How do vitamins in apples affect the health of adults and children? All about the content of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in the apple


The main feature of apples is that there are practically no allergic reactions to this fruit. Therefore, apples are recommended for babies as the first fruit-based complementary foods. In addition to hypoallergenic properties, the fruit is rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of the baby.

Apples are extremely useful for adults as well, as a source of pectins, fiber, and carotenes. Micro and macro elements and vitamins in the apple contribute to maintaining health, and help to cope with some diseases.

Why pectin and carotene are useful

Natural pectin contained in apples has the following effects on the body:

• stimulates metabolic processes;

• removes bad cholesterol, salts of heavy metals, toxins and toxins from the body;

• improves blood composition;

• maintains a balance of microflora of the digestive organs;

• breaks down fats.

Carotene, as a fat-soluble vitamin in an apple, is a powerful antioxidant that can resist the development of cancer pathologies and premature aging of the body. In addition, it has properties such as:

• prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases;

• skin protection from sunburn;

• maintaining eye health and normal vision;

• regeneration of the epidermis and mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Vitamins in an apple and their action

The rich vitamin composition in apples is represented by the following representatives:

• thiamine or vitamin B1. At the cellular level, it is involved in lipid and protein metabolism. It activates the activity of the brain, strengthens the nervous system;

• vitamin B2 or riboflavin. It synthesizes nerve cells, is responsible for the production of the right amount of hormones by the adrenal glands. Performs a protective function of the respiratory system from the effects of a polluted environment;

• pantothenic acid - vitamin B5. It takes an active part in recovery processes. Stimulates energy production, prevents cell aging;

• Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Regulates cardiac activity. Due to the presence of this vitamin in the apple, almost all processes associated with nervous loads are normalized, memory improves, anxiety and nervousness decrease;

• folic acid or vitamin B9. Responsible for the psychological state of a person. Participates in the process of transmitting hereditary information. Promotes healthy sleep, proper heart function and the immune system. Normalizes digestion. The presence of this vitamin in the body provides stress resistance. B9 itself helps the assimilation of all other B-group vitamins;

• ascorbic acid or vitamin C. It neutralizes the oxidative effect, as it is a strong antioxidant. Activates defenses to eliminate viruses and infections. Helps strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, fights aging processes, participates in regenerative processes;

• vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). Breaks down all nutrients (fats, proteins, carbohydrates). It improves blood supply to organs and systems, lowers cholesterol. Promotes activation of mental processes, dilates blood vessels;

• phylloquinone (vitamin K). It removes toxic substances from the body. Regulates the amount of sugar in the blood. Helps the regeneration of tissues and cells. The presence of this vitamin in an apple allows you to increase tone and slow down aging;

• Vitamin E or tocopherol acetate. It supports the stable functioning of the endocrine system. Responsible for the health of the reproductive system. Increases body stamina and immunity. It is necessary during pregnancy to maintain the health of the unborn child.

Vitamins in an apple. Content per 100 grams of product

A 0.005

B1 0.03

B2 0.02

B5 0.07

B6 0.08

B9 0.002

From 10

E 0.002

K 0.002

PP 0.3

The minerals that make up the apple

In addition to vitamins, an apple contains almost all the minerals necessary for the vital functions of the body. Such a vitamin-mineral composition supports the functioning of organs and systems even with just one apple a day.

• potassium. This substance is presented in apple in large quantities - about 280 mg per 100 grams of product. Potassium is indispensable for the normal functioning of the heart muscle, nerves and blood vessels;

• calcium. The main element of bone health. It is a powerful antihistamine. It is responsible for the healthy appearance of hair, nails. Protects teeth from decay. On 100 gr. apples account for about 17 mg of calcium;

• iron. One of the main elements of hemoglobin. Strengthens the immune system, provides the growth and development of cells and tissues of the body. An apple contains approximately 3 mg per 100 g.

• zinc. Responsible for the health of the reproductive system (lack of mineral provokes infertility). Forms a normal hormonal background. In men, erectile function and libido depend on the amount of zinc in the body. The content of the element is 0.15 mg in one hundred grams:

• phosphorus. It activates the activity of the brain and neuropsychological processes. It is a natural energetic. In 100 gr. an apple contains 11 mg of the substance;

• magnesium. It contributes to the proper functioning of the heart muscle, synthesizes protein, and is actively involved in the hormonal processes of the body. The apple content is 9 mg;

• sulfur. It is part of insulin, which is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Sulfur supports vascular elasticity, cartilage and joint health. About 5 mg per 100 g. apples

• iodine. Affects the normal functionality of the thyroid gland, and the production of its hormones. Helps the proper balanced development of mental and physical development. Tones up the body's defenses.

In addition to useful minerals and vitamins, carbohydrates are present in the apple: glucose, sucrose, fructose. Amino acids: argenin, leucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, alanine, glutomic acid, tyrosine and unsaturated fatty acids.

Energy characteristic of apple nutrients

Apple is not on the high-calorie foods list. Energy characteristic - about 48 kcal per hundred grams of the product. This fruit is very popular in nutrition. In the absence of contraindications, the apple is recommended in almost all modes and diets to combat excess weight. Unloading days based on apples and apple juice are considered common among women. The latter is recommended to be diluted with water due to the high concentration of acids.

The nutrient content in the apple per 100 grams

Fat 0.4 gr.

Protein 0.4 gr.

Carbohydrates 9.8 gr.

Dietary fiber 1.8 gr.

The main contraindications for eating apples

Fruits are not recommended for eating at night, as well as on an empty stomach. Among the diseases in which the use of apples should be limited, gastritis, increased gas formation, pancreatitis and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. With urolithiasis, apples are advised to eat in the form of mashed potatoes or compote. Caution should be exercised with fruit seeds. They are contraindicated in the presence of diabetes.

Apples are usually consumed not only fresh as a snack. Pies, strudel, soaked and baked apples, dried fruit compote - all these are delicious and healthy dishes that help to cheer you up and improve your health.


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