - all this will only improve the taste of your salad. Enjoy your meal.


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